Friday, April 26, 2024

Some Stories of Righteous People and Swords of Iron updates


Chafetz Chaim on Fame and Fortune by Rachamim Pauli



A few days ago I read an article not concerning Yisrael, Swords of Iron but a younger generation that a 29year old Tik Tok Star was dead or a 49year old ex-American Idol was dead.


In one of the biographical stories I read over the years, I came across the story of the Chafetz Chaim and the lottery ticket. The story went that Ploni (so and so) came to the Rabbi for a blessing to win the lottery. The elderly sage blessed him with continuous and sufficient income for his life.


The man did not why the blessing came out that way, until one of the students of the Chafetz Chaim told him the background. It seems that many years prior to this man asking the Rabbi for a blessing, somebody else came to the Rabbi. He gave the man a blessing to win the lottery. Lo and behold, he won the lottery.


The man then gave here and there 10% to charity and the beggars, tricksters and others tried to get hold of the man. He made a bad investment here and lost money there. Eventually, his win became easy come and easy go. But it was worse than that for either he quit his original job or had sold his original business.


The lottery winner was not very poor and worse off than he had been before the big win. The Chafetz Chaim concluded that the income was decreed by heaven and the sudden win was taken from the over a life time of income and the man then became poorer. Henceforth, the Rabbi only blessed people for steady income in a sufficient manner.


Also it appears to me that sudden fame is dangerous and can get into somebody’s head or make enemies through jealousy.



All right, I should have covered this before Pesach for Pet Owners. The Chabad Magazine came out at the last minute and I only read this Chol HaMoed. But since we say “Next Year in a rebuilt Yerushalayim”, so too everybody will know better next year.



Identifying as a Jew by Sara Yocheved Rigler



What saved the enslaved Jews of Egypt?


Our Sages assert that the Israelites in Egypt were on the lowest level of spiritual impurity. They worshipped idols. They were debauched and dissolute. So how did they merit the grand and miraculous redemption?


They had only three things going for them: They kept their Hebrew names, their Hebrew language, and their distinctive Hebrew dress. In other words, they retained their Jewish identity.


Wait a second! Didn’t you cringe when you found out that the biggest Ponzi scheme in history had been perpetuated by someone with a distinctly Jewish name? Wouldn’t we have preferred that instead of retaining his Jewish identity he had changed his name to Christopher Johnson?


What is the redemptive value of Jewish identity?


The question assumes particular importance in our generation. Indeed, the rates of adultery, domestic violence, addiction to drugs and porn, and murder for reasons as trifling as being cut off in traffic have skyrocketed in this generation. An objective look at our moral standing would produce a grim assessment.


Judaism promulgates a teleological worldview – that history is moving toward a specific goal, namely, the Redemption, or the Messianic era. So how can a generation as dissolute as ours be redeemed?


Maimonides, in his code of Jewish Law, makes a startling pronouncement. He writes that a Jew who lives in isolation from the Jewish community, even if he keeps all the commandments, is considered a kofer b’ikar, a heretic. The implication is that identifying with the Jewish community is a basic value that underlies all the commandments.


The challenge to identify as a Jew or not became a viable choice in the 19th century, as the ghetto walls came down. During the 19th and early 20th century, huge numbers of Jews defected. Over the course of the nineteenth century, the majority of Warsaw’s most affluent Jews converted to Christianity. In the Austro-Hungarian Empire between 1867 and 1918, about 20,000 Jews converted to Christianity to rid themselves of the social stigma of being Jewish. (Gustav Mahler is the most famous example; he converted to Roman Catholicism in 1897 in order to snag the post of Conductor of the Viennese Opera.)


Many Jewish immigrants en route to America from Eastern Europe threw their tefillin into the New York harbor because they wanted to eschew their Jewish identity and become “Americans.” In contrast to the ancient Hebrews in Egypt, who retained their Hebrew names and language, many Jewish immigrants changed their names. The film Hester Street about life on the lower East Side has a scene in a class for ballroom dancing. The sign on the wall proclaims: NO YIDDISH SPOKEN HERE.


In our generation, many Jews have renounced their Jewish identity in favor of becoming “citizens of the world.” Their political views have led them to identify with the enemies of the Jewish People.


