Friday, September 3, 2010

:Parshiyos Nitzavim - Vayalech, Rambam on Teshuva, stories

Please pray for my friend Israel Saidel nee Yetta, the man I wrote about three weeks ago, that was declared dead and when they were about to remove him from the respirator sat up and told them it was about time they took that "damned thing out of his mouth."

He is far from recovery, still on the respirator, plus a trach and feeding tube, but responds to questions with a slight nod of his head.

There is hope that he may recover with your prayers and the proper medical attention. RUTH

Rivka Avra bat Yehudit – throat cancer. You can take Eli ben Merel off the list,

Elul the time for Repentance

Rambam (Laws of Repentance) – Introduction [This text describes] one mitzvah – that a sinner should repent from his sin before YHWH and confess

Chapter 1

1 -If a person transgresses any of the mitzvot of the Torah, whether willingly or inadvertently – when he repents and returns from his sin, he must confess before G-d, blessed be He, as it is said: “If a man or a woman commit any of the sins of man…they must confess the sin that they have done” (Numbers 5:6-7) – this refers to a verbal confession. This confession is a positive commandment.

How does one confess? He says: “Please HaShem – I have sinned, transgressed and acted criminally before you and have done such and such. Behold I regret and am

embarrassed from my actions, and I will never return to do this thing again.” This is the essence of the confession. Whoever confesses profusely and elaborates on these matters is worthy of praise!

We must distinguish Judaism here from some other religions. For 1) The confession is in front of G-D unless he has to placate his fellow man. 2) The confession is in private with all his resolve not to sin. However, one makes every attempt not to sin the same sin again. Example of a Yetzer – instead of taking 5 types of cake at an Israeli hotel where they are abundant to the guests, if he will take one or two that is an improvement but not what the dietician would want. 3) There comes a point when the sin presents itself that man falls into the sin time after time that repentance is completely next to impossible such as a man who curses or womanizes such that he cannot break the habit or a flirtatious woman. Or an immodest woman such that one day she ran around and posed in bikinis or less and finally repented while she was still in her prime this is full Teshuva but if in her 80’s and only her implants remain firm that is Teshuva but partial compared to this if she repented closer to her prime. (see 2.1 below)

This happened to one woman whom the lady’s magazine LeIshah called “The Rebbitzen” and then proceeded to show the photos that photographer copywrote and her photos today. She may be cleaned up her behavior but not the magazine poking fun at her.

Similarly, those who are required to bring sin offerings or guilt offerings - when they bring them for their sin, the sacrifices will not atone for them until/unless they repent and make a verbal confession, as it is said: “He shall confess the sin he has committed upon it” (Leviticus 5:5). Similarly, those obligated to be put to death or to receive lashes

do not attain atonement through their death or lashing until/unless they repent and confess. Similarly one who injure his fellow or damages his property, even though he pays him what he is obligated in, will not be atoned until/unless he confesses and repents [commits himself] to never repeat this behavior, as it is said: “any of the sins of man” (Numbers ibid).

Regretting and cease and desist forever is good but his repentance is not complete unless his sacrifice, death or lashes complete the process for example in serious injuries or even accidental death of his fellow. Example a permanent injury to an organ of his fellow.

2 - Since the goat which is sent to Azazel atones for all of Israel, the High Priest confesses upon it on behalf of all of Israel, as it is said: “And he shall confess upon it all of the transgressions of the children of Israel” (Leviticus 16:21). The goat sent to Azazel atones for all of the transgressions in the Torah, the lighter and the more severe, whether one transgressed intentionally or unintentionally, whether one subsequently became aware of the transgression or not – all are atoned for by the goat sent to Azazel.

We no longer have the Beis HaMikdash and the only atonements we have today is repentance, prayer and charity.

This applies only if one repented. But if one did not repent, then the goat atones only for the light sins. Which are the light sins and which are the severe? The severe sins are those for which one is liable the death penalty or karet [death by the hand of G-d). Oaths in vain and those done falsely are also considered severe sins, even though there is no penalty of karet. But other prohibitions and positive commandments, which are not punished by karet, are considered light sins.

For example passion over took a young non-religious soldier and his non-religious girlfriend out of wedlock when she was a Niddah but they never learned the rules of Taharos HaMishpacha or Mikvah. Their Kares sin would be forgiven because of innocence but the same couple might have known that Chelev (forbidden fat) or Aliya (tail fat) was forbidden to eat and the punishment was Kares and still they ate this, they would not be forgiven w/o Teshuva.

Up until this point the Rambam spoke about Temple times but since the Beis HaMikdash no longer exists the following is the rule.

3 – Today, when the Temple no longer exists and there is no altar of atonement – all that we have is Teshuva. Teshuva atones for all sins. Even someone who was wicked his whole life but repented in his final moments will not be reminded of any aspect of his wickedness, as it is said: “The wickedness of an evil one will not cause him to stumble on the day that he repents from his evil” (Ezekiel 33:12).

And HE will redeem Yisrael from all their sins. (Tehillim 130)

The essence of the Yom Kippur day atones for those who repent, as it is said: “For in/by this day, He will atone you” (Leviticus 16:30).

4 – Even though Teshuva atones for everything, and the essence of the Yom Kippur day also brings atonement, some sins which are atoned for immediately, whereas others are atoned for only with the passage of time. How is this?

1) If one violated a positive commandment which is not punishable by karet and he repented – he will not budge from his spot before he is forgiven, as it is said: “Return mischievous children, I will heal your backsliding” (Jeremiah 3:22).

2) If one transgressed a prohibition which is not punishable by karet or the death penalty and he repented, Teshuva “suspends” and Yom Kippur atones. Regarding these it is said: “For in/by this day, He will atone you” (Leviticus ibid).

