Thursday, September 17, 2009

Here Comes THE JUDGE Rosh Hashanna, Prayers, Halacha, Stories

Please say tehillim for Yitzchak Moshe ben Shoshana

a 20 year old just diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Arnon Yosef ben Aviva
sudden swelling of the brain. Eden Bas Sarah, is doing B"H fine, and home.

Rosh Hashana Special Remember us unto life and inscribe us in the book of life: presents. HERE COMES THE JUDGE

On Friday, I picked up from Ganei Modiin a hitchhiker to the Modiin Illit area. On the way out of the area towards the highway, he said to me, “I hear you got a big law case and judgement next week.” I replied, “I think that you are mistaken.” He said, “Next Shabbos after sundown.” I was thinking of a secular law case. He was thinking of a spiritual law case. He went so far as to tell me that he has a case pending before the Beis Din HaGadol in the Rabbinute on Hey B’ Elul and his knees buckled when he heard that. It is funny one case is monetary and money comes and goes according to HIS WILL while a flesh and blood Judge makes a person scared. Just because I felt fine when my heart went into Fibrillation and could do my exercises without any problem I was unaware of the danger of blood clots possibly forming and creeping into nasty places that could endanger my life. So too the Judgement of Rosh Hashana!

I believe this story was told originally by Rav Chaim Soleveichik Zatzal and passed on to Rav Yerachmiel Boyer Shlita to me. There was a man who wanted to be smuggled with his family out of a country (Possibly Russia with the drafting of Jewish boys into the army of the Czar). So he paid a handsome sum of money to a person who smuggled in and out goods to cross the border. The person knew well the routine of the King’s soldiers and was calm most of the journey while the man and his family were scared. As they approached the border, the smuggler also felt his heart beat in anticipation. Who was not worried about the whole journey in the wagon? The horses were themselves as usual trotting slowly near the border. Rav Boyer then asked our Kollel, “Are you the horses? Rosh Hashana is approaching!” I take a look around me in my little world from Modiin to Modiin Illit. In the Kollel the fellows learning Torah are brushing up on Repentance, Prayer and Charity and as I go over into Modiin, the housewives are busying shopping for meal preparations in the supermarket and some people even heading to Judaica stores or clothing shops for something for the Chag. However, my non-religious friends working out with me in the gym are going along as usual. Some will go to Synagogues at least for Yom Kippur Kol Nidre and Yizchor. While others are like the horses in the story above, so my question is: Where are you?

Rosh Hashana we have the famed prayer of Rav Amnon who died on Kiddush HASHEM. Last year I published the prayer which is the height of Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur right before Kedusha (Holy-holy-holy is the L-RD of Hosts …) A repeat from last year along with the statement releasing us from our vows a pre-Kol Nidre Ceremony even through the Kol Nidre Ceremony is sufficient – it is a custom in many Orthodox Communities especially among the very G-D fearing to do the full Beis Din Ceremony.

“Let Us Tell How Utterly Holy This Day Is”

The Full Text

(Scanned from the ArtScroll Rosh HaShanah Machzor by the OU)

The following is the full translated text of the great prayer, “U’Netaneh Tokef,” attributed to Rabbi Amnon of Mainz, as related to Rabbi Klonimus ben Meshullam


Congregation and chazzan:

So now, the Kedushah prayer shall ascend to You, for You, our God, are King.

Congregation and chazzan:

Let us now relate the power of this day’s holiness, for it is awesome and frightening. On it Your Kingship will be exalted; Your throne will be firmed with kindness and You will sit upon it in truth. It is true that You alone are the One Who judges, proves, knows, and bears witness; Who writes and seats, (counts and calculates); Who remembers all that was forgotten. You will open the Book of Chronicles – it will read itself, and everyone’s signature is in it. The great shofar will be sounded and a still, thin sound will be heard. Angels will hasten, a trembling and terror will seize them – and they will say, ‘Behold, it is the Day of Judgment, to muster the heavenly host for judgment!’- for they cannot be vindicated in Your eyes in judgment.


All mankind will pass before You like members of the flock. Like a shepherd pasturing his flock, making sheep pass under his staff, so shall You cause to pass, count, calculate, and consider the soul of all the living; and You shall apportion the fixed needs of all Your creatures and inscribe their verdict.

Congregation then chazzan [in some congregations this is recited only by the chazzan]:

On Rosh Hashanah will be inscribed and on Yom Kippur will be sealed how many will pass from the earth and how many will be created; who will live and who will die; who will die at his predestined time and who before his time; who by water and who by fire, who by sword, who by beast, who by famine, who by thirst, who by storm, who by plague, who by strangulation, and who by stoning. Who will rest and who will wander, who will live in harmony and who will be harried, who will enjoy tranquillity and who will suffer, who will be impoverished and who will be enriched, who will be degraded and who will be exalted.

Congregation aloud, then chazzan:


Remove the Evil of the Decree!

Congregation and chazzan:

For Your Name signifies Your praise: hard to anger and easy to appease, for You do not wish the death of one deserving death, but that he repent from his way and live. Until the day of his death You await him; if he repents You will accept him immediately.


It is true that You are their Creator and You know their inclination, for they are flesh and blood. A man’s origin is from dust and his destiny is back to dust, at risk of his life he earns his bread; he is likened to a broken shard, withering grass, a fading flower, a passing shade, a dissipating cloud, a blowing wind, flying dust, and a fleeting dream.

Congregation aloud, then chazzan:

But You are the King, the Living and Enduring G-d.

THE ARK IS CLOSED Congregation then chazzan:

There is no set span to Your years and there is no end to the length of Your days. It is impossible to estimate the angelic chariots of Your glory and to elucidate Your Name’s inscrutability. Your Name is worthy of You and You are worthy of Your Name, and You have included Your Name in our name.

Of Vows
(based on ArtScroll Siddur)

The Torah permits people to accept upon themselves personal obligations and prohibitions. Once made, these vows (or oaths) must be kept. There are two commandments in the Torah making it obligatory to keep such vows. The Torah, however, also provided a way to release oneself from a vow. By going to a Beit Din, a court of three knowledgeable individuals, the vow can be annulled. The annulment takes place based on the decision of the court that the vow was made based on a false impression.

The prevalent custom is to convene a Beit Din after prayer services on the day before Rosh Hashanah, but, if it is forgotten or impossible for some reason, also during the days between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, to nullify any vows one may have made during the year. Though this Beit Din is not meant for any actual annulment of specific vows where a real competent halachic authority should be consulted, it nonetheless represents a means of repentance from the sin of having abused vows and a nullification of any future vows made unintentionally.

The three ‘judges’ sit while the petitioner seeking annulment stands before them and makes a formal request for nullification.

Annulment of Vows Dialogue
(based on ArtScroll Siddur)

The following text is lengthy, quite technical and detailed. It is based on Talmudic concepts, and is constructed, in Jewish “legalese,” to cover all relevant topics. The petitioner begins by addressing the Beit Din as follows:

Petitioner’s Statement

Listen, please, my masters, expert judges – every vow or oath or prohibition, or prohibition that I adopted by use of the slang term ‘konam’ or the term ‘cherem’; that I vowed or swore while I was awake or in a dream; or that I swore by means of God’s Holy Names that it is forbidden to erase or by means of the Name HASHEM (“HASHEM” is not the Name of G-d that is actually mentioned here), Blessed is He; or any form of nazirism (see “NAZIR” in Glossary) that I accepted upon myself, except the nazirism of Samson [which does not include a prohibition against contact with the dead]; or any prohibition, even a prohibition to derive enjoyment that I imposed upon myself or upon others by means of any expression of prohibition, whether by specifying the term ‘prohibition’ or by use of the terms ‘konam’ or ‘cherem’; or any commitment – even to perform a mitzvah – that I accepted upon myself, whether the acceptance was in terms of a vow, a voluntary gift, an oath, nazirism, or by means of any other sort of expression, or whether it was made final through a handshake; any form of vow or voluntary gift, or any custom that constitutes a good deed to which I have accustomed myself; and any utterance that escaped my mouth or that I vowed in my heart to perform any of the various optional good deeds, or good practices, or any good thing that I have performed three times but without specifying that the practice does not have the force of a vow; whether the thing l did related to myself or to others; both regarding vows that are known to me and those that I have already forgotten – regarding all of them I regret retroactively and I ask and request of your eminences an annulment of them. [My reason is that] I am fearful that I will stumble and become entrapped, Heaven forbid, in the sin of vows, oaths, nazirism, cherems, prohibitions, konams, and [violation of agreements].

I do not regret, Heaven forbid, the performance of the good deeds I have done, rather I regret only having accepted them upon myself with an expression of a vow or oath or nazirism or prohibition or cherem or konam or agreement or acceptance in my heart, and I regret not having said, ‘Behold I do this without [adopting it in terms of] a vow, oath, nazirism, cherem, prohibition, konam, or acceptance in my heart.

Therefore, I request annulment for them all. I regret all the aforementioned, whether they were matters relating to money, or whether they were matters relating to the body or whether they were matters relating to the soul. Regarding them all, I regret the terminology of vow, oath, nazirism, prohibition, cherem, konam and acceptance in the heart. Now behold, according to the law, one who regrets and seeks annulment must specify the vow, but please be informed, my masters, that it is impossible to specify them because they are many. Nor do I seek annulment of those vows that cannot be annulled, therefore may you consider as if I had specified them.

The judges repeat three times:

May everything be permitted you, may everything be forgiven you, may everything be allowed you. There does not exist any vow, oath, nazirism, cherem, prohibition, konam, ostracism, excommunication, or curse. But there does exist pardon, forgiveness, and atonement. And just as the earthly court permits them, so may they be permitted in the Heavenly Court.