Since 1948, the benchmark of Jewish identification in America has been, more than synagogue affiliation, support of the Jewish State. Rabbi Nachman Kahana remembers that when he was a teenager in New York in 1948, he helped raise funds to buy arms for the Jewish fighters in what was soon to be the State of Israel. Their truck would stop at a street corner, they would jump out, and two of them would hold an Israeli flag horizontally. Passers-by would reach into their pockets, and without even looking, throw everything they had into the flag. This enthusiastic support of Israel was unwavering in the American Jewish community until the last decade.


That’s why alarm bells rang a couple years ago when a study revealed that 50% of American Jews under the age of 35 would not consider it “a personal tragedy if the State of Israel ceased to exist.” Two months ago an American Congresswoman declared that the Jews of America had sold out Israel in their support of Obama’s diplomatic surrender to Iran’s nuclear program.


The minimum requirement to be redeemed is to identify as a Jew.


The nadir of this abandonment of support for Israel is the BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions) movement, which actually has some Jews among its supporters. The BDS movement seeks to destroy Israel economically just as Iran seeks to destroy Israel physically. The starkest defection from the Jewish People is to side with those sworn to our destruction. According to Jewish law, every person born to a Jewish mother is Jewish, even if s/he converts to another religion. But a Jew needs to minimally cast his/her lot with the Jewish community to be redeemable.


Let’s be clear here. God wants the maximum from us Jews: love your neighbor as yourself; keep Shabbos; don’t speak lashon hara; keep kosher – the whole nine yards. But the minimum requirement to be redeemed is to identify as a Jew.

Why should a dissolute Jew who identifies as a Jew be redeemable? Here it gets mystical. According to our sages, the Patriarchs and Matriarchs passed their spiritual DNA down to their descendants. Their spiritual achievements were not personal. In virtually every Divine revelation to the Patriarchs, God makes promises dealing with their descendants – they will be “like the stars of the heaven” and “like the sands of the seashore,” they will inherit the Land of Israel, etc. Among the promises was that God would not let a Jewish soul hit rock bottom without Divine intervention to stop his free-fall. This spiritual safety net is called, “zechut avot,” the merit of the forefathers.

According to the Midrash, at the Splitting of the Sea, the angel of Egypt protested to God that both the Hebrews and the Egyptians were idol worshippers. Why should the Hebrews be saved, and the Egyptians drowned? God answered that the Hebrews are the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Zechut avot, the merit of the forefathers.

But zechut avot, like any inheritance, only becomes yours if you claim it. Your grandfather can bequeath you a bank account worth a million dollars, but if don’t show up at the lawyer’s office and identify yourself as Jake Levy’s grandson, you won’t have access to his fortune. If you don’t actively identify as a Jew, you can’t inherit the precious fortune of zechut avot.

Passover poses the challenge to every Jew: Are you in or are you out?

Zechut avot is like a skydiver’s reserve chute. If the main parachute fails to open, and the skydiver is falling at 120 mph, she can be saved by the reserve chute. But only if she pulls the cord! The cord that activates the merit of the forefathers is Jewish identity.

Jewish identity is what prompted Kirk Douglas to fast every Yom Kippur. As he proudly stated, “I might be making a film, but I fasted.”

Jewish identity is what prompted Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to post a large silver mezuzah on the doorpost of her Supreme Court chambers.

Jewish identity is what prompted movie star Scarlet Johansson to stand up for Israel at the cost of her prestige as an Oxfam ambassador.

The Passover Seder speaks about four sons. Only one of them is cast as “wicked.” As the Haggadah states: “The wicked son, what does he say? ‘What is this service to you?’ ‘To you,’ but not to him. Because he excludes himself from the community, he is a heretic. … Say to him, ‘Because of what God did for me when I went out of Egypt.’ For me, but not for him, because if he would have been there, he would not have been redeemed.”

The first Passover marked the birth of the Jewish nation. Every Passover since poses the challenge to every Jew: Are you in or are you out?



I lost two friends because of the war but not because they died by Abigail Letson



Radical ideology has the power to end even the closest of friendships.