3) If one transgressed a commandment which is punishable by karet or the death penalty and he repented, Teshuva and Yom Kippur “suspend” and the afflictions that come upon him complete the atonement, for he will never attain complete atonement until/unless suffering befalls him. Regarding these it is said: “I will punish their crimes with a staff and their iniquities with plagues” (Psalms 89:33). When do all of the above apply? – in a situation where there is no desecration of G-d’s name. But one who desecrates G-d’s name, even though he repented and when Yom Kippur came, he is steadfast in his repentance, and suffering came upon him – he will not be given complete atonement until he dies. The three – Teshuva, Yom Kippur, and suffering – “suspend” and it is death that atones, as it is said: “It was revealed in my ears [by] the L-rd of Hosts, surely this

iniquity will not be atoned for until you die.” (Isaiah 22:14).

The above taken from:

2:1 What is complete repentance? When a person has the opportunity to commit the original sin again, and is physically able to sin again, but one doesn’t sin because of his repentance. Not out of fear, or because of physical weakness. For example, if a man had forbidden sexual relations with a woman, and then at a later time found himself alone with her, even though he still loves her as much as before, and he has the physical strength to sin, and was in the same country as when he sinned, yet he refrains and does not sin, he is a Baal Teshuva (‘master of repentance’). About this Shlomo HaMelech said, “Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, [before the evil days come, and the years draw near when you shall say, `I have no pleasure in them’]” (Koheles 12: 1).

If he only repented in his old age, or at a time when he could no longer commit the original sin, even though it is not the ideal repentance, it still helps and he is considered as a Baal Teshuva. Even if a person sinned their entire life and repented on their dying day and died in a state of repentance, all their sins are forgiven. As it is written, “...before the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars are darkened, and the clouds return after the rain”, which refers to the day of one’s death. This implies that if a person remembers their Creator and repents before they die they are forgiven.

The above taken from:

I always wonder why people just don’t get the message and make a joke out of Repentance, Pray and Charity or the Goyim not doing their bit with their belief in Faith, Hope and Charity. In Devarim and with some Noviim we have read the Sentence “What does G-D want from you? – To obey the Commandments!” What can we do for scoffers and council of sinners? I don’t know but we can counter this by being vigilant and observe the commandments.

There are 10 chapters to the laws of repentance and I have given you the sources to learn them especially the first url so please take up the torch and learn. The Hebrew is simple enough and perhaps there are a few words that are not basic. In fact one reason why the Lubavitcher Rebbe of Saintly Memory suggested that people learn the Rambam is the simplicity to read. I first read it while I was a new immigrant in Israel with less than a year of spoken Hebrew.

Finally, the Rambam on Hilchos Teshuva has a hint about the Psalm we say all the month of Elul until Hoshana Rabba LeDavid HASHEM (Tehillim 27) with his words describing Olam Haba (the next world) as Eretz HaChaim which is mentioned in the Psalm and other words.

From Rabbi A. L. Remember, as Rabbi Yissocher Frand, Shlita, teaches, Elul is Jewish Tax Season. Indeed, it may very well be that Tax Season was invented so that we could more properly appreciate and experience Elul.

1. Coming to Schul on time for Davening without having to skip.

2. Coming to Schul on time.

3. Wearing truly appropriate clothing while Davening. (This depends upon your standard which could be suit and tie and hat or like myself a white shirt black pants and shoes and a large Yarmulke in the 42 deg. aka 107/108 deg. heat while the Halacha permits a tee shirt, bathing suit and sandals as we see on some religious Kibbutzim. Since the non-Yeshiva religious community has an obligation to pray the standard can be the blue collar for a Minyan at work. One has to have his wits about him as Mishnayos Berachos tells us. Rabbi Frand’s Mussar is good as it gives us a sense of prayer when we are not at work and the temperatures are appropriate for a suit jacket or a vest.) [Note the Ben Ish Chai requires socks for davening.]

4. Making Berachos properly, slowly with Kavannah, bentching from a Siddur, making sure to make the right Berachos on the food, especially being careful with the Berachos of Shehakol and Borei Nefashos which are recited so many times a day, and can really serve in someone's stead when recited properly!!

5. Reciting at least the first paragraph of Shema and the first Bracha of Shemona Esrey with Kavannah; spending the time to properly have the necessary "quick" Kavannah ready when reciting Shema and Shemona Esrey.

6. Reciting Moadim and Aleinu L'Shabeach with Kavannah.

7. Making a personal request at the end of each Shemona Esrey.

8. Making sure to privately thank Hashem during the course of the day for something specific that you just realized or were made aware of, or that just occurred, by thinking or voicing the words "Thank You, Hashem."

9. Making sure that the Hashgacha you are eating from is truly a good one.

10. Not wasting time in frivolous chatter or nonsensical discussions.

11. Not making sarcastic comments, and not using bitter words.

12. Having Kavannah for the rebuilding of Yerushalayim and the coming of Moshiach three times a day in Shemonah Esrei.

13. Sticking to the Truth.

14. Avoiding a response based on laziness.

15. Curbing a particular desire in some way every day; certainly not overeating or overindulging.

16. Avoiding inane or impure thoughts which hurt the Neshama.

17. Making proper use of the eyes and the ears.

18. Having a plan in place to use if you feel you are getting angry or in you realize you are already angry.

19. When being stubborn, stopping to think whether it is for the correct reasons.

20. Showing respect for elders (actually standing up when they come within four Amos of you); smiling at them and praying for them.

21. Showing the proper respect for Sefarim (studying from, straightening out, cleaning and kissing them).

22. Not being overly frugal when it comes to Mitzvos and to the needs of others.

23. Not turning to desire for money (Chemdas HaMamon) into an Avoda Zara.

24. Not doing something which is disgusting, or at least would not be viewed kindly by other people, whether or not they see you do it.