The petitioner makes the following declarartion:

Behold, I make formal declaration before you and I cancel from this time onward all vows and all oaths, nazirism, prohibitions, konams, cherems, agreements, and acceptances of the heart that I myself will accept upon myself, whether while I am awake or in a dream, except for vows to fast that I undertake during Minchah. In case I forget the conditions of this declaration and I make a vow from this day onward, from this moment I retroactively regret them and declare of them that they are all totally null and void, without effect and without validity, and they shall not take effect at all. Regarding them all, I regret them from this time and forever.


Various customs on Rosh Hashanah:

Last week, I said that I don’t use fire and brimstone scare tactics so why the above prayer? This is not a scare tactic just like heaven forbid an Iranian Nuclear Bomb, I am telling it like it is. Who will become strong or who will become weak is not part of the prayer but on June 25th something like vav Tammuz – I got the fibrillations that I had ignored the day before because I had just been doing aerobics that day and not weights. We all get wake up calls from G-D – the question is how to respond to these calls and warnings. One day a lion hearted and the next day a pussy cat hearted. It is that simple. When we see what is going on in the world forget for a minute about Israel, but the guardians of the USA – the Legislative and Expectative Branches bankrupting the country and ruining the future you must know that we are at the end of days. If the USA falls, it will pull down both eastern and western Europe with it, Brazil, China and India too was the global economy house of cards collapses. So on whom can we trust? The answer is OUR FATHER OUR KING! Thinking positive, the Novi says that G-D takes no please in the death of a non-observant person. G-D wants the person to follow the Torah and Commandments and live. As we say in Hebrew: “Chai b’chem v’lo lamut” (live by the Mitzvos and not die). So the prayer above does start with earthquakes, famine, thirst, dangerous beasts, sword, etc. but gives everybody a way out repentance, prayer and charity to avoid the evil decree. It is a free for all this week everybody is being judged – I have enough trouble trying to justify before G-D my own existence so you will have to fend for your own.

Just before Judgement Day this story shook up the very foundation of every Israeli home. When Ilan Ramon died, Rona was told to be strong. The poor widow/bereaved mother is besides herself. "I can no longer be strong." Nobody can understand 'Why' but the ways of G-D are straight and just!:,7340,L-3776217,00.html

If I was in Gan Eden I would not trust this 400 lb, 18 foot long Python:|htmlws-main|dl1|link5|

Quote of the week: I took out a dollar the other day before sending it to the IRS for my 1040 estimated taxes to fund all the corruption. On the Dollar was written "IN G-D WE TRUST" - I can't trust big government that's for sure. – R’ Rachamim Pauli


This year, because of Shabbat, Tashlich is said on the 2nd day of Rosh Hashana. After Mincha (afternoon prayers) on the second day of Rosh Hashanah, the Minchag is to walk to a river to say Tashlich; verses about Hashem's willingness to forgive those who repent. Preferably the river should have fish and be outside the city. If this is impractical one can even use a well which doesn't flow and is without fish. One then symbolically shakes out ones pockets as a reminder to shake off ones sins and to start the new year with a fresh attitude towards Mitzvoth. (Feeding the fish is forbidden according to many Halachic authorities.) After Tashlich one should go to Schul and spend the rest of the time before Maariv (evening prayers) learning Torah, Mussar or saying Tehillim.
Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 129:21, 22

The Torah commanded us to blow the Shofar on Rosh Hashana - even if it's Shabbat! However, the Rabbis decreed that one not blow the Shofar on Shabbat out of fear that somebody may transgress the Shabbat by carrying the Shofar outside, in a city that does not have an Eruv. Therefore this year we will only hear the Shofar on the second day of Rosh Hashana - next Sunday. Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 129:23

I found this in my in box so I may not have posted this: On Sukkoth there's a Mitzvah to shake the four species; a Lulav, 3 Haddasim, 2 Aravot and an Esrog. The Torah commands us to shake the four species on all 7 days of Sukkoth in the Bet Hamikdash (Holy Temple), and on the first day of Sukkoth everywhere else.
After the Bet Hamikdash was destroyed, the Rabbis instituted shaking the four species during the entire Sukkoth, Zecher L'Mikdash; in memory of the Temple.
One does not shake the four species on Shabbat. The Lulav is a palm branch that is still closed. Once the leaves start fanning out, it's no longer a Lulav. A Lulav has a spine from which the leaves protrude; this spine needs to be facing you when you shake the four species. The Lulav spine should be straight, a slight curvature towards you is allowed. The Lulav spine must be at least 4 Tefachim (32 cm - 13") long. This is measured from the bottom of the lowest "leaf" to the bottom of the highest "leaf". Each "leaf" is made of 2 parts that are connected (and will eventually open up into a V-shaped palm leaf). If these double-leaves start separating then the Lulav may no longer be Kosher. Special care should be taken that the highest leaves remain coupled. Source: Shulchan Aruch 645.

The blast of the Shofar should remind us to awaken from our spiritual slumber and start taking our Torah study and Mitzvah observance seriously. Hearing the Shofar being blown on Rosh Hashanah is a Torah commandment! This crucial detail should not be forgotten when reflecting on the various symbolic reasons given for Shofar blowing. One should not talk after hearing the Bracha on the Shofar until after hearing 100 blasts from the Shofar so as not to interrupt between the Bracha and fulfilling the Mitzvah as prescribed by Chazal. This means not talking until after Mussaf. (As a general rule one shouldn't ever talk during prayer services. On Rosh Hashanah there's another reason why not to so.) At a minimum one should be careful not to talk after the Bracha until hearing the first set of 30 Shofar blasts. Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 129:15 The custom in Israel for the male population not to talk at all for the whole Mussaf Prayer until the last Kaddish.

One is permitted to correct a mistake in the prayers and in the case of Pekuach Nefesh – “call 911” or in Israel101”. Otherwise one should view himself as being on trial for life or death and why botch things up.

At the Rosh Hashanah evening meal it's customary to eat foods that symbolize a Good New Year. The bread from Motzi is dipped in honey and after eating it the Yehi Ratzon is said praying for a sweet new year. יהי רצון שתחדש עלינו שנה טובה ומתוקה
Then one dips an apple in honey, says the Bracha on the apple ("Borei Pri HaEtz") and eats some. One then says the Yehi Ratzon again.
There are various other foods that are eaten with their appropriate Yehi Ratzon; one may even add new ones.
One tries to have only sweet items on the menu; no food cooked in vinegar, for example. The custom is to not eat nuts.
One should remember to learn some Torah at the Yom Tov meals; some learn a chapter of Mishna-Rosh-Hashanah, which has 4 chapters; one for each meal.
Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 129:9
People have various customs to eat Dates, Pomegranates, Beets or Beet Leaves, Gourd or Squash, stalks of Black-eyed Peas or Carrots, Leek, Fish heads or plain fish, Tongue instead of fish heads or plain meat. I eat Tongue and add that it should be a year of guarding ones tongue from deceit, falsehood, gossip, etc. aka Lashon Hara. The various Machzorim for the holiday have all sorts of things to say with the various foods.

A main theme of Rosh Hashanah is Hashem's reign over the entire world. This sovereignty is displayed by His ability to judge the world. As a result, from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur is over, we replace "G-d" with "King" in various places in davening (prayers).

1. The ending of the 3rd Bracha of the Amida changes to HaMelech HaKadosh. If you forget, you have to restart the Amida, unless you caught yourself immediately. (Immediately means: you didn't yet have time to say 3 words.) If you're not sure what you said, you also have to restart the Amida.

2. The end of the 11th Bracha in the weekday Amida changes to HaMelech HaMishpat. If you forget or are not sure what you said then you continue. No correction is needed.

3. Friday night during the "Magen Avot" we replace "HakEl HaKodesh" with HaMelech HaKadosh. If you forget, no correction is needed.

From Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur is over we add four phrases to the Amida. If you forget after concluding that Bracha, no correction is needed. Until saying "Baruch Ata" you should make amends. Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 129:3, 4 5
Ktiva Vechatima Tova; wishing you a sweet and healthy year – Danny

The man who forgave an Anti-Semite thanks to Stephanie K.

The blackboard brush didn’t hit me, but it was close. It crashed through the large window behind me. I got up. No one in the classroom said a word. The teacher, who taught us Latin and Greek, had thrown the eraser at me. And he knew he was in trouble.

Several weeks earlier, I had decided to ride my bicycle to school on Saturday morning, but I refrained from turning on my headlight in the early morning hours. I was stopped by a policeman who said that if I wanted to observe the Jewish day of rest, I should walk to school and not put lives in danger. So I arrived very late, sat down and opened my book. But I did not write, for it was Shabbath! My Dutch Literature teacher, the Con-rector of this non-Jewish gymnasium, asked me why I didn’t pick up my pen. I told him, and he smiled. Once he recognized my sincerity about Shabbath, he convinced my father to allow me to go to synagogue instead of school.

However, now that I, the Shabbath observer, was missing my Saturday morning classes in Latin and Greek, the Latin teacher wished to take revenge and threw the blackboard brush at me.

I told the Con-rector what had happened. He accompanied me to the classroom, saw the broken window, and fired the Latin teacher in front of all of us.

I became an instant hero in the gymnasium and decided then and there that I, a 15-year-old kid, the child of a mixed marriage, would become a Jew. And so I did. This is the only time I have forgiven an anti-Semite, and for good reason. He had successfully helped me to become Jewish!

Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo is the founder and Dean of the David Cardozo Academy, Beth Midrash of Avraham Avinu, in Israel.

An Oldie Miracle and the diary miracle

This week in the weekly publication from Chabad there was a story that I had never heard before or forgot about. Non-observant Baruch Mishkovsky was a former army paramedic. He came upon an area where an Arab Terrorist had just thrown grenades at Jews in Yerushalayim. He saw one man withering in pain on the ground wounded. He went to do what he could to save the man’s life. The injured person pulled out a pistol and held it to the head of the paramedic and was cocking the trigger. A shot rang out. The paramedic thought that all that was left of him was his soul. But it was the terrorist who died. A store owner with a pistol had witnessed the whole event. That store keeper had a pistol too and shot over his head and it the Arab in the temple killing him instantly.

Baruch realized the enormity of the miracle and became one of the few people who turned religious very fast. Since then he has been learning Torah and bringing other Jews closer to Judaism.

Regarding Ilan Ramon whom we all thought about with the lost of Asaf this week: "Miracle" diary

Thirty-seven pages from the diary he was keeping while in orbit survived the crash and were returned to his widow; she has shared an excerpt with the Israeli public in a display at Jerusalem's Israel Museum. Rona brought it to Israel Museum forensic experts. Curator Yigal Zalmona said the diary was partially restored in 1 year, and needed 4 more, for police scientists to decipher 80% of the text. Only 2 pages were displayed, 1 containing Ramon's notes, and the other is a copy of the Kiddush prayer. Yigal Zalmona stated: "The diary survived extreme heat in the explosion, extreme atmospheric cold, and then "was attacked by microorganisms and insects. It's almost a miracle that it survived — it's incredible. There is 'no rational explanation' for how it was recovered when most of the shuttle was not, he said." Ramon wrote on the last day of the journal: “Today is the first day that I truly feel that I am living in space, I have become a man who lives and works in space.”

Inscribed in black ink and pencil, it covered just the first 6 days of the 16-day mission. The papers remained white, not charred from the explosion, 37 miles above the Earth.

Although he was a secular Jew, Ramon sought to follow Jewish observances while in orbit. In an interview he said, "I feel I am representing all Jews and all Israelis." He was the first spaceflight participant to request kosher food.

He also gathered rabbinic opinions from the local Chabad-Lubavitch representative Rabbi Zvi Konikov, about observing the Jewish Sabbath (Shabbat) while in space, since the period between sunrises in orbit is approximately 90 minutes. This was referenced by the words "Jerusalem we have a problem" in Rabbi Konikov's speech at the Kennedy Space Center Memorial for Columbia on February 7, 2003.

Aboard STS-107, Ramon carried a pencil sketch, "Moon Landscape", drawn by 14-year-old Petr Ginz, who died in Auschwitz. Ramon also took with him a microfiche copy of the Torah (from the Holocaust) given to him by Israeli president Moshe Katsav. Ramon asked the 1939 Club, a Holocaust survivor organization in Los Angeles, for a symbol of the Holocaust to take into outer space with him. A barbed wire Mezuzah by San Francisco Artist Aimee Golant was selected. Ramon also took with him a dollar of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.

Ramon and the rest of the Columbia crew died over East Texas in the Southern United States during entry into Earth's atmosphere, 16 minutes prior to scheduled landing.

Ramon was survived by his wife Rona and their four children, who were in Texas at the time of the accident. His eldest son, Lieutenant Asaf Ramon, was killed on September 13, 2009 during a routine training flight while piloting his F-16, 3 months after graduating from the IAF flight school with the Sword of Honor as the top cadet in his graduating class.

On the News this week was what many are calling a miracle landing when foam was put on the tarmac for a commercial airplane to land without tires and sparks flew. The leader of the German Socialist Party was one of the passengers.

TORAH FOR YOUR TABLE A personalized guide to the essence of the Torah
BY: RABBI YISROEL JUNGREIS - and - RABBI OSHER ANSHEL JUNGREIS Compiled By: Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis Reviewed By: Fern Sidman

There is no doubt that the times that we live in are fraught with innumerable dangers. For the Jewish people, it is a particularly horrifying juncture in the annals of our history, as we witness an exponential rise in anti-Semitism and the continued demonization of Israel; while the world remains eerily silent. On a collective scale, our nation is faced with the escalating and alarming scourge of intermarriage, assimilation and youth alienation. Our personal lives have taken on an ever increasing load of financial challenges and emotional stresses that often result in families being torn asunder. From time immemorial, the indefatigable Jew has faced similar, if not infinitely worse scenarios in terms of our personal and national survival, yet has continued to prevail over all pernicious forms of adversity. The question has often been asked, "Given their history, how could the Jewish nation possibly survive and even triumph?"

In order to keep us afloat and exhilarated for the upcoming new year, Artscroll Publications has released an exceptionally enlightening and incredibly inspiring compendium of Torah insights, entitled "Torah For Your Table", penned by brothers, Rabbi Yisroel and Osher Anshel Jungreis. If the surname of the writers sound at all familiar, these Rabbis are the sons of the internationally renowned Torah luminary, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis, and it is she who has masterfully compiled all of her sons' Torah lectures into this impressive volume for use at home, school or synagogue. The authors have most befittingly dedicated this monumental work of intellectual and spiritual gravitas to their beloved father and mentor, the esteemed Torah scholar, Rabbi Meshulum HaLevi Jungreis, ZT"L.

It is in these pages of "Torah For Your Table" that the brothers Jungreis make it abundantly clear that the key to our survival as Jews can only be found in our unbreakable bond with our G-d and our consistent devotion to His Torah. History has proven that it was the stubborn insistence on the part of the Jew to study Torah, despite the punishments inflicted upon them by their tormentors, that served as our eternal life raft in the tumultuous waters of time. The authors tell us that the legacy of the Jewish people is inextricably tied to our ultimate blessing; our acceptance of the Torah at Sinai. Thus, Hashem has bequeathed to us a precious "road map" called the Torah, in order that we may successfully navigate the often uneven terrain of everyday life and in His munificence, has provided us with the exclusive source of our cherished and unique value system.

Our sojourn through the weekly Torah portions; from Bereishis through Devarim (Genesis to Deuteronomy) is brilliantly enhanced by the profoundly personal, highly original and erudite interpretations of both authors; while their cogent concepts remain traditionally predicated upon the teachings of our commentators and sages of blessed memory. Teaching Torah as it applies to each of us as individuals is no small task, but Rabbi Yisroel and Rabbi Osher speak to our hearts and souls by prodigously paving the path to a comprehensive understanding for students from all backgrounds and all levels of observance. It is apparent that the flames of Torah burn bright in this classic tome, as the passion, warmth and love that the authors have infused here can only be termed palpable..

This refreshingly honest book does not aim to sugarcoat Torah precepts that the world at large may find "politically incorrect" but rather offers a sagacious perspective on the salient and nuanced points in each parsha and how they personally relate to our lives. Citing a plethora of Midrashic and Talmudic sources, the subject matter covered here includes the veritable gamut of Torah related concepts such as the power of prayer, performing chesed, the establishment of a Torah true home, respecting our parents and teachers, designating time for regular Torah study, sensitizing ourselves to the needs of others and the critical importance of remaining ever vigilant concerning our conduct and speech, among hundreds of other timeless concepts.

Reminding us of the infamous words of King Solomon who said, "Death and life are in the tongue", the authors teach us that through the power of speech we have within our capability to create or destroy. "There are more commandments in the Torah in regard to speech than to any other mitzvah; seventeen negative and fourteen positive mitzvos", the authors teach us, adding the admonition, "Think before you speak and ask yourself, 'Will my words generate light or darkness, love or hatred, blessing or curse?' The choice is yours to make. Use your Divine gift of speech carefully and wisely, in the service of the Almighty."

Concerning the tenet of "Gemilus Chasadim" (acts of loving kindness) we learn that our proclivities for such kindness and largesse can be found in our spiritual DNA, as we are taught about the "Ark Rehab" that Noach endured. Of Noach and his family, the authors teach, "In the Ark they had to care for all the animals that G-d had commanded them to gather; backbreaking labor consumed them day and night. Yet through that labor they learned the meaning of chesed - reaching out with gemilus chasadim - one of the pillars on which G-d built His world."

We are also treated to especially poignant anecdotes about beloved members of the Jungreis family and how their living example of Torah precepts helped shape the character of the authors. They recall with great love, "Our bobbe, Rebbetzin Miriam Jungreis, a'h, was a true embodiment of this trait of chesed. Her life was one of constant giving, and even in her last days, as illness racked her frail body, she continued to organize chesed programs for needy Russian immigrants, explaining that if she could not offer help to others, her life had no meaning."

In our fast paced and harried existence, quality time for genuine communication with our families and friends has become severely limited. It would appear that the only time that we have to communicate is at meal time and the authors urge us to use the time we spend at our dining room tables wisely. Rather than engage in mundane chit chat, it is imperative to use our communication skills to impart Torah values to our spouses, children, extended families, friends and guests. Thus, the title of this book, "Torah For Your Table" is not intended as a stellar guide for exclusive use on Shabbos and Yom Tov but for each and every day of the week. Whether it be Monday morning breakfast, Sunday lunch or Wednesday night dinner, we must start off the new year in the proper manner. Throughout the weeks and months ahead we can savor the feeling of re-birth that fills our hearts on Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur by making this invaluable Torah companion a staple item at our tables.

Moreover, this parsha book represents a most significant, historic and vital contribution to the corpus of books on Torah literature and its impact will certainly be felt in this generation and generations to come. No home, school, community center or synagogue library should be without it !! A must read for anyone seeking Torah knowledge !!