Like many people, I met two of my closest friends while in college. Initially, we got along through commiserating with each other over some assignment or annoying classmate, perhaps the humdrum of jobs relegated to college students. Eventually, we became very close, and I gladly hosted them for late-night hangouts and even Jewish holidays, like Passover. A novel experience for two people who’d never had a Jewish best friend before — or perhaps just a Jewish friend at all.


Over our decade of friendship, they would come to learn about my family’s history — particularly my grandfather’s story as a Holocaust survivor. They were there when I met my Israeli boyfriend. They were there when I moved to Israel. And I was there when they started a Pagan business and began using non-binary pronouns. When they had graduation parties and started proudly promoting communism. When they declared ACAB – all cops are bastards in support of Black Lives Matter.


It didn’t matter whether or not I agreed with their political beliefs because they were two of my closest friends.


It didn’t matter whether or not I agreed with their political beliefs because they were two of my closest friends. I’d known them since I was 18, after all. You can’t just throw friendship like that away over political disagreements. Admittedly, they weren’t so extreme when I met them, but they were still good people.


That’s what I told myself year after year. And while I was an openly Zionist, proud Jew (you couldn’t walk into our house without the Hamas practically slapping you in the face), I never really pressed them on their opinions of Israel. Partly because I thought they were too afraid to be honest with me, and partly because I knew the truth of what they were too afraid to say. Until October 7 happened.


In the wake of the barbaric terror attacks in Israel, I wrote about my experience on October 7 and my perspective of the resulting war and geopolitical situation. This article — unrestrained in detailing my political beliefs and frustrations — incensed my two friends to finally reveal their opinions about Israel. How did they do it? Through social media.


I was enraged and disgusted when they smeared Israel with accusations of genocide before October was even out. How they posted in honor of every single Palestinian martyr. When they claimed Israel stole the bodies of Palestinian children for propaganda. And worst of all, when they posted that the hostages are “waving, smiling and showing positive emotions toward Hamas.” And for what? Because their best friend — who easily could have been one of the unlucky souls kidnapped, raped, or murdered — told her experience of that tragic day.


If you don’t fit into the moral picture declared supreme by the tribe… you get the boot. Even if you’ve been friends for a decade.


Their moral depravity and cowardice had me seething, but I was far from surprised. Everything they stood for and made their lives about was perfectly in line with radical leftist idealism, and when someone subscribes to an ideology, regardless of where it falls on the political spectrum, it can rapidly descend into tribalism. And if you don’t fit into the moral picture declared supreme by the tribe… you get the boot. Even if you’ve been friends for a decade.


A study in the American Journal of Political Science by authors Peter K. Hatemi, Charles Crabtree, and Kevin B. Smith demonstrates that moral beliefs are more likely a result of political ideology, and not the other way around. This explains why, intuitively, I wasn't all that surprised by my friends’ betrayal, because the radical political Left openly vilifies Israel. It also explains why Jews are uniquely susceptible to the ideological hate dominating both sides of the political spectrum, especially considering antisemitism seems to fit the horseshoe theory claiming both extreme ends of the political spectrum are actually closely aligned as opposed to stark opposites. With morality shaped by ideological belief, extremists depict Jews not only as “other,” but as evil.


On the far Left, Jews, and by extension Israel, are seen as the domineering, capitalist oppressors — a notion that fits seamlessly into their victim-victimizer worldview where everything is about power. On the far Right, Jews are sneaky parasites masquerading as white people, seeking to replace true white people. But that is possibly where the differences on the far Left and Right end in regards to antisemitism. Extremes on both sides, being more prone to belief in conspiracy theories, are therefore more likely to believe in the same antisemitic tropes. According to the ADL, people who tend toward belief in conspiracy theories endorse 3.8 times more antisemitic tropes.


The belief that Jews hold too much power in politics, in Hollywood, in the media, on Wall Street — these are all classic features of antisemitism on the far Left and Right. The obsessive fixation on Jews and money, which dates back to Medieval times, is particularly pervasive. All of this culminates in a general distrust, dislike, or hatred of Jews, contributing to the ADL’s new finding that “more than 42% of Americans either have friends/family who dislike Jews (23.2%) or find it socially acceptable for a close family member to support Hamas (27.2%).”