25. Not doing something else in front of someone who is talking to you, showing them a pleasant countenance, appearance and smile.

26. Looking up, and asking the Halacha when you need to know it or are unsure, or, if it is too late, at least looking it up now for the next time.

27. Making sure that your Mezuzos are checked every three and a half years; if you are not sure of the last time you had them checked, but know that it was quite a while ago, then checking them now, before Rosh Hashanah.

28,29,30. These numbers are reserved for you to add your own personalized reflections. If you cannot come up with three on your own, then your introspection needs introspection!!

May we each make great and gaping holes in the above encirclements, so that we are far from surrounded by sin and the upcoming Days of Din, and instead are surrounded by walls of overflowing Mercy, Love and Kindness!!

Please do not call me a hypocrite if I don’t make all the above standards all of the time or even some of the time of R’ Frand but at least they should be goals to reach.

Parshiyos Nitzavim Vayelech

I had three choices this week as I have been sleeping a lot due to a virus. Our Rabbis tell us that when one gets a virus one should check if he has avairos (sins) and be thankful for his punishment in this world and not in the next. Like all human beings I sin by mistake or not. So what were the three things?

1) Put out a have baked job on the Parsha.

2) Copy and Paste completely other commentaries like an anthology.

3) See if I am well enough before Rosh Hashanah to produce this and Hazinu

I chose to wait and see. One can Goggle my BlogSpot for past years individually and combined of the Parshiyos.

Mitzvos and Halachos by Danny Shoemann

If one sees a donkey collapsed under it's heavy load, it's a Mitzva to help the donkey-driver unload the animal. Even if the load was excessive, it's a Mitzva to help. Unloading the animal must be done without asking for remuneration. If - after reloading the donkey - it again collapses, it's a Mitzva to help unload again, and again. Applies to everybody, everywhere, always Verse: "When you see your fellow man's donkey collapsing under its load... you shall surely help him" (Shemos 23:5)
Source: The Chafetz-Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar; Positive Mitzvah 70

It's a Mitzva to help reload an animal - or porter - if their loads need readjusting during transport. One does not have to help unless one will be paid for one's effort. Applies to everybody, everywhere, always Verse: " shall surely help him reload" (Devarim 22:4)
Source: The Chafetz-Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar; Positive Mitzvah 71

It is forbidden to eat or drink on Yom Kippur. By Rabbinic decree it is also forbidden to wash, anoint, wear leather shoes and have marital relations on Yom Kippur.
Applies to everybody, everywhere, always Verse: "for whoever does not fast... will be cut off" (Vayikra 23:29)
Source: The Chafetz-Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar; Prohibition 152

One may not do any Melacha (work as defined by the Rabbis) on the first day of Sukkoth. Applies to everybody, everywhere, always Verse: "And on first day... all work you shall not do" (Vayikra 23:36) Source: The Chafetz-Chaim's Sefer HaMitzvos HaKatzar; Prohibition 153

On Sukkoth there's a Mitzvah to shake the four species; a Lulav, 3 Hadasim, 2 Aravos and an Esrog. The Lulav is a palm branch that is still closed. Once the leaves start fanning out, it's no longer a Lulav. A Lulav has a spine from which the leaves protrude; this spine needs to be facing you when you shake the four species. The Lulav spine should be straight, a slight curvature towards you is allowed. The Lulav spine must be at least 4 Tefachim (32 cm - 13") long. This is measured from the bottom of the lowest "leaf" to the bottom of the highest "leaf". Each "leaf" is made of 2 parts that are connected (and will eventually open up into a V-shaped palm leaf). If these double-leaves start separating, then the Lulav may no longer be Kosher. Special care should be taken that the highest leaves remain coupled. Source: Shulchan Aruch 645.

Since the Mitzvah of Sukkah is to move out of the house and into the Sukkah for the duration of Sukkoth, one should really sleep in the Sukkah. People who are meticulous about their Mitzvah observance will not even take a nap outside the Sukkah. Their entire family moves into the Sukkah; husband, wife and children. There are numerous reasons why not to sleep in a Sukkah. However, if the Sukkah is not fit for sleeping (e.g. it's too dangerous) then the Sukkah is non-Kosher even for eating in. The slightest precipitation renders the Sukkah unfit for sleeping and one should then sleep indoors. Once one lies down inside one is exempt from returning to the Sukkah the entire night, even if the Sukkah subsequently dries. Women are exempt from the Mitzvah of Sukkah, as it's a time-bound Mitzvah. Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 135:8, 9, 10

The intermediary days of Pessach and Sukkot are known as Chol HaMoed. Some types of work are permitted, others are forbidden. Chazal (our Rabbis of blessed memory) have some harsh words for those who don't honor Chol HaMoed properly. Honoring Chol HaMoed includes eating meals and wearing clothes that are closer to Yom Tov standards than regular weekday standards. On Chol HaMoed one may do all work needed to prevent a monetary loss. Preparing food for Chol HaMoed or the last days of Yom Tov is allowed. Gardening is forbidden besides for picking fruit for Chol HaMoed or Yom Tov, and to prevent plants dying, e.g. if they need to be irrigated. Planting is forbidden.
Cutting hair is forbidden on Chol HaMoed. Cutting nails is only allowed if one also cut them before Yom Tov.Writing down information so that it won't be forgotten is allowed. Writing letters to friends and family is allowed. The custom is to write the first line at an angle as a reminder that writing is only partially permitted.

Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 104.