I did not read the full story of how this man grew up went through a number of branches of Xtianity and became a Ben Noach. The story is at least 5 pages long in small print. From my glancing at the story is all I can say is WOW!

The following idea I picked up from an advertisement by “Daas Torah” in his Facebook note: Great investment opportunity. Do little and gain huge profits.(in the afterlife). Invest your time in reading the rabbipauli.blogspot take some time to repent, give charity and pray for the salvation of mankind. Choose Life and not the alternative.

From Israel Meir: As the fringe gets longer, the conversation gets wider by David A.M. Wilensky [] · Tuesday, August 4th, 2009 Crossposted to The Reform Shuckle


They’ve become a recurring thread in my life. I put them on three years ago and have missed only a few days since. I keep wearing them, talking about them, blogging about them, thinking about them. I just did a search of my blog for “tzitzit.” It’s a sizable percentage of posts that contain the word. My first post for Jew school was even about tzitzit.

Now, finally, it seems I’ve become a progressive evangelist for them. Here at the URJ and NFTY’s Kutz Camp, I taught five Reform high school students about tzitzit an hour a day for five days. Two girls, three boys. One girl had spent part of her life in a yeshiva and one boy was from South Carolina or something like that.

The catch was that I required them to wear one of my fifteen or so sets of tzitzit for the five days of the elective. Four of them took me up on that requirement, the one who didn’t being the girl form the yeshiva. She told me it just wasn’t right for a girl to do that. More on that later. The other four all placed an order for their own tzitzit from my preferred online tzitzit dealer at the end of the week and kept wearing mine until theirs arrived.

Each day we debriefed. The four who wore the tzitzit each day all faced comments from their fellow Kutz participants ranging from confused to encouraging to negative. Some even called their parents to tell them about it. One mother wasn’t surprised, that mother being the most reminiscent of mine when I told her. One parent asserted confidently that it was a phase and not to buy more than one. Another seemed indifferent. We also studied some texts. We looked at some midrash, some Torah, and some commentaries, chiefs amongst them Rashi and Nechama Leibowtiz. I even finally found a use for the WRJ Torah Commentary, which has a great discussion of the sociological underpinnings of tzitzit.

Before the camp session was over, four or so more kids had approached me about trying it out. And then, at this post from earlier this year, a comment appeared: “I’m curious– what’s your opinion on reform women wearing tzitzit in daily life?” Well, why shouldn’t they? I know a few who do, but it’s even rarer than progressive men doing so. I can count the women and girls I know doing it on one hand.

But in the final assessment, I don’t think wearing tzitzit is good or bad, really. I don’t even think that women doing it is good or bad. I just want to broaden the conversation about it. And now, some girl who used to go to a yeshiva is going home with the tools to talk about it. And three guys and one girl are going back to mainstream Reform congregations acorns America, where their mere tzitzit-wearing presence will certainly start a conversation. Or at least they’ll earn themselves a few suspicious glances.

Gene Alberts sent me this a few weeks ago but I think it is more appropriate for the day of Rosh Hashanah:

JUST FOR TODAY I will live this day only, and not fear the future or dwell on the past. I will appreciate what I have right this second. HAPPINESS is the result of treasuring this moment.

JUST FOR TODAY I will accept myself as I am, realizing that my value is not determined by others’ opinions of me. G-d gave me value. No one else can give it to me or take it away.

JUST FOR TODAY I will accept my family members and friends as they are and not try to control them with criticism, anger or resentment. I will thank every person for giving me the opportunity to practice patience, forgiveness, honesty and compassion.

JUST FOR TODAY I will listen when people talk to me, will hear the feeling behind the words and reflect the feelings back.

JUST FOR TODAY I will take care of my physical health and will do something healthy, like taking a brisk walk or not eating something which is harmful to my health.

JUST FOR TODAY I will do one small act of love for someone which no one knows about, only for the sake of being a loving being.

JUST FOR TODAY I will not put myself down, but will remind myself that “Doing my best is just fine,” No comparisons.

JUST FOR TODAY I will not complain. I will not be jealous of what others have. I will calmly say, “I make Your will my will”.

JUST FOR TODAY I will write down five things which I am grateful to G-d for having given me.

JUST FOR TODAY I will drop my perfectionism. Then I will not be afraid to be happy, I will not be afraid to love the people around me.

JUST FOR TODAY I will work on humor and not take myself and my personal problems so seriously.

JUST FOR TODAY I will remember that I am a spiritual being, that I am connected to G-d and to every other person on this planet and that every act of love and self-control raises the spiritual level of the entire universe.

Binyamin Jadidi

A rich man was once taking a stroll along the beach, when suddenly he noticed a huge dolphin stranded on the sand. He immediately called the police to send an ambulance to the beach to take care of the poor dolphin. A loud siren was soon heard and the rich man motioned to the ambulance where the emergency was. The paramedics rushed to the scene and saw the victim- the dolphin lying unconscious on the floor. The paramedics notified him that we only deal with people and not animals.

The rich man was known for his love for animals, and stubbornly told them that I’ll pay you $10,000 dollars in cash if you save the animals life. “What should we do with him” the doctor on board asked, suddenly ready to cooperate. “Take him quickly before it’s too late to the nearest emergency room. He is need of an emergency operation, and I’ll also come along.” The doctor ordered the paramedics to lift the dolphin to the ambulance, once he was lying on the stretcher; he turned on the siren and sped to the hospital. But the hospital didn’t agree to take care of the poor dolphin either; “we only take care of human beings” the rich man was told.

Again, the rich man started to persuade the doctors to revive the dolphin by handing out envelopes filled with cash and started passing them out to whomever would agree to save the dolphin. The news spread quickly in the hospital, and the doctors came streaming in to try their luck. One doctor checked the eyes, another the heart, soon the dolphin was hooked up to many machines but nothing helped. The dolphin was hovering between life and death. Suddenly a nurse entered the room, and suggested to place the dolphin in a tub filled with water and maybe that will save him. In just a matter of seconds, the dolphin in the tub of water started showing signs of life. They removed all the machines from him and placed him in the ambulance to return him to the ocean- his only life source!

Many actions , many plans, many talks we have witnessed and taken place hoping to make things better. But it doesn’t seem like it has had any effect. Things are still the same. And Jews are still in danger. It is not going to work because the dolphin cannot live in dry land even with the best doctors around it. It needs water; every little water gives him life. A Jew needs torah, when you observer torah and follow the commandments of Hashem you then become alive. That means enemies will disappear. That’s what we all need to do- become a better Jew and closer to Hashem. Then you’ll have protection from Hashem.

All the peace talks are nothing but dry land for the dolphin. Every word of torah and mitzvot will turn this world to a heaven.

Binyamin Jadidi

The Parable of the Bamboo:

From Batya Shulamit History 102:

As we are in the month of Elul, and Hashem is judging all of us, we are all striving for repentance and one of the main themes in this day and age of repentance is the transgression of Lashon Hara and Baseless Hatred.
The Second Beit HaMikdash was destroyed because of sinat chinum (baseless hatred). The Gemara argues that we must understand the evil of sinat chinum to be equal to the combined evil of the three cardinal sins (idolatry, incest/adultery and murder). Since our exile is still ongoing, and the Beit HaMikdash hasn’t been rebuilt, we know that we haven’t fixed that sin. We must know that Lashon Hara and embarrassing someone is compared to murder. Thus we realize that Lashon Hara is also one of the reasons the Beit Hamikdash hasn’t been rebuilt. If we do introspection we will realize that Lashon Hara is a result of baseless hatred, not knowing how to tolerate and accept each other. Finding flaws in others makes us feel superior, and make us believe that we have the right to judge others. Judging others is a result of being arrogant, which is compared to idolatry. Who would be the idol? Yourself. If we were humble enough (to see our own flaws) we would appreciate people’s good qualities instead of finding flaws and we will be able to learn to forgive.

"Kamtza bar Kamtza" - from the Talmud, Gittin 56
A man wanted to throw a party for all his friends, so he drew up a guest list and instructed his servant to send out the invitations. One of the men on the guest list was named "Kamtza," but the servant made a mistake and invited "Bar Kamtza" instead. Bar Kamtza was actually a sworn enemy of the host. When Bar Kamtza received his invitation, he was very grateful thinking that the fight was over between him and the host. But when Bar Kamtza showed up at the party the host asked him to leave. Bar Kamtza appealed to him by offering to pay part of the party. He pleaded numerous times, he even said: "I'll pay for the entire party! Just please don't embarrass me in this way!". The host, however, stuck to his guns and threw Bar Kamtza out. No one in the party said anything to defend bar Kamtza. The Talmud reports that Bar Kamtza was so hurt and upset, that he went straight to the Roman authorities and gave slanderous reports of disloyal behavior among the Jews. This fueled the Romans' anger, and they proceeded to attack and destroy the Holy Temple (which also brought poverty and deaths among the Jews).

From this we can realize the power of embarrassing someone (which is a way of Lashon Hara). The host spiritually killed Bar Kamtza by embarrassing him, and ultimately it caused physical destruction as well. When Bar Kamtza went to the party he was happy because he thought the hatred among them was finally going to be over. However, the host’s arrogance (which is a form of idolatry) fueled the fight. This also made Bar Kamtza create lashon hara to the Romans about the Jews, he didn’t forgive him. No one in the party did anything to defend Bar-Kamza. Maybe they were afraid to say something, but that was like agreeing with the host. This is why R. Chafetz Chaim advises us to avoid places where there is Lashon Hara, and to rebuke those who do it. From something that we think is so small a whole tragedy aroused.