With numbers like that, it’s hard for Jews to know who can be trusted. After my friends revealed how deeply antisemitic they are, I couldn’t help but silently wonder about my other friends. Who else was secretly fostering antisemitic beliefs? Who else would propagate lies about Israel that directly translate into violence against Jews? Who else cared so little whether we Jews lived or died so as to contribute to that violence?


October 7 has forced many Jews to look around and wonder if they’re among true friends.


The answer? No one. As it turns out, the very act of publishing the article that had incensed my two radical friends in the first place — the unabashed expression of my beliefs — served as the perfect shield. All I was left with were the friends who truly valued my life. And the relief in knowing that you are surrounded by people with genuine intentions and love for you — not having to wonder whether they’d hide you or drag you by your throat to the Nazis in the 1940’s — that feeling is ineffable. It’s a gift.


October 7 has forced many Jews to look around and wonder if they’re among true friends. It’s a scary prospect to think those you love couldn’t care less if you live or die — to consider that just maybe your intuition isn’t as strong as their deceit is deft. But the thing about radical ideology is just that, it’s radical, and radicalism is never silent for long, particularly in the face of confrontation.


I still have friends with political perspectives I disagree with, but now I hold nothing back. I challenge them on their opinions of Israel. I remind them of the reality of living here. I mince no words on my opinions of DEI initiatives and I don’t care if I offend someone by telling my truthful experience of war.


For many reasons, we can’t afford to shy away from uncomfortable conversations, specifically about Israel and antisemitism, but as a Jew in the diaspora, it’s the only way to ensure the people who still remain in your life are the ones who value it.


More About The Author Abigail Letson

Abigail Letson is a writer, editor, and marketing manager in the biotech and higher education industries. Her writing has been featured on and in Commentary Magazine. To contact her or see more of her work, please visit



The Convincing Words of the Apostate Jew by Rabbi Y. Tilles



In a city not far from Apta, there lived a Jewish apostate who caused his former brethren much trouble and heartache. He rose to a very high position in the government, becoming one of the king's most trusted officials. He made sure to utilize his position the make the Jews' lives miserable.

Every once in a while, the king would meet with all his ministers to discuss various issues and discuss all sorts of ideas that might benefit the inhabitants of the kingdom.

The apostate considered these meeting prime opportunities to disparage the Jews, his former brothers, in the eyes of the king.

At one such meeting, one of the officials, also a virulent anti-Semite, rose and told the king a shocking tale. In his village, he said, a non-Jewish girl had gone out to draw water from the well and never returned home. She simply disappeared without a trace!

It was Erev Pesach, a time when Klal Yisrael (the Jewish people) was preparing for the holy holiday by eliminating the chametz (leavened foods) from their homes and baking matzos.

After much investigation, said the official, it was discovered that the Jews were to blame for the girl's disappearance; they had murdered her in order to mix her blood into their holiday matzos.

All those present at the meeting were horrified by the minister's story and their fury knew no bounds.

They drew up a terrible decree that would affect all the Jews in the kingdom. In order for the decree to be valid, the document needed all the officials' signatures.

When it came to the apostate's turn to sign, however, a spirit of purity overcame him. Instead of enthusiastically joining the officials in drawing up a decree against the Jews, whom he so despised, he rose and announced to all the ministers that he too was a Jew and the whole accusation was a ridiculous bluff.

He explained that the consumption of blood was one of the most serious prohibitions in Jewish law. He knew this for certain, he assured the king and the ministers, for he had grown up among the Jews, and he knew their customs well.

His sincere words convinced the king and the ministers, especially since they knew him to be a renegade Jew who was a sworn enemy of his former people, and not one to speak well of them under ordinary circumstances.
If he was defending the Jews, they felt certain, he must be speaking the truth.
And so, in his merit, the decree never came to fruition.

The mitzvah of rescuing Jews from destruction awakened hidden sparks within the converted Jew, and he began to want to return to his people and draw closer to Hashem and His Torah.

However, he immediately rejected this thought, certain that it would be impossible for him to ever return to his people.