The blessing of שהחיינו - Shehechiyanu; - "... who has kept us alive, sustained us and enabled us to reach this occasion" - is recited during Kiddush on all nights of Yom Tov, except on the last days of Pessach. There are two Minchagim (customs) regarding Shehechiyanu at candle-lighting on Yom Tov candles:
- Some women have the Minchag of saying Shehechiyanu when lighting Yom-Tov candles (except on the last days of Pessach)
- Others never say Shehechiyanu at candle-lighting

If a woman makes her own Kiddush she must be careful to only say Shehechiyanu once; either at candle-lighting or during Kiddush. On the second night of Rosh Hashanah there's a Halachic debate if Shehechiyanu is required. To be on the safe side, one should wear a new item of clothing, or see a new fruit (that one hasn't tasted yet this season) while saying Shehechiyanu on the second night of Rosh Hashanah; both during Kiddush and during candle lighting (if applicable). If one does not have a new item of clothing, nor a new fruit, on the second night of Rosh Hashanah, one still says Shehechiyanu. Source: Kitzur Shulchan Aruch 103:4, 129:23
K'tiva Vechatima Tova; wishing you a year full of happy tidings - Danny

A short film to think about before Rosh Hashanah:

The holiest prayer just before Kedushah on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur – who will live and die:

Yom Kippur where a traffic camera captures a very busy intersection in Tel Aviv before, during and after – please note that with the exception of an occasional ambulance, police car or perhaps an Arab Israeli Taxi the usual non-religious city of Tel Aviv behaves on Yom Kippur. It is a very short film:

One small miracle on the cosmos scale but a large miracle for this family: One of the people on my prayer list a former cancer patient with MS was happy that the scare is over.

Shalom, Rabbi,

I know it is already Shabbos there, so thank you for the Dvar Torah (email) and for being such an incredible advocate for Yetzer Tov!
Yes, another new, (possibly) serious diagnosis.... A 'golf-ball-size 'growth' in her lung. It will be biopsied and if bad news, they will remove her lung, (Chas Va Shalom, squared)! She is very private, so if she has not written to you herself, it is because she just is not one to announce her troubles. Not sure she want to hear from anyone (including me- she has not called me), but she knows that I know, etc. However, any and all Davening will be most appreciated.
By the time you read this, well, it will be (your time zone) to wish you a Shavua Tov. I'm heading into Shabbos, here in Texas.

She is scheduled to have surgery on August 30th. Drs don't think it's 'C', and this is so important, because after 4 bouts, she can no longer have radiation, and chemo could be far too hard on her, as she is on a 5-year Chemo from the last time. I do not know a stronger person with such a positive attitude, filled with Bitachon.
If you care to, please pass her Hebrew name to others.
My nephew's Bar Mitzvah is on Aug. 27th. She is going, and it's a 5 hour trip each way. She runs to do Mitzvot. I feel we could all learn from her.

She had the entire lump removed via microsurgery. It was a fungus! They cleaned out all scar tissue around it and she called me herself within 4 hours of being out of recovery. The Dr. told my mom that he has seen this more and more in this area of the country, so they are sending the tissue samples to the CDC. All praise to Hashem for this hidden miracle. She could come home tomorrow-Friday, depending on her recovery. My deepest thanks to everyone who davened for her. Obviously, we are all so happy and grateful to The ONE and Only ONE and all who beseeched him. I HAVE NOT REMOVED HER FROM MY LIST AS THE DANGER IS EVER PRESENT AND WE SHOULD CONTINUE TO PRAY. I try to remove people as soon as possible but not her.

Injured Israeli recounts shooting attack: Miracle we're alive

Moshe Moreno says rifle of terrorist who opened fire at his vehicle near Ramallah apparently malfunctioned. 'I unlocked the car, grabbed my wife and we rolled into ditch,' he tells Ynet "One of (the terrorists) stepped out of the car and opened fire at me from a meter away. I unlocked the door and pulled my wife out, and we rolled into the ditch," recounted Moshe Moreno, who was attacked by Palestinian terrorists Wednesday

night near the West Bank city of Ramallah. For more:,7340,L-3948000,00.html

HaRofeh Yerapeh (the doctor is given the power to cure) Rabbi A.L. wrote me this:

A little girl went to her bedroom and pulled a glass jelly jar for its hiding place in the closet. She poured the change out on the floor and counted it carefully. Three dimes, even... The total had to be exactly perfect. No chance here for mistakes. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar and twisting on the cap, she slipped out of the back door to Rexall's Drug

Store with the big Red Indian Chief sign above the door.

She waited patiently for the pharmacist to give her some attention, but he was too busy at this moment. Tess twisted her feet to make a scuffing noise. Nothing! She cleared her throat with the most disgusting sound she could muster. No good. Finally she took a quarter from her jar and banged it on the glass counter. That did it!! "And what do you want??" The pharmacist asked in an annoyed tone of voice... I am talking to my brother from Chicago who I have not seen in ages," he said without waiting for a reply to his question.

"Well, I want to talk to you about my brother," Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. "He is really; really sick.... and I want to buy a miracle." "I beg your pardon??" said the pharmacist. "His name is Andrew and he has something bad growing inside his head and my Daddy says only a miracle can save him now. So how much does a miracle cost??"

"We do not sell miracles here, little girl. I am sorry but I cannot help you," the pharmacist said, softening a little. "Listen, I have the money to pay for it. If it is not enough, I will get the rest. Just tell me how much it costs."

The pharmacist's brother was a well-dressed man. He stooped down and asked the little girl, "What kind of a miracle does your brother need??" "I do not know, Tess replied with her eyes welling up. I just know he is really sick and Mommy says he needs an operation. But my Daddy cannot pay for it, so I want to use my money...” "How much do you have??" Asked the man from Chicago. "One dollar and eleven cents," Tess answered barely audible. "And it is all the money I have, but I can get some more if I need to." "Well, what a coincidence," smiled the man. "A dollar and eleven cents, the exact price of a miracle for little brothers." He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitted and said, "Take me to where you live. I want to see your brother and meet your parents. Let us see if I have the miracle that you are looking for."