We haven’t been able to learn to appreciate Hashem’s creation. We were created Betzelek Elokim, thus we must realize every person is intrinsically good and has a holy soul. Since we don’t have the omnipotence that Hashem has, we are unable to read someone’s heart or mind, and guarantee things as facts. This is why we should always give the benefit of doubt and also forgive. G-d is superior to all of us, who are we to judge His creation? Furthermore, Hashem looks at the scale we use to measure others. And with that same measure, He measures us.

Hope you all have a happy, healthy and sweet new year, SHANA TOVA! From Michael Z learning in Ohr Sameach!!

Inyanay Diyoma

Ed Op:,7340,L-3775561,00.html

Iran working over time on the bomb:,7340,L-3777554,00.html

President Obama is a segregationist and the proof is here thanks to Herschel: President Obama has forced Israel into a building freeze for JEWS ONLY! The only country in the world that now restricts where Jews can live is ISRAEL! Arabs can live anywhere in Jerusalem, but Jews only in west-Jerusalem!

Economics 102 Yehuda and Shomron:,7340,L-3774593,00.html

From General Paul E. Valley retired – this could have been written by an Israeli too: Four More US Troops Killed ... by ROE
Sept. 9 Written by: Diana West

Q: What killed four US troops in Afghanistan yesterday?

A: US rules of engagement. The story is from McClatchey by Jonathan S. Landay via Gen. Paul Valley. Read but don't weep -- get angry:

U.S. commanders, citing new rules to avoid civilian casualties, rejected repeated calls to unleash artillery rounds at attackers dug into the slopes and tree lines -- despite being told repeatedly that they weren't near the village.

Whoever wrote these rules should be hauled before the Senate Armed Services Committee and then cashiered.

``We are pinned down. We are running low on ammo. We have no air. We've lost today,'' Marine Maj. Kevin Williams, 37, said through his translator to his Afghan counterpart, responding to the latter's repeated demands for helicopters.

Four U.S. Marines were killed Tuesday, the most U.S. service members assigned as trainers to the Afghan National Army to be lost in a single incident since the 2001 U.S.-led invasion.

But do not forget the 19 special forces killed, also by rules of engagement, back in 2005.

Eight Afghan troops and police and the Marine commander's Afghan interpreter also died in the ambush and the subsequent battle that raged from dawn until 2 p.m. around this remote hamlet in eastern Kunar province, close to the Pakistan border.

Three Americans and 19 Afghans were wounded, and U.S. forces later recovered the bodies of two insurgents, although they believe more were killed.

The Marines were cut down as they sought cover in a trench at the base of the village's first layer cake-style stone house. Much of their ammunition was gone. One Marine was bending over a second, tending his wounds, when both were killed, said Marine Cpl. Dakota Meyer, 21, who retrieved their bodies.


A full moon was drenching the mountains in ghostly light as some 60 Afghan soldiers, 20 border police officers, 13 Marine and U.S. Army trainers and I set out for Ganjgal at 3 a.m. from the U.S. base in the Shakani District.

The operation called for the Afghans to search Ganjgal for weapons and hold a meeting with the elders to discuss the establishment of police patrols.

You know, "drink lots of tea, eat lots of goat, get to know the people."

The Americans were there to give advice and call for air and artillery support if required.

Dawn was breaking by the time we alighted for a mile-long walk up a wash of gravel, rock and boulders which winds up to Ganjgal, some 60 rock-walled compounds perched high up the terraced slopes at the eastern end of the valley, six miles from the Pakistani border.


The first shot cracked out at 5:30 a.m. It quickly swelled into a furious storm of gunfire.

Sniper rounds snapped off rocks and sizzled overhead. Explosions of recoilless rifle rounds echoed through the valley, while bullets inched closer to the rock wall behind which I crouched with U.S. and Afghan officers.

Lt. Ademola Fabayo, 28, and several other soldiers later said they had seen women and children in the village shuttling ammunition to fighters positioned in windows and roofs. Across the valley and from their ridgeline outposts, the Afghans and Americans fired back.

At 5:50 a.m., Army Capt. Will Swenson, the trainer of the Afghan Border Police unit in Shakani, began calling for air support or artillery fire from a unit of the Army's 10th Mountain Division. The responses came back: No helicopters were available.

At 6:05 a.m., as our position was becoming increasingly tenuous, Swenson and Fabayo agreed that it was time to pull back and radioed for artillery to fire smoke rounds to mask our retreat.

Fifty minutes later, as a curtain of white phosphorus smoke roiled across the valley, Swenson and Fabayo unleashed an intense volley of covering fire while the rest of us sprinted back 20 yards to a series of dirt furrows, weighed down by our flak vests and water carriers.

The two officers raced back to join us. Everyone jumped up and ran for the next stone wall. Everyone but me. Afraid that too many people were jammed together as they raced, offering easy targets, I waited behind for a break in the gunfire, an Afghan border police officer crouched next to me.


We soon noticed that the insurgent snipers were trying to outflank us again. My companion decided that it was time to go and bolted away, but the gunfire grew too intense, and again I pulled my body into the dirt and rocks.

I wasn't as terrified as I was angry: angry at the absence of air support, angry that there was no artillery fire, angry that Williams' interpreter had been killed, angry at the realization that the operation had obviously been betrayed and angry at myself for not bolting with the others.

I knew it was time to move when I saw a gaggle of Afghan soldiers pounding through the boulders past me, their commander, a bright 26-year-old lieutenant named Ruhollah, hopping between two of them, a bullet wound in his groin.

Bundling my legs beneath me, I sprang and ran, trying to weave as bullets kicked up dust around me.

I reached the next wall and plunged behind it, nearly falling on top of Swenson, Fabayo and several badly wounded U.S. soldiers.

As Fabayo cracked off rounds, Swenson lay flat on his back, clasping a pressure bandage to the shoulder of one soldier with one hand and holding the microphone of his radio in the other, calling out insurgents' positions to two U.S. helicopters that finally had arrived.

It was now 7:10 a.m., and with the helicopters prowling overhead, the incoming gunfire slackened enough for us to move again.

I stumbled down the valley to safety after I helped one of the injured soldiers into a medivac helicopter. Capt. Swenson and Lt. Fabayo headed off to find vehicles and, together with Cpl. Meyer, crashed back up the way we'd just fled to retrieve the bodies of the dead Marines.

This is no way we should fight a war. Nor is this the kind of war we should fight.

B.H.O and Putin smothering Israel:

Another Hitler/Stalin who will stop at nothing if the Neville Chamberlains don’t wake up:

From Karen Baker:

Going Ballistic:

When the modern world tries to out do Sodom:|main|dl5|link6|

In memory for all that passed away in 5769 thanks to Navon Katzav: in English:

Israeli Peace Initiative from Benny Alon – a brief example: As the past year comes to a close, introspection and reflection begin to enter our thoughts. In our generation, these thoughts are not only on a personal or family level, rather they also reach a national level. The government, media, Yesha Council and the general public are busy contemplating whether construction will be frozen in Judea and Samaria; will some structures be permitted before the freeze, and where will they be placed.

All of this discourse points to one troubling axiom which, unfortunately, is not being second guessed: that there are certain parts of our country which are up for negotiations and are not part of the State of Israel. Until now, Israel has not annexed Judea and Samaria completely because of the existing demographic problem – yet there is a variety of options that stand between total annexation and willing to relinquish parts of the country.

Judea and Samaria has been in Israeli hands for forty two years, yet even the major settlement blocs, which are de facto part of Israel, are not fully under Israeli control. The addition of any structure, whether it be a caravan or a house, need permission from either the defense minister or the prime minister. Jewish citizens in Judea and Samaria are subject to administrative detention – something that cannot happen within the pre-67 borders.

Implementing Israeli law within the boundaries of Jewish settlements would settle this problem on a technical level, and would create equality among Israeli citizens without having to absorb additional Arabs. It has already been proven that only Israeli control leads to stability, which is helpful to all populations living in this area. A law in this spirit was suggested in the last Knesset by former Minister Benny Elon, founder of the Israel Initiative, and we are hoping that this law will pickup traction in the current Knesset. The full story can be read at Arutz 7’s website or can be accessed through the news bulletin at our website:


THE EMERGING AXIS OF IRAN AND VENEZUELA: The prospect of Iranian missiles in South America should not be dismissed. by ROBERT M. MORGENTHAU

forwarded with comments by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

I would remind the reader of President Ronald Reagan’s appellation of "Axis of Evil" describing Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

Regrettably, President Barack Obama seems more of an extension of the growing Axis of Islamic Evil by trembling and pacifying through his apologetic outreach to the dens of such evil in Iran, Syria and North Korea.

The question in the title "Is the U.S. provoking another Cuban-style missile crisis?" is extremely relevant. He, Obama, has waffled on dealing with Iran’s development of Nuclear Weapons. He, Obama, has waffled on dealing with Russia on their export of Nuclear Technology and equipment to the most dangerous and untrustworthy nation in the world (Iran).

Should a Nuclear event occur in America, Obama and his entire staff of sycophants ought to be taken out of power as incompetents who refused to confront Terrorist Nations and risked the lives of Americans and America’s allies.

Here I include the Arabist State Department who allowed Muslim Terrorists to enter America and become "sleeper cells" - all in the name of Oil commerce.

Today’s Axis of Evil did not need an accommodating U.S. President to further their goals - but, it seems to have one!

One more thing: First President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, followed by Obama - did not want to face their obligation to take out Iran’s Nuclear Facilities. The State Department and the multi-national oil companies and countries did not want to risk irritating such oil nations as Saudi Arabia, the Oil Gulf States and even Iran’s flow of its sweet oil.

