Friday, March 22, 2019

This week 3 stories, Laws of Pessach, next week return to Parshiyos

Sometimes we have to set aside a moment to thank HASHEM. On Tanis Esther, I was given the privilege of being at the Bris of a great-grandchild. I only had one great-grandparent at my first birthday and my children had one. It is such a treasure that I want to praise HASHEM before all my readers for some folks like my own father did not live long enough to see me married and my Yeshiva Chavruta Avraham Arieh ben Avraham Arieh never met his father and vice versa. Think positive and praise HASHEM for our blessings and not wine if we get a cut, scratch or even illness. These too are from HASHEM to punish us in this world rather than in the next.

This week I was busy with the Mitzvah of Learning for Pessach, the joyous occasions of a Bris and Purim. I have brought down a few stories including a miraculous cure as told by the daughter of the man. Next week two Parshiyos and Parsha Para.

My Drasha at the Bris of my great-grandson and a short story.

I would like to speak about Education. When do we start the education of a Jewish Baby? Do we start in grade school? Do we start in Kindergarten or do we start when the baby begins to speak? The Lubavitcher Rebbe stated that we start with the laws of family purity and the mother eating kosher during the Pregnancy. Long before we teach the sentence in Hebrew to our children Torah Tzivu Lano Moshe we start.

In truth it even starts before then. For when a couple wants to marry they have to see what time of a life they want together. It is the young couple in the state of Tehillim 148:12 Both young men and maidens, old men and children;
13 Let them praise the name of the LORD, for His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven.
For this in truth when the time of planning for marriage, children and education begins. Education starts in a mentally pure state of dreaming for the future on one’s family. It is the couple who agrees on the fact that they want a Shomer Shabbos, Shomer Mitzvos home. A home in the state of Kashrus and Taharos HaMishpacha.

With this we have a strong foundation for a Jewish hope. For here a child can grow into Torah and Mitzvos. If they want to be a Rabbi, Engineer, Scientist, Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher or even other worthy professions such as Machinist, Plumber, Carpenter, Jeweler, Electrician or managing a kosher supermarket they are all honorable things to work in.

This I did not say but should have been included. {The following is a true story. My friend and Shabbos Chavruta was worried that his son in his late 20’s was not getting married. I heard that a cousin of Rebbetzin Mimran was visiting. She was a modern strong Orthodox French Gal. They met twice in Israel and communicated by internet. He went to Paris to finalize the arrangements for marriage. They talked and it looked like the Shidduch was in the bag. Then it came to education. She wanted if they had a boy that he would learn in a Yeshiva and he wanted that the boy should go into the Israel Army. On this they broke up.

I told this story to my 19 year-old grandson and my 16.5 year-old granddaughter. I told them like this at the age of 18 and you are 19 if you got into your head that you wanted to go into the army could your parents stop or if they wanted you in the army and you wanted to be in a Yeshiva, could they change something. In fact, that last time I saw my father, he drove me to my Yeshiva which was near his mother. He thought it was some sort of a passing fad. He passed away from a heart-attack a few days later but from shoveling snow. The fact is that I did become a scientist, short time a teacher and engineer. In this world, my father could not see me staying very Orthodox for 50 years nor me becoming a Rabbi. But let me tell you, I am sure that he has a much higher place today in the next world than if I had remained non-religious.}

Hashgachah from heaven for Shomrei Emmunah.

Rafael Solomon was a Gabbai of a Synagogue in London. One day a man came to London to collect money for his Chassidic Cause in Meah Shaarim. It was a Talmud Torah. He made a speech and then left the Schul. Rafael ran after him as he forgot to give the name of the organization and he promised to deliver the cash on his next trip to Israel.

A $1000 were raised for this organization. Rafael came to Israel a few months later. The question was where in Meah Shaarim was this Chassidic Talmud Torah and what was its name? For Rafael did not write down the name or address on Shabbos.

With two days left before his return to London, Rafael wakes up with the name Shomrei Emmunah. With that and his knowledge of Yiddish, he goes to Meah Shaarim. He asks here and there and is told go over that way and again for directions. For the third time he saw two Jews waving their arms and have a discussion in the street. He decided to go to them. After a few minutes of waiting, he asks one of the men where Shomrei Emmunah is.

He says, “Right across the street.” He continues talking though: “Are you the man from England that is supposed to bring the $1000?” as Mr. so and so promised. He then went on to say that he was the director and because this morning there was a problem, he was delayed and stayed there otherwise a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later, Rafael would not have found him.

A Miracle for Yacov Peretz as told to me by his daughter

Yacov was badly injured in a work accident. He was Comatose. For months the family ran from doctor to doctor. They contacted Chabad who randomly flipped through the letters of the Rebbe. It had been written a number of years earlier to a brother of Yacov named Yitzchak. The letter had either Pasuk or something else that was written “a strengthening of Yacov”. Shortly thereafter, Yacov after four months woke up. He strengthened and strengthened until he was able to function.