That well-dressed man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a surgeon specializing in neuro-surgery. The operation was completed free of charge and it was not long until Andrew was home again and doing well. Mom and Dad were happily talking about the chain of events that had led them to this place... "That surgery," her Mom whispered, "was a real miracle. I wonder how much it would have cost??" Tess smiled. She knew exactly how much a miracle cost... one dollar and eleven cents... plus the faith of a little child.

The following from the original e-mail I left it is obviously not from a Jewish Source but it does reflect things about friendship.

In our lives, we never know how many miracles we will need. A miracle is not the suspension of natural law, but the operation of a higher law. I know you will keep the ball moving.

A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends. But the treasure inside for you to see is the treasure of friendship you have granted to me.

When you are sad... I will dry your tears.

When you are scared..... I will comfort your fears.

When you are worried..... I will give you hope.

When you are confused..... I will help you cope.

And when you are lost.... and cannot see the light, I shall be your beacon.... shining so bright.

This is my oath... I pledge till the end.

Why you may ask?? Because you are my friend.

Rabbi Hero from Rabbi A.L.


After the meal on the first day of Rosh Hashanah (or the second day, if the first falls on a Shabbat) it is customary to observe the ceremony of Tashlich (Casting Away). The ceremony consists of going to a river or lake, etc., and reciting certain prayers near the shore. Chief among the prayers in the following verse:

"He will again show us mercy."
"He will forgive our sins."
"Thou wilt cast away into the depths of the sea all our sins."
It is from this verse that the name Tashlich (casting away) is derived.

'The Fast of Gedaliah'

The day after Rosh Hashanah, which is the third day of Tishrei, is observed as a fast. It is known as the Fast of Gedaliah. The reason for the Fast is as follows:
When Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, destroyed the city of Jerusalem in the year 586B.C.E., he appointed a prominent Jewish leader by the name of Gedaliah as governor of Judah. Gedaliah made a sincere effort to save the Jewish nation. However, his rule lasted only two months, for on the third of Tishrei he was murdered by men who were jealous of his power. With this treacherous murder all organized Jewish life in Eretz Yisrael came to a complete halt.


The Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is known as Shabbat Teshuva, the Shabbat of Repentance. The name is derived from the Haftorah which begins with the word Shuvah-Shuvah Yisrael, "Return O Israel, to the L-rd your G-d." Thus we devote the Shabbat before Yom Kippur to the main theme of the Ten Days of Penitence, deep regret for past wrong-doings, and a profound determination to correct our ways in the future.


Erev Yom Kippur is a day of preparation for the holiest day of the year. It is therefore a "Mitzva" to eat on this day in order to prepare for the fast. On Erev Yom Kippur (the day preceding Yom Kippur) it is our solemn duty to seek forgiveness from people whom we have harmed or offended during the past year. According to a teaching of the Talmud. "the Day of Atonement forgives only for the sins between man and G-d, but for sins between man and man Yom Kippur forgives only if he has made peace with his fellow."

'Yom Kippur'
(The Day of Atonement, or The Day of Forgiveness)

The spirit of the Day of Atonement finds its supreme expression in the synagogue, where young and old are assembled to join in Divine worship, to ask G-d through fasting, prayer, and charity forgiveness for our sins.

'Kol Nidrei'

A few minutes before sundown Yom Kippur is ushered in with the chanting of the Kol Nidrei prayer. Before the prayer is begun, the learned and pious people of the synagogue take out the Scrolls of the Law from the Holy Ark.

To the chant of the verse:
Light is sown for the righteous,
And rejoicing for the upright of heart."

The men carrying the Sifrei Torah (Scrolls of the Law) follow in procession around the synagogue. Everyone shows his reverence and love for the Torah by kissing the sacred Scrolls as they are carried by. After the procession the Kol Nidrei prayer is changed three times to a most beautiful melody. According to many historians this melody has come down to us from the Marannos, Spanish Jews who had been forced to become Christians, but who in secret observed the Jewish religion. On Yom Kippur they would risk their lives by assembling in caves in order to hold Services. Politically correct today is Anusim and not Marannos the non-politically correct words.
The theme of the Kol Nidrei prayer is the seeking of forgiveness for promises we have made, and were unable to fulfill.

'The Memorial Services'

On Yom Kippur morning after the reading of the Torah we observe Hazkorath Neshamos, aka Yizkor the Memorial Service for the dead. Although the Memorial Service is recited on the last day of each of three joyous festivals, on Yom Kippur the Memorial Service carries a deeper significance. The synagogue is filled to capacity as the Rabbi or Cantor proclaims the words of Yizkor Elokim,- "May the L-rd remember."
During the Memorial Service we donate charity for sacred causes in memory of our departed ones.

"May you be signed and sealed for
a good
and sweet year 5771


Rabbi bans non-koshered mean:,7340,L-3947596,00.html

Make the difference with charity:

Inyanay Diyoma

Crime and Punishment: 5 years to the destruction of Gush Katif and 5 years to the destruction of New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina

What is the connection? Maybe measure for measure by G-D?

Syria and Hezballah:

About Iran: A Saudi-US Falling-out over Iran Abdullah sees Obama blinding himself to an Iranian-Russian trap. New Obama-Netanyahu Standoff
Washington suspects Israel is planning to strike Iran while talking to the Palestinians

Hezballah to get V1 type buzz bombs:

Peace talks start and homiciders’ mother is honored proof of a long lasting peace 6 ft. underground.