The world decided that Israel, if sufficiently pressured though another Holocaust as threatened various times by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Ayatollahs of Iran, would have to do the job - if nothing more than to save her coastal population.

The President Barack Hussein Obama, the E.U., the U.N., and the Arab Muslim countries could enjoy the benefits of a de-nuclearized Iran - followed by hysterical condemnation of Israel just as happened when Israel bombed Saddam Hussein’s Osirak Nuclear Reactor in 1981 - just before it was finished by France.

If Israel solved the problem and fear of all the Muslim Arab countries of a dominant Iran, then the nations could act on their hatred of the Jews and their tiny State. The European Jew killers would dance in the street. The Muslims would dance and hand out candy.

President Obama could justifiably act out his personal bias and sever relationships with Israel pleasing those around him who fought the birth of Israel.

Wouldn’t we all like to be that proverbial fly-on-the-wall when Obama confers with the Arabist U.S. State Department, including former Secretary of State James Baker III, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Powers and Obama’s coterie of Court Jews like Dennis Ross, Aaron David Miller, Dan Kurtzer, Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod - all agreeing that it’s best for everyone if Israel is forced to go it alone against Iran’s Nuclear facilities. Take a look at them. National Geographic August 2008 has them all displayed on their spectacular map of modern Iran - and labeled as to what kind of Nuclear facility each site is.

Then the U.S., U.N., E.U., Russia (all making up the famed "Quartet") could complete their "new" Road Map by sending in a sizeable NATO Rapid Deployment Force as "Peace-Keepers" to drive 500,000 Jews out of their homes in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem in order to set up another Terrorist State on a larger scale than the Gush Katif/Gaza/Hamas debacle.

I think the answers are in the question.



THE WALL STREET JOURNAL" OPINION September 8, 2009, 7:27 P.M. ET

THE EMERGING AXIS OF IRAN AND VENEZUELA: The prospect of Iranian missiles in South America should not be dismissed. by ROBERT M. MORGENTHAU

 The diplomatic ties between Iran and Venezuela go back almost 50 years and until recently amounted to little more than the routine exchange of diplomats. With the election of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005, the relationship dramatically changed.

Today Mr. Ahmadinejad and Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez have created a cozy financial, political and military partnership rooted in a shared anti-American animus. Now is the time to develop policies in this country to ensure this partnership produces no poisonous fruit.

Signs of the evolving partnership began to emerge in 2006, when Venezuela joined Cuba and Syria as the only nations to vote against a U.N. Atomic Energy Agency resolution to report Iran to the Security Council over its failures to abide U.N. sanctions to curtail its nuclear program. A year later, during a visit by Mr. Chávez to Tehran, the two nations declared an "axis of unity" against the U.S. and Ecuador. And in June of this year, while protesters lined the streets of Tehran following the substantial allegations of fraud in the re-election of Mr. Ahmadinejad, Mr. Chávez publicly offered him support. As the regime cracked down on political dissent, jailing, torturing and killing protesters, Venezuela stood with the Iranian hard-liners.

Hugo Chávez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad meet in Tehran, Sept. 5.

Meanwhile, Iranian investments in Venezuela have been rising. The two countries have signed various Memoranda of Understanding on technology development, cooperation on banking and finance, and oil and gas exploration and refining. In April 2008, the two countries also signed a Memorandum of Understanding pledging full military support and cooperation. United Press International reported in August that Iranian military advisers have been embedded with Venezuelan troops.

According to a report published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in December of last year, Venezuela has an estimated 50,000 tons of unmined uranium. There is speculation in the Carnegie report that Venezuela could be mining uranium for Iran.

The Iranians have also opened International Development Bank in Caracas under the Spanish name Banco Internacional de Desarrollo C.A., an independent subsidiary of Export Development Bank of Iran. Last October the U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control imposed economic sanctions against both of these Iranian banks for providing or attempting to provide financial services to Iran's Ministry of Defense and its Armed Forces Logistics—the two Iranian military entities tasked with advancing Iran's nuclear ambitions.

My office has been told that over the past three years a number of Iranian-owned and controlled factories have sprung up in remote and undeveloped parts of Venezuela—ideal locations for the illicit production of weapons. Evidence of the type of activity conducted inside the factories is limited. But we should be concerned, especially in light of an incident in December 2008. Turkish authorities detained an Iranian vessel bound for Venezuela after discovering lab equipment capable of producing explosives packed inside 22 containers marked "tractor parts." The containers also allegedly contained barrels labeled with "danger" signs. I think it is safe to assume that this was a lucky catch—and that most often shipments of this kind reach their destination in Venezuela.

A recent U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) study reported a high level of corruption within the Venezuelan government, military and law enforcement that has allowed that country to become a major transshipment route for trafficking cocaine out of Colombia. Intelligence gathered by my office strongly supports the conclusion that Hezbollah supporters in South America are engaged in the trafficking of narcotics. The GAO study also confirms allegations of Venezuelan support for FARC, the Colombian terrorist insurgency group that finances its operations through narcotics trafficking, extortion and kidnapping.

In a raid on a FARC training camp this July, Colombian military operatives recovered Swedish-made anti-tank rocket launchers sold to Venezuela in the 1980s. Sweden believes this demonstrates a violation of the end-user agreement by Venezuela, as the Swedish manufacturer was never authorized to sell arms to Colombia. Venezuelan Interior Minister Tareck El Aissami, a Venezuelan of Syrian origin, lamely called the allegations a "media show," and "part of a campaign against our people, our government and our institutions." … etc. I think that you get the point.

Obama’s National Service Force:

Still longing for the ole plantation and for the ole folks at home. Dale & Wade Rathke

A modern day tale of good ole white exploitation of minority elements.

(To be politically correct the thoughts of the abusers have been changed – it is not my views but used to emphasize how these exploiters work and possibly think.) Now since that rotten fellow Abe Lincoln came out of the wilderness and officially emancipated the slaves, Dale and Wade had to find a new way to get money.

Yep on the ole plantation most of the real slave labor in the field was done for the plantation owners by their Winnie the Pooh Characters. To help move the Plantation along liberal Blues like Barney Frank and others were used to bank roll operations of course there were the Dick Durban types who would get votes from the inner cities on this too. The Pooh Characters were originally captured from Africa by Arab Slavers and brought over in ships. Some the Plantation Characters were even lost Bluish Tribes like Berbers, Ashanti, Lemo, etc.

So the brothers went to work and organized a modern operation. It was called hand washes hand under the table but ACORN to help the communities of poor people to vote. Now these communities would vote for the money providers like Barney Frank and others. (Last night on Glenn Beck the former prostitute head of ACORN in a California neighborhood mentioned Barbara Boxer along with some Congress people). Wade put together the organization and he and Dale had a great salary until one day a stupid bookkeeper came across a mere $500,000 skimming of money by Dale. No charges were brought against Dale but he was fired and had to move across the hall in the same building to run the SEIU. After all these people could supply services like beating up the black Republican selling some dangerous freedom stuff on the street calling him an N Bigger like Alan Keyes, Michael Steele and the righteous Pastor Broden – now that is not nice and people like me they beat up for free and call me and my kind a bunch of Blues, Shoes, Ike and a few choice 4 letter and anti words. The plantation owners made sure that they would not take on anybody from Q-Bar that might be a dirty capitalist like Martinez, Marco Rubio and Javier because they might expose the corruption and call them “Mentiroso” (liar).

So where are the mainstream press and TV networks on the films that has exposed?

Essentially ACORN is paying millions to the SEIU and the liberals are funding this to get left wing Democrats elected – no blue Dogs allowed! The winners and still champions of the whole operation are Dale and Wade. The losers are the American Tax Payers. The winners are Dale & Wade and they help keep the liberal financers in power.

From Shona:


by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

Clearly, the Legal Forum for Israel has undertaken a tremendous task to litigate for Jewish rights against those in Israel who behave like Leftists and always want to defend the Arab Muslim rights before those rights of Jewish Israelis. The Leftist organizations like Peace Now, New Israel Fund, J.Street and others seem to have an unlimited supply of money - most of which comes from Europe and America.

However, although the news was good, when we read about several "wins" against or through the Israeli Supreme Court, alarm bells went off in my mind.

Why would a known activist Leftist Court under Dorit Beinish suddenly became reasonable, even honest?

Why would a Supreme Court Justice Eliyakim Rubinstein show up in Hebron at a Nationalist Memorial Ceremony as a friend for the 80th year commemoration of the Arab Muslim massacre of 69 Jews?

Why would a few illegal Arab houses be ordered to be destroyed by the Leftist Supreme Court (along with many Jewish houses) when previously only Jewish homes were destroyed under Defense Minister Ehud Barak’s orders?

What is the purpose of a known Leftist Supreme Court, which has usually voted pro-Arab, suddenly seem to be fair and honest, that is, appear to be a legitimate Court?

Why are they suddenly trying to improve their image?

Is the answer that they have agreed among themselves, possibly influenced by political Leftists that they are close to making a very terrible ruling against all of YESHA (Yehuda and Shomron) including Jerusalem? But, they need the cover of looking "fair and honest"?

Has the Right been thrown a few bones so that they will feel compelled to NOT gather their considerable forces against another expulsion of 300,000-500,000 Jewish men, women and children from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem? That would be only 30-50 times the 10,000 Jewish men, women and children from Gush Katif and Northern Shomron? (The Golan Heights would likely be next.)

Where would they go?

What would it cost - just in money?

Who would pay for it?