The situation seemed hopeless. Nevertheless, he decided to travel to the Apter Rav and seek his advice. Perhaps the tzadik would be able to help him find a way out; perhaps there was a chance he still could return to the One G-D.

His longing to repent gave him no rest. He showed up at the Apter Rebbe's house that very night, brokenhearted and filled with remorse for his evil ways.

When the tzadik saw him and recognized him as the infamous apostate who constantly sought opportunities to cause the Jews no end of tragedy, he grew frightened that the man had come to stir up more trouble.

At first, he sought to politely avoid him, apologizing that he was old and weak and hadn't the strength to receive him so late at night.

The man refused to budge, begging the tzadik to hear him out.

The Apter Rav, however, had made up his mind not to talk to the loathsome Jew hater, come what may.

He told the man that he would speak to him only when grass started growing on the stick standing nearby.

Incredibly, the stick immediately began sprouting bright green grass.

When the tzadik saw this miracle, he summoned the apostate into his home and allowed him to speak.

The man began telling him all that had happened. He told the tzadik his forceful rejection had aroused in him the desire to abandon his evil ways and return to the Judaism of his parents and ancestors. but didn't know how to go about it.

The Apter Rebbe accepted responsibility to deal with the man's tikkun (rectification). He outlined a path of teshuva (return [to mitzvah observance]) for the man, providing him with a list of behaviors to accept upon himself.

The man immediately began acting in accordance with the tzadik's instructions. No more than two weeks passed when the rabbi of the neighboring village sent word to the Apta Rav that the man's house had gone up in flames but no harm had come to the former apostate.

The Apter Rebbi immediately informed the man that his repentance had been accepted by Heaven and he could return to his home, to his worthy wife and children.

The man became a true Baal Teshuva - a sincere Torah observant Jew.

Source: Supplemented by R. Yerachmiel Tilles from an article in the 2 Nissan 5700 edition of ???, taken from "Leket Amarim" by R. Yaakov-Meir Shechter (vol.2, p. 170), who writes that this astounding story is copied from the ledgers of the burial society of a particular village in Poland.

Rabbi Yaakov-Meir Shechter, born in 1930 in the Old City of Jerusalem, is a leader of the Breslov Hasidic movement in Israel, a well-known kabbalist, author of 15 books (at last count), and a rosh yeshiva of the main Breslov Yeshiva in Meah Shearim, Jerusalem, and the Shaar Hashamayim Yeshiva in Mekor Baruch, Jerusalem. (based on Wiki)



YouTube Video



Milestone: Sylvia Flyer, 97, Together with her late husband Carl, Sylvia played a pivotal role in the founding of Arutz Sheva Israel National Radio in 1988.


Inyanay Diyoma


 Apr. 23


Day 200


On Erev Chag, my third oldest grandchild called me to wish me a happy holiday. “Did you hear about the terror attack in Yerushalayim? Well the terrorists fled to a store rented out by my former Yeshiva below the main learning area that leads to lower tuition.”


Islamist-Nazis across America. US Flags burned, shouts of “Death to America”.

Yale University.


Even Alex Baldwin attacked by pro-terrorists.


RFK Jr. hurts Trump more than Biden.


Two taken out in Lebanon:


Dozens of Rockets towards Tzafat.


Fire on Haifa Bay from Lebanon.


Bedouin Scout for Givati killed in action.


Netzach Yehuda Battalion (97th Battalion), under the command of the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Division, conducted a targeted raid before and during the Passover holiday in the Beit Hanoun area to neutralize terrorist infrastructure.


Gallant backs up Netzach Yehuda.


Blinken no announcement on Netzach Yehuda.


Israel planned major attack on Iran.


Killer of Soldier and terrorist family are Shachidim.


Rt. Wing Fringe: Police on Monday detained 13 people suspected of attempting to smuggle goats onto the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to sacrifice the animals in honor of Passover, in line with ancient Jewish tradition.


The commander of the IDF Central Command Maj. Gen. Yehuda Fox is expected to step down from his position in the summer. He recently notified Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi of the decision.


Hamas kills Arab aid worker to manufacture food crisis.