One less Russian Intelligence Officer to bother us too but this appears Chechen in nature:


An attempt to bring anti-aircraft missiles into Gaza:,7340,L-3944978,00.html


Will the real patriots please stand up:


Unbelievable first dog gets his own private jet on your dime 16.5% are unemployed in some States:

Our ‘leaders’ are throwing out the trial balloons:

Drive by shootings:

Peaceful loving Arabs:

Stoning children:

Pure, unadulterated barbarity by David Wilder

Forwarded with commentary by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator

Listen up, Netanyahu, Barak, Peres and Obama. If you cannot recognize evil, you are useless in protecting your nation and the people you claim to represent. Trusting evil to allow you to live in peace makes you a co-conspirator in allowing this consummate evil to savage the people who believed in your pledges to protect them.

So, LISTEN UP and find a new life because we don’t trust you anymore.


Commentary by Emanuel A. Winston for the full article try


by Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East Analyst & Commentator with Jerusalem Post Update forwarded

(The fifth murder victim was the baby of the pregnant woman).

This is the future when Palestinians are living near or among Jews. Of course, we will hear from President Barack Hussein Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressing sadness. Israels Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are saying this wouldnt have happened if Israel had peace with the Palestinians accepting of Israel as the State of the Jewish people - which cannot happen according to Islams unchangeable mandate of the Koran.

However, Obama desperately needs a political win at any price the Jews can be forced to pay. Obama will fight to the last Jew (G-d forbid).

Leftist Jews, like Ehud Barak, will babble about how he will catch the killers, forgetting that it was on his orders that 19 Army checkpoints were opened, including 15 in the vicinity of Route 60 and the Terror attack. Roads are now open to all hostile Muslim Arab traffic.

(Ehud) Barak and Barack (Obama) plan to force Israels surrender of Judea, Samaria, the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights and all of Jerusalem that was occupied and desecrated by Jordan for 19 years from 1948 to 1967.

They are certain that these cruel abandonment of Jewish Land and eviction of as many as 500,000 Jewish men, women and children will not only bring peace but will cause the Islamic nations to change their murderous ways developed and unchanged over almost 1400 years. They are willing to bet, to gamble with the lives of Jews for something that will never happen. They also commit child abuse by teaching their own children to hate and kill Jews.

But now, because Jews were murdered again, the Muslim Arabs are dancing in their villages, celebrating from the minarets of their mosques, throwing candy to the cheering mobs just as they have done for past atrocities including 9/11/01!

Jihad (war for Islam) is their message to the world but, the world still refuses to listen to the words and also refuses to understand why Muslims commit murder all across the globe.

We share the pain of the fresh murders near Hebron, one of 4 most holy cities in Israel. We know with anguished certainty that many more innocent Jewish men, women and children will be murdered, maimed, evicted, uprooted, destroyed to feed the insatiable appetites of the Muslim world. They certainly dont want peace with us in a sovereign Jewish State!

Why is the Jewish Left in Israel and in the Diaspora seemingly so willing to see their families slaughtered in the name of a process of death, covered over with the words called Peace Process?

Also from E. Winston:

Danger: Third Quake in Six Weeks in Nuclear Iran by Hillel Fendel Elul 19, 5770, 29 August 10 01:36

( A third earthquake in less than six weeks has hit Iran, killing at least three people and injuring 21. The 5.9-magnitude quake hit the city of Damghan in northern Iran, 175 miles east of Tehran, late Friday night. Fifteen villages were reportedly damaged.

Earthquake-prone Iran suffered a 5.7-quake on July 30. Some 300 people in northeastern Iran were injured at the time. Ten days earlier, a 5.8-earthquake hit the south of the country, killing at least one and injuring 32. Hundreds of homes were damaged in both.

Experts have warned that Irans propensity for earthquakes, its non-strict building codes, and the fact that several of its nuclear facilities are situated near densely-populated urban areas could have catastrophic consequences for Iran, its neighbors, and world oil prices. Experts estimate that an average of one serious tremor hits the country every day.

Seven years ago, 26,000 people were killed by a 6.6-magnitude quake in the historic city of Bam in southeastern Iran.

Now for Matis Wolfberg's Good Shabbos Stories - HASHEM save the Queen and Chinese takeout.

Good Shabbos Everyone. In this week’s portion Ki-Savo Hashem tells us “if you observe the commandments of Hashem, your G-d, and you go in His ways. Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of Hashem is proclaimed upon you, and they will honor you.” (Devorim 28:9-10) The verse teaches us that when we Jews act according to the Torah, the nations will recognize that we are a holy people.
The following amazing true story shows how we Jews can be "a light unto the nations."
In 1908, Queen Wilhelmina of Holland went for a brief vacation to the popular resort area of Marienbad, Austria, near the German border. Since this was not an official state visit, she only had a small entourage of people with her, and there was no welcoming ceremony on her arrival at the train station in Marienbad.
As the Queen got off the train, she noticed a large crowd on the platform. Obviously, a prominent personality had just arrived. Everyone was gathered around trying to get a glimpse of the famous person.
Queen Wilhelmina asked and was told that a great Jewish personality, the Munkaczer Rebbe, Rabbi Tzvi Hirsch Spira (1845-1914) had just arrived. Many of the Rebbe’s chassidim had come to greet him at the train station.