What would it cost in Jewish morals and morale in Israel and world-wide?

How could Israel survive as a sovereign Jewish State if she practices "ethnic cleansing" against her own people - again?

Is the Nationalist Camp to be lulled into silence, thinking that the Court is no longer Arabist or hostile to settlers or the observant Jews?

Is the propaganda plan to counter what the American President Barack Obama and Israel’s Left is planning for Obama’s new Road Map - to be announced shortly?

Are they counting on a ruling by the "new" Supreme Court that has changed from being a radical activist Leftist Court to this now "fair-and-balanced" Court?

Can a Supreme Court in any democratic nation be co-opted to reflect the goals of a dictator? Adolph Hitler went from achieving election victory in 1933 and served as Germany’s Chancellor until 1945, solidifying his base as dictator. He eventually took over the once seemingly incorruptible German Court system. Every would-be dictator first takes control of the media, then the court - then the military.

Israel’s radically corrupt Supreme Court was recently molded into a more activist Leftist Court by former Chief Justice Aharon Barak. He was an extreme Leftist who then passed his baton to Dorit Beinish who also is an extreme Leftist. When her Court suddenly begins to rule objectively, watch out!

The bigger question is: Who in Israel has sufficient standing and cleverness to inspire what would amount to an act of high treason against the nation by planning such an explusion of Jews? Clearly, it would need high standing people such as President Shimon Peres, DM Ehud Barak, PM Binyamin would need to confer or take directions from Barack Hussein Obama and his assembly of appointees and 35+ "Czar" advisors.

General Jim Jones, former NATO Commander would have to play a role, given his hostility to the Jewish State. Who else could act as an advisor of high standing? We could ask former Secretary of State James Baker III and his staff at Baker Institute for Public Policy, a think-tank on the campus of Rice University, Houston, Texas - run by Edward Djerejian. We could ask former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski if he would collaborate in a plot to drive the Jews out of Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem (north, east and south - all the areas Jordan occupied and desecrated for 19 year from 1948 to 1967)? Would he advocate filling the area of Israel’s ancient heartland with Muslim Arab Palestinians driven out of Jordan, Lebanon or any of the other 22 Arab Muslim states - or the rest of 35 Muslim countries. All those radical Islamic states hate and fear their unwanted Palestinians who they keep festering in the slums of refugee camps for 60 years?

Who would do the job of forced evacuation - that seemed to be accepted under previous Supreme Court rulings - well beyond a draft document stage?

Would NATO troops, along with Israeli troops (drawn from the Yattam special forces, who were picked for their penchant for brutality) be willing to stage another Gush Katif/Gaza expulsion, disengagement? This would be the "Peace Force" assigned to this mission - armed with a Supreme Court order and the passive agreement of the Netanyahu government. They would commence the evacuations in pre-planned and handleable increments.

Some will recall that evacuating the pioneering settlers was first discussed (secretly and illegally) by Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres with Yassir Arafat in the early 1980s. At that time, it was not known if the Europeans or Americans, namely, the State Department played a role.

Later, of course, one finds the fingerprints and funds flowing into the pockets of the Left to fund operations to carry on the Rabin-Peres planning - which later advanced to Oslo, then Gush Katif’s uprooting.

Why does an alligator look at you like he’s smiling? Because its mouth is open and he’s ready to make you his dinner.

Israel’s Supreme Court is surely grinning - as are those "Czars" and advisors surrounding President Obama. All are voraciously hungry for a "win" even knowing that none in the Arab Muslim world will give Israel the peace it seeks.

Regrettably, a large percentage of Jews rely on promise of peace and fair treatment which never comes but, we keep on deluding ourselves that, IF we give enough of our sovereign ancient homeland, the appetite of our enemies will be sated.

If it turns out that there is high treason in the works, a "Peoples’ Revolution" to save themselves would certainly be in order.

Americans had their Revolution and had to kill a lot of British soldiers to win her freedom.

The French had their Revolution with the chop of their Guillotine to remove the boot of government and elite tyranny from their necks.

If Israel’s enemies, both within and without are, indeed, deep in subversive planning and using the Courts to advance High Treason then they must be tried in a Peoples’ Court, replete with capitol punishment for the guilty.



Supreme Court: Three in a Row by Hillel Fendel

Arutz Sheva

The Supreme Court issued three rulings this week that gladdened the hearts of the nationalist camp.

The first one ordered the government to find a solution within 45 days ensuring that several dozen expelled Gush Katif residents not be expelled yet again. The next day, the Court ruled that the State must submit a schedule for the destruction of 77 illegal Arab structures in Yesha. Finally, on Friday, the High Court ruled that the police may not discriminate against religious Jews who wish to visit the Temple Mount.

Expellees Must Not Be Expelled Yet Again

The first case dealt with former residents of Elei Sinai and other destroyed Gush Katif towns who moved to Kibbutz Carmiya, just north of the Gaza Strip. The government’s Disengagement Authority, known as Sela, is responsible for ensuring that the residents have permanent housing – but today, more than four years later, for those living in Carmiya and elsewhere, this is still far from the case.

Over five months ago, fearing action by the kibbutz members, the Carmiya residents sued the government to make sure that they would not have to be relocated once again. The State had promised Kibbutz Carmiya that it would unfreeze lands, as well as give them benefits and loans, on condition that it allow the residents to live on their property for two years. The two years have passed, the State did not fulfill its promises, an agreement was reached for two more years, again the State did not fulfill its promises, and now the kibbutz wants the residents out.

"You should not be sleeping at night" and "Who prevented you from figuring out what to do until now?" were some of the harsh comments uttered by the Supreme Court justices to a Sela government representative during the hearing.

The State offered to pay for alternate housing for the Gush Katif residents, but the judges said no. "You have 45 days to find a solution for the residents to continue to live in Carmiya until you find them permanent housing," the judges told the State.

Equal Enforcement of the Law

In the second ruling, handed down on Wednesday, the Supreme Court instructed the State to submit schedules for the razing of 77 illegal Arab structures in the villages of Yatma and Asawiya. Judges Rubenstein, Arbel and Meltzer sharply criticized the government for its blatant lack of enforcement of building laws against PA Arab violators.

Here, as well, the Court gave the State 45 days to comply. The original suit was filed by Regavim, an association that aims to preserve national lands.

No Temple Mount Discrimination Against Religious Jews

On Friday, the Court ordered the police to stop discriminating against religious Jews at the entrance to the Temple Mount. The ruling judges were Rubenstein, Meltzer, and Salim Jubran.

Yehuda Glick, a long-time Temple Mount activist, had filed a suit against the "special treatment" given to religious Jews who wish to visit the holy site. While other visitors are merely checked for weapons, religious Jews must show their identity cards, have the number entered into the police computer for tracking, and are not permitted to walk around the Mount without a police and Waqf escort. In addition, they are often not allowed to enter the site at all until other religious Jews who arrived earlier complete their visit.

Based on affidavits attesting to the above by various rabbis and other religious visitors, the judges ruled that the discrimination must stop. All evidence of discrimination must be shown to the authorities, and if the practice continues, the court will once again address the issue.

Glick’s counsel, Attorney Aviad Visouly, said, "This is the best Temple Mount ruling that has ever been handed down by the Supreme Court. For the first time, the Court has given practical meaning to Jewish civil rights on the Temple Mount."

Visouly said the ruling certainly stems from the ongoing increase of Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount, Judaism’s holiest site in the world. In the past year, police statistics show that 7,000 religious Jews visited, up 30% from the year before. "Credit goes to the Temple Institute, the Movement for the Establishment of the Temple, El Har HaMor, Manhigut Yehudit, the Sanhedrin, and the political activities of MKs Uri Ariel, Aryeh Eldad, and Michael Ben-Ari, all of the National Union," Glick said.

Entry to the Temple Mount is a matter of controversy among Orthodox rabbis. Most frown upon it, but others permit it after precautions such as immersion in a ritual bath and study of the exact route, and more, are taken.


From Jim L.:


From E. Winston:

Good Shabbos Everyone. On Rosh Hashana, there is a custom to eat an apple dipped in honey. Before eating the apple dipped in honey we say a declaration: "May it be Your will, Hashem, our Hashem and the Hashem of our forefathers, that You renew for us a good and sweet year." (Shulchan Oruch, Hagah 583:1) Many also have the custom of dipping bread into honey through Simchas Torah.
Rosh Hashana is a time of teshuva - introspection and examination of our deeds and resolution to change for the better. Teshuva is a mitzvah of the highest order, as the Torah tells us in this week's portion Nitzovim "You shall return to Hashem your Hashem and listen to His voice..." (Devarim 30:2) If we want to have a good year, we must do Teshuvah. The following inspirational story told in the first person by Reb M. M. Gorelik (of blessed memory), will inspire us to do real teshuva before Rosh Hashana.
I was imprisoned in a labor camp in the far north of Russia. The crowding in the bunk was terrible and there wasn't even enough air to breathe. I went out into the yard in order to get some fresh air and was met with 60 degrees below zero temperatures; all that could be seen was snow, snow, snow. It was Rosh Hashana and one thought plagued my mind and heart: Where is my wife? Where are my children?
The K.G.B. had told me terrifying things about my family. They had said, "Your wife is dead. When our men came to her house to take your children from her - because she cannot educate them in the Soviet spirit - she adamantly protested and went into a panic. In her great emotion she had a sudden heart attack and died. But don't worry. Your children are with us, in a Soviet orphanage where they'll get an excellent education in the spirit of communism. There will be none of your Jewish nonsense and religious stupidities."
When they saw that I believed them, they continued to torment me, saying: "Where is your Hashem for whom you sacrificed your wife and children? Where is He? Why doesn't He save you from our hands?" I wanted to cry but I had no tears. I kept all the pain deep inside. I felt that in another moment I would die from a broken heart. I decided to speak my heart to Hashem before my end, before I left this world of falsehood.
I began: "Master of all, today is Rosh Hashana and we don't say 'Al Cheit' asking You for forgiveness from our many transgressions. But under the circumstances I cannot wait until Yom Kippur. I ask forgiveness for every day and year of my entire life in this world of falsehood. And You, in Your great mercy, forgive me also for saying Al Cheit today, on Rosh Hashana."
I began to emotionally recite my unique Al Cheit: "For the sin of organizing a secret school; for the sin of organizing workplaces so Jews wouldn't be forced to work on the Sabbath and holidays; for the sin of organizing factories in which they worked a few hours and in the rest of the time they taught children Torah; for the sin of arranging documents for those children so they wouldn't be caught and be sent to where I am now. "I sinned greatly against these wicked people, but I did it all in order to preserve Your Torah and Your commandments, so please forgive me for my sins. Please allow me to express my final request: Tell me where my wife and children are. What has happened to them? Show them to me so it will be easier for me to leave this false world. Show me Your kindness. "And one last thing. Today is Rosh Hashana. Merciful Father, give me the opportunity to fulfill today's mitzvah of hearing the shofar."
Then, a voice resounded in my heart so clearly, I was sure it was a voice from heaven. It said, "Don't be sad and don't believe those wicked ones. Your wife and children are alive and are at home, as always. You will see one another with joy and success." I cried out, "Hashem! Please change Your rules of nature! We can hear long distance via the radio. Do me this kindness, let me actually hear the sound of the shofar."
Suddenly, I saw before my eyes a large synagogue with a bima in the center, and on the bima stood the Lubavitcher Rebbe blowing the shofar. T'kia - my heart cried wordlessly at this sound. Shvarim, t'rua - my crying intensified but without sound. My heart stopped beating in anticipation, and once again I heard: shvarim, t'rua. I stood there, drinking in this awesome and holy sight. I cried deep in my heart: "Father! Have mercy on us! Father! Rescue your children who need help..."
And then tears began to burst forth, copious, warm tears. I cried out before Hashem for my troubles, for my wife's difficulties, and for the children, who did not sin, and for my brothers and sisters in these same straits. During those moving moments, there was no snow and ice covered camp, no guard dogs or human-animals who patrolled the fence. What I saw and felt was only Hashem, the holy Torah, the Rebbe blowing shofar, and many Jews who were listening to the sound of the shofar and were crying from the depths of their hearts. The Rebbe, too, was crying.
Many years passed and with Hashem's kindness I remained alive. I was freed from the labor camp and returned home. I found my wife and children alive and observing Torah and mitzvos despite the dangers they endured while I was away. More decades went by and miraculously we were freed from that hell.
Together with my wife and children we arrived in Israel. I travelled to the Rebbe in New York at my first opportunity, to pray in his synagogue on Rosh Hashana, to thank him for praying for us, and for his blessings that encouraged us to be strong. I entered "770."
I saw before me a large synagogue with a bima in the center. The Rebbe prepared himself to blow the shofar as thousands of chasidim watched in awe. It was utterly silent. The Rebbe went up to the bima. He took three bags with him that contained letters requesting blessings, many from Jews in the Soviet Union requesting a blessing to be able to leave. The Rebbe covered his holy face with his talit and cried. He cried for all the Jewish people. The Rebbe began to blow the shofar. T'kia, shvarim, t'rua... It was the same vision I had seen in the labor camp decades ago. But this time it was not a vision!" Good Shabbos Everyone.

Good Shabbos Everyone. On Rosh Hashana, there is a custom to eat an apple dipped in honey. Before eating the apple dipped in honey we say a declaration: "May it be Your will, Hashem, our Hashem and the Hashem of our forefathers, that You renew for us a good and sweet year." (Shulchan Oruch, Hagah 583:1) Many also have the custom of dipping bread into honey through Simchas Torah.
Rosh Hashana is a time of teshuva - introspection and examination of our deeds and resolution to change for the better. Teshuva is a mitzvah of the highest order, as the Torah tells us in this week's portion Nitzovim "You shall return to Hashem your Hashem and listen to His voice..." (Devarim 30:2) If we want to have a good year, we must do Teshuvah. The following inspirational story told in the first person by Reb M. M. Gorelik (of blessed memory), will inspire us to do real teshuva before Rosh Hashana.
I was imprisoned in a labor camp in the far north of Russia. The crowding in the bunk was terrible and there wasn't even enough air to breathe. I went out into the yard in order to get some fresh air and was met with 60 degrees below zero temperatures; all that could be seen was snow, snow, snow. It was Rosh Hashana and one thought plagued my mind and heart: Where is my wife? Where are my children?
The K.G.B. had told me terrifying things about my family. They had said, "Your wife is dead. When our men came to her house to take your children from her - because she cannot educate them in the Soviet spirit - she adamantly protested and went into a panic. In her great emotion she had a sudden heart attack and died. But don't worry. Your children are with us, in a Soviet orphanage where they'll get an excellent education in the spirit of communism. There will be none of your Jewish nonsense and religious stupidities."
When they saw that I believed them, they continued to torment me, saying: "Where is your Hashem for whom you sacrificed your wife and children? Where is He? Why doesn't He save you from our hands?" I wanted to cry but I had no tears. I kept all the pain deep inside. I felt that in another moment I would die from a broken heart. I decided to speak my heart to Hashem before my end, before I left this world of falsehood.
I began: "Master of all, today is Rosh Hashana and we don't say 'Al Cheit' asking You for forgiveness from our many transgressions. But under the circumstances I cannot wait until Yom Kippur. I ask forgiveness for every day and year of my entire life in this world of falsehood. And You, in Your great mercy, forgive me also for saying Al Cheit today, on Rosh Hashana."
I began to emotionally recite my unique Al Cheit: "For the sin of organizing a secret school; for the sin of organizing workplaces so Jews wouldn't be forced to work on the Sabbath and holidays; for the sin of organizing factories in which they worked a few hours and in the rest of the time they taught children Torah; for the sin of arranging documents for those children so they wouldn't be caught and be sent to where I am now. "I sinned greatly against these wicked people, but I did it all in order to preserve Your Torah and Your commandments, so please forgive me for my sins. Please allow me to express my final request: Tell me where my wife and children are. What has happened to them? Show them to me so it will be easier for me to leave this false world. Show me Your kindness. "And one last thing. Today is Rosh Hashana. Merciful Father, give me the opportunity to fulfill today's mitzvah of hearing the shofar."
Then, a voice resounded in my heart so clearly, I was sure it was a voice from heaven. It said, "Don't be sad and don't believe those wicked ones. Your wife and children are alive and are at home, as always. You will see one another with joy and success." I cried out, "Hashem! Please change Your rules of nature! We can hear long distance via the radio. Do me this kindness, let me actually hear the sound of the shofar."
Suddenly, I saw before my eyes a large synagogue with a bima in the center, and on the bima stood the Lubavitcher Rebbe blowing the shofar. T'kia - my heart cried wordlessly at this sound. Shvarim, t'rua - my crying intensified but without sound. My heart stopped beating in anticipation, and once again I heard: shvarim, t'rua. I stood there, drinking in this awesome and holy sight. I cried deep in my heart: "Father! Have mercy on us! Father! Rescue your children who need help..."
And then tears began to burst forth, copious, warm tears. I cried out before Hashem for my troubles, for my wife's difficulties, and for the children, who did not sin, and for my brothers and sisters in these same straits. During those moving moments, there was no snow and ice covered camp, no guard dogs or human-animals who patrolled the fence. What I saw and felt was only Hashem, the holy Torah, the Rebbe blowing shofar, and many Jews who were listening to the sound of the shofar and were crying from the depths of their hearts. The Rebbe, too, was crying.
Many years passed and with Hashem's kindness I remained alive. I was freed from the labor camp and returned home. I found my wife and children alive and observing Torah and mitzvos despite the dangers they endured while I was away. More decades went by and miraculously we were freed from that hell.
Together with my wife and children we arrived in Israel. I travelled to the Rebbe in New York at my first opportunity, to pray in his synagogue on Rosh Hashana, to thank him for praying for us, and for his blessings that encouraged us to be strong. I entered "770."
I saw before me a large synagogue with a bima in the center. The Rebbe prepared himself to blow the shofar as thousands of chasidim watched in awe. It was utterly silent. The Rebbe went up to the bima. He took three bags with him that contained letters requesting blessings, many from Jews in the Soviet Union requesting a blessing to be able to leave. The Rebbe covered his holy face with his talit and cried. He cried for all the Jewish people. The Rebbe began to blow the shofar. T'kia, shvarim, t'rua... It was the same vision I had seen in the labor camp decades ago. But this time it was not a vision!" Good Shabbos Everyone.

Mr. Wolfberg’s Shabbos in Siberia and other stories are sponsored by: Refuah Shleima to Mordechai Menachem Mendel ben Tziporah Yitta Refuah Shleima to Tsviah bas Bracha Leah

In memory of Shosha Malka bas R' Avrohom 21 Cheshvan Refuah Shleimah to Chana Ashayra bas Dodi

Be well and have a great Shabbos and may your Repentance, Prayers and Charity help. A healthy, happy, blessed, joyous, peaceful, fruitful, prosperous, successful, wonderful, beautiful and Torah filled year to all,

Rachamim Pauli