Arab kidnaps and rapes a Jewish Woman.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Israel Katz congratulated the EU on its decision: "A dramatic decision that sends a clear message to Khamenei - we will not allow you to undermine regional stability."


Apr. 24


Day 201


Praying in the outdoor Minyan Today was difficult. Wind gusts pushed over chairs must have reached 50mph. The pine tree was needling me and from my own lemon tree and Pamela fruit fell. I took Teruma and Maaser. Going up to 39C or 102F plus today and 41C or 106F tomorrow.


US Senate approves aid bill.


Rafah operation plans:

This means going into Lebanon around June.


UN antisemitic dangerous institution.


Argentina is seeking the arrest of Iranian minister Ahmad Vahidi. Earlier this month, an Argentinian court officially declared Iran to be responsible for a 1994 bombing at the AMIA Jewish community center in Buenos Aires which killed 85 people, as well as for a 1992 bombing at the Israeli Embassy, which left 29 dead.


Arabs reject Turkish Plan:


Please bear with me and make sure that brain is in gear at all times:


Likes Trump over Biden.


Apr. 25th


Day 202


Deep in the heart of Texas antisemitism is not tolerated. Police on Wednesday arrested over a dozen people, including a local news photographer, at a pro-Palestinian Arab protest at the University of Texas at Austin.


Netanyahu’s new military secretary on the who should control the Gaza Strip after the war and it should be Israel.


We will pursue Hamas everywhere.


Germany announced on Wednesday it would resume cooperation with the UN agency for “Palestinian refugees”, UNRWA.


In a gesture to Qatar video of Hersh Goldberg-Polin.


Hersh’s parents speak in English.


US shoots down another Houthi Missile.


Iran reducing presence in Syria.


The stoppage of fighting has brought about Sinwar walking Gaza with impunity. Intelligence sources have confirmed reports that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar has left his hiding spot and walked the streets of Gaza, according to the Hostage Families Forum.


Times over the world for Shabbos Chol HaMoed.


Lack of hostage deal it is Sinwar’s fault.


New Homicide Unit of Fatah.


US President Joe Biden today (Thursday) appointed Lise Grande, the president of the United States Institute of Peace, as the US Special Envoy for Middle East Humanitarian Issues.


We should be dancing and praising HASHEM over the miracles that stopped the Iranian Attack.


Iran covers up damage by Israeli Attack.


Ben Gvir opposes visits to captured Hamas Terrorists.


Billionaires stop funding Columbia.


Netanyahu says Campuses in USA like 1930’s.


An IDF soldier who works as a truck driver began a relationship on Facebook with an Iranian agent who pretended to be a woman.


Protesters clash with police near PM residence.


A police officer suffered light to moderate injuries on Wednesday afternoon, as he pursued a driver who refused to stop for a routine inspection.


Gazans dug mass grave to accuse Yisrael.


Calls for Hamas to release hostages.


Arab Mafia.


Op Ed Bederman.


Apr. 26th


Day 203


Israeli Arab killed by antitank missile.


A firefight when the Arab died.


Zohar cabinet decision to allow Hamas visitation is wrong.


As far as Israel is concerned the deal is for 33 hostages.


I have an idea the 33 detained at Indiana U. should go to Gaza permanently.


A parliamentarian from the Canadian province of Ontario was asked to leave the legislature for wearing a keffiyeh on Thursday.


Seeing our son reminded us that we should bring them home.


Western world since the rise of the Nazis in Weimar Germany, a series of events which saw students emerge to express solidarity with Adolf Hitler’s vision of a world without Jews.


Afula: Israel Police and Border Police officers arrested 11 Arabs who infiltrated pre-1967 Israel from Jenin.


IDF CENTCOM to extend aid to Gaza.


US sanctions target Iranian Drones.


Egyptian Delegation to discuss hostage deal.


US starts the pier off of Gaza construction.


US tracking mortar attack near Pier site.


Follow the money behind the funding of US riots.


Turkish terror ship to Gaza delayed.


New Public Opinion Poll Ganz’s lead cut.


Save the whales down under.


NY Case against Harvey Weinstein falls apart.


Blinken to discuss Rafah.



Have a wonderful Shabbos Chol HaMoed Pesach,

Rachamim Pauli