The Queen then asked what a Rebbe is. She was told that a Rebbe is a very holy man of great wisdom who gives blessings and advice to his many followers. Thousands seek his counsel and ask the Rebbe to pray on their behalf. Often the Rebbe’s prayers are answered and those who seek his blessings live to see their wishes fulfilled.
When the Queen heard that the Rebbe had spiritual power, she immediately thought of her own situation. The Queen and her husband Prince Hendrik were childless. Both she and her husband were concerned that the Dutch monarchy should continue in their family. Without children, the royal line would end with Queen Wilhelmina.
The Queen and her entourage left the train station. Later that day, the Queen asked one of her attendants to try to arrange for her to meet the great Rebbe privately. The next evening, the Munkaczer Rebbe was brought to a secluded area of a beautiful park just outside of the city. Queen Wilhelmina was accompanied by two attendants and the Rebbe came with two bochurim (yeshiva students).
As the Rebbe and the Queen sat down, the Queen sensed that the man sitting opposite her was a personality of great stature. She spoke candidly to the Rebbe about how sad she was about being childless.
The Rebbe listened attentively and told the Queen not to worry. Her monarchy would continue. As the Queen was about to depart, the Rebbe cited a verse from the Torah saying that the Queen’s kingdom will not be severed “until Shilo comes.”(Genesis 49:10) Meaning, the Queen will have descendants until the coming of the Moshiach.(the Messiah)
The next year, in 1909, the Queen had a little girl and named her Juliana. It was the only child that the Royal couple ever had. (Thirty-nine years later, in 1948, Juliana became Queen of Holland. Her daughter, Beatrix is presently the Queen of Holland.)
A little more than 30 years after the Munkaczer Rebbe had given Queen Wilhelmina a blessing for a child, a black cloud descended over Europe. World War II had begun. The Germans sought out Jews in every country where they could find them.
Rabbi Yakov Tzvi Katz was one poor Jew who was caught in the German net. During the War, Rabbi Katz was sent to the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. Rabbi Katz’s 18 year old son Shmuel was deported from the ghetto and never heard from again. 12 volumes of Rabbi Katz’s writings on halacha (Jewish law) were burned.
After the war was over Rabbi Katz returned to his native Hungary, in an attempt to put his life back together. He quickly saw that there was no future for the Jews in post-war Hungary. Many Jews at the time were trying to emigrate to Holland. Rabbi Katz tried, but he was denied entry into Holland twice. Holland was only accepting those Jews who had professions which would benefit the country. There were already plenty of rabbis in Holland.
One day, Rabbi Katz decided to write a letter directly to Queen Wilhelmina. He explained the hardships he and his family had experienced in the war. He then wrote, “Surely Your Highness remembers the very momentous meeting that preserved the course of royalty in Holland.”
He detailed the Queen’s encounter with the Munkaczer Rebbe in Marienbad, almost 40 years previous. Rabbi Katz continued writing in his letter to the Queen that the Rebbe had insisted that two boys come along with him for the meeting with the Queen.
The Rebbe would need an interpreter since the Queen would be speaking German. Rabbi Katz wrote, “I was that 18-year-old boy who accompanied the [Rebbe], and it was I who transmitted to the Queen the wonderful news from the saintly Rabbi that [the Queen] would bear a child within a year.”
The letter which Rabbi Katz had sent to the Queen was written in Yiddish. Although Rabbi Katz could have written the letter in German, he was concerned that one of the Queen’s attendants would intercept the letter, read it, and then prevent it from getting to the Queen. Therefore, when the letter in Yiddish arrived, and old Russian chazan named Rabinowitz was summoned from his synagogue in The Hague and asked to translate the letter. The chazan read the letter. Realizing its significance, the chazan translated the letter with all the emotion he could manage. The translated text was brought to Queen Wilhelmina.
After reading the note, the Queen saw to it that Rabbi Katz be granted immigration papers swiftly. Then he was able to rebuild his life which had been largely destroyed. (from: Echoes of the Maggid, R. Pesach J. Krohn p.95-99)
We see from this amazing story the power of a Jew to make a good impression on the nations. As the verse tells us, “If you observe the commandments of Hashem, your G-d, and you go in His ways. Then all the peoples of the earth will see that the Name of Hashem is proclaimed upon you, and they will honor you.” (Deuteronomy 28:9-10) When a Jew acts according to the Torah, he shines with the holiness of Hashem.
The Munkaczer Rebbe and Rabbi Yakov Tzvi Katz showed the nations the beauty of a Torah observant lifestyle. Let us all learn from their examples and then we will truly be a light unto the nations. As the Prophet tells us, “...I will strengthen your hand; I will protect you; I will set you for a covenant to the people, for a light unto the nations...” (Yishayahu 42:6) Good Shabbos Everyone.

Good Shabbos Everyone. This Shabbos is the last Shabbos of the year as Rosh Hashana is next week. The new year Rosh Hashana is a time of renewal, of new beginnings. In preparation for Rosh Hashana, we will begin on Motzei Shabbos to say Slichos - prayers aimed at opening our hearts to teshuva - repentance. The Sages tell us that one who repents has a fresh start on life. The following amazing true story will inspire us to make the necessary changes in life to ensure that we will have a good sweet year, with Hashem's help.
Hellen and Paul Nach (not their real names) underwent the most challenging of life's circumstances. Yet, through it all, they searched for meaning and the Divine hand guiding their lives. You see, Hellen and Paul were having trouble having a a baby. They had been married for several years and they desperately wanted children. Yet, in spite of all their attempts, all of their most fervent prayers, they were unable to conceive. Ever since they married and moved to their cozy home in the suburbs, Paul dreamed of being father. As he made kiddush Friday nights, he envisioned a table crowded with noisy children who would sing songs, share words of Torah, and talk about their week. So, he wondered, why weren't they able to have their own child?
Perhaps Hashem wanted something else from them. But what? Weary of disappointment, they tried just about any treatment. The first treatment was unsuccessful. But the couple kept their faith, insisting that, "The next one will be the one." Six months later, they tried again. But that, too, did not work.
One night, as they prepared dinner together, Paul wondered aloud if they should pursue a different path. "Maybe Hashem doesn't want us to have children this way," he said gently, as his wife's eyes filled with tears. "Maybe we should adopt." Hellen was hesitant, she didn't want to give up hope. But she didn't want to let her husband down either. Maybe adopting was the answer, she agreed. She tried to warm up to the idea, and began researching the possibility.
One night, as Paul and Hellen were reading in the den, Hellen remarked that in China, thousands of baby girls are abandoned as couples attempt to have a boy. Paul's ears perked up. "That's terrible," he exclaimed. "More people ought to go to China and try to adopt them!"
Hellen agreed it would be a mitzvah to adopt one of the girls and have her converted to Judaism. The next day, they filed paperwork to begin adoption proceedings. But even as they sent in the papers to the adoption agency, a part of her couldn't give up on the idea of having her own child so she continued the treatments.
After the third treatment, they received shocking news. They were expecting twins. Their joy knew no bounds, and soon most of their friends and family knew of the good tidings. Hellen skimmed baby magazines; Paul began researching Jewish baby names. Despite her happiness, some uncomfortable questions began gnawing at Hellen. She asked herself, could she handle newborn twins and an adopted baby at the same time? Although she was excited, she was also nervous about the birth of her twins. She wanted to be the best mother she could be. But she kept thinking about the girl in China who was surely waiting for loving parents to rescue her. She told Paul about her doubts, and he agreed that three kids at once would be too difficult. With a heavy heart, she called the agency to discontinue the adoption process. And so they put the idea of an adoption to rest.
For a few months, Hellen reveled in her pregnancy. But then, four months into her pregnancy, tragedy struck. Hellen lost one of the babies. The couple was devastated. For Paul and Hellen, the celebration was marred by sadness. But thankfully, that March, they had a healthy baby girl, whom they named Miriam. Dozens of well-wishers from the community descended on their home with gifts and good wishes. Miriam was an easy baby who Paul and Hellen instantly adored. Paul never wanted to put her down, although Hellen teased him that he was spoiling her. Everyone was happy for them. But for Paul and Hellen, the celebration was marred by sadness because of the baby they had lost.
After a few months, Paul began thinking again about adoption. He wondered about the baby girls in China waiting for families. Hellen, too, was already contemplating another baby, and like Paul, she couldn't stop thinking about the Chinese girls China in need of a family.
One morning, as Paul was leaving for work, she turned to him and said, "Maybe we lost the baby so that we know we should have two children, but one of them is a girl from China." Paul was stunned. What a coincidence, he told her. It was precisely what he had been thinking. They called back the adoption agency to commence the adoption process they had halted when they became pregnant. Most of the paperwork was already complete. They had spent many hours acquiring the necessary letters of recommendation, background checks and fingerprints.
According to the adoption agency, all they needed to do was visit a doctor to prove they were physically fit to be parents. Hellen's doctor appointment was routine. The doctor proclaimed her to be in excellent health and signed the papers, which were sent to the agency. Hellen breathed a sigh of relief.
Paul went for his physical a few days later. After some routine tests, the doctor signed off on the adoption papers and sent them in. "I noticed something on the x-raus that bothered me," he said. But then the doctor requested a battery of additional tests. Although most doctors never bother with such detailed tests, he explained to Paul, he is old-fashioned and detail oriented, and always requires them. Paul sighed and tried not to get impatient. The papers had already been sent in. Why should he bother with more tests?
But after his chest x-ray, the doctor called him back to discuss the results. "I noticed something on the films that bothered me," he said. "It's probably a clogged artery. You should have it looked at." He sent Paul for a CAT scan. The results shook him to the core: He had a rare form of cancer. The tumor was just large enough to be visible but in an early-enough stage to cure, the doctor told him.
"It's a complete miracle that you came now," the doctor told Paul. "Had you visited any earlier we never would have detected it, and a few months from now, it would have been too large to do anything."
Paul's head spun when he realized what he was hearing. He was 38 years old and a first-time father. He was about to adopt a child. And now he had a tumor? But the fact that he had arrived at the doctor's office at that precise time made recovery possible. Could it be that their decision to adopt had saved his life? When Paul told Hellen, tears welled up in her eyes. Suddenly, everything was clear to her. "This is why we went through what we did," she said in a chocked voice. "It's because Hashem wanted you to see the doctor at the right time. Maybe that's why it took so long to get pregnant, why we lost a child, why we decided to adopt when we did – it was all to save your life."
Paul underwent chemotherapy and had the tumor removed. As he recovered, the adoption papers were processed. A photo arrived in the mail of a baby girl with giant chocolate brown eyes and black hair. Hellen and Boruch Hashem a cancer-free Paul stood in a nursery in a small city in China. Paul stared at the photo and began pondering Hebrew names aloud. Hellen's heart thumped wildly as she peered at the baby's face. Somehow, even thousands of miles away, she felt connected to the child. She knew she was meant to be her mother.
And then, several weeks later, Hellen stood in a nursery in a small city in China and beamed as they cradled their new baby girl. They brought in the Jewish New Year with Chabad of Guangzhou. It was there that Paul and Hellen ushered in another beginning with their second child, whom they decided to name Anya, meaning "Hashem answered me." Paul and Hellen had saved Anya, giving her a second chance by taking her into their lives and raising her as a Jew. And she, in turn, saved her father's life and answered her parents' most fervent prayers. Good Shabbos Everyone.

M. Wolfberg’s stories are sponsored by: Refuah Shleima to Mordechai Menachem Mendel ben Tziporah Yitta Refuah Shleima to Tsviah bas Bracha Leah Refuah Shleimah to Chana Ashayra bas Dodi. Hebrew advertisement: י"בתשח זהבה בן רפאל אליהו לילד שלמה רפואה
י"בתשח 'חי בת פייגא להענה שלמה רפואה

My family and I wish all of you as if I could individually send you a healthy, happy, blessed, wonderful, joyous, prosperous, successful, enjoyable, fruitful and Torah and Mitzva filled New Year and the Moshiach very soon. K'tiva Vechatima Tova,

Rachamim Pauli