The Laws of Pessach from Torah or Rabbinical 

The Torah prohibits eating the smallest amount of Chometz after the 6th hour of Erev Pesach.If more than a k’zayis is eaten within 9 minutes (K’day Achilas Pras, and some say four minutes, and yet others, two minutes), after nightfall of the 15th of Nissan, one has incurred a penalty of Korais. These and all prohibitions apply to all the days of Pesach. The Torah prohibits any use of Chometz on Pesach, whether it is eaten, sold or even given away (it may only be destroyed).
The Torah also prohibits any chometz to be found in one’s possession, whether it be his own, another Jew’s or even that of a non-Jew, to which he is responsible (Bal Yairaeh U’Bal Yimatzai). Although according to some authorities one has not transgressed “Bal Yairaeh” if Chometz is found in his possession between the 6th hour and nightfall, Erev Pesach, nevertheless he has transgressed the positive command to destroy chometz.(acc. to Rashi on Daf Tzade, Amud Aleph in Psachim (90A), he has transgressed the negative commandments mentioned above, “Bal Yairaeh”).
At the end of the 6th hour Erev Pesach, the Torah takes the ownership of all Chometz out of the hands of all Jews but leaves them with the responsibility of destroying it.Failure to do so is a violation of a Toraitic command.
All admixtures of chometz are prohibited.The Torah permits the bitul of chometz b’ta’am, up until one in 60.Due to the severity of a prohibition carrying the penalty of Korais, the Sages prohibited even the smallest admixture. The Sages also prohibited having Chometz in one’s possession after the end of the 5th hour of Erev Pesach (even for T’rumah, which was permitted until the end of the fifth).
However, liquid admixtures are treated as other prohibitions, before nightfall, (re: bitul) because there is no Koras, until Pesach itself. If dry, and it will be reheated it must be eaten before Pesach, because on Pesach is “Chozer V’niur,” – it reawakens the prohibited Chometz.
In addition, the Sages prohibited after Pesach any Chometz found in the possession of a Jew on Pesach. Therefore, extreme care must be exercised after Pesach to purchase Chometz only from a Jew who sold his Chometz before Pesach (M’chiras Chometz) or from a non-Jew. This is called “Chometz Sh’Avar Alav HaPesach.”
Chometz not fit for the consumption of a dog is not forbidden on Pesach.
In the period of the Gaonim an additional prohibition was levied forbidding the consumption of “kitniyos” (bean products, corn, rice, mustard, peas, and other grains) which, when ground into flour, may in some way resemble one of the five species, and also Kitniyos were mixed together with one of the 5 species of grains. Ashkenazim (Europeans who daven Nussach Sephard and Chassidim included) accepted the decree. Most Sephardim did not. However, many Sephardim today have, out of concern that they may not have been examined carefully enough.
Therefore, it is perfectly permissible for Sephardic Jews to eat “kitniyos” on Pesach. In Eretz Yisrael this presents a problem since many things marked kosher for Pesach contain “kitniyos” and are forbidden to Ashkenazim. Therefore, as during the rest of the year, extreme care should be taken and one should be aware of the nature of the “hechshair” (supervision).
If erev Pesach falls on Shabbos, the Bedikah is performed on Thursday night, the 13th.The Shabbos meal is eaten of Chometz. Davening in the morning is completed as early as possible so that the meal that follows will be completed by the end of the fourth hour. The remaining Chometz must be destroyed before the end of the 5th hour. It may be done by disposing down the toilet. Since it is Shabbos, it may not be burned. Seudas Shelishis, which should be eaten after noon, may be fulfilled with fruits.
Some authorities advise splitting the Shacharis meal in two, washing twice, with an interruption between the two parts, making them separate meals. However, one should be extremely careful to be certain that the first meal has terminated before he begins the second, in order to avoid reciting an unnecessary blessing (A “brocho Sh’einah Tzricha’).
Erev Shabbos one should destroy all his Chometz before the end of the fifth hour, except that which he is saving for the Shabbos meal. He should not say the nullification until the fifth hour on Shabbos. One should avoid cooking any Chometz dish that will be difficult to clean on Shabbos and will result in problems of “Bal Yairaeh. ”CHOMETZ MAY NOT BE EATEN AFTER THE FOURTH HOUR OF THE DAY M’drabbanan.
There are some who have the custom to abstain from allowing any matzah product to come in contact with water all Pesach except the last day in the diaspora. This custom is called “gebrucht. ”Therefore, matzah-bry, matzah balls, etc., may not be eaten by those who accept the custom of gebruchts. Gebrucht is not halacha since it was not accepted by most communities. A woman who marries follows her husband’s customs even if she previously did not eat gebrucht.
Note. I use Chametz instead of Chometz as Chometz is Hebrew for Vinegar. Gebrucht is the mixing of water and Matzo and some have the custom of not eating it. Yairaeh is visible to the viewer and not hidden from view.  

Leftist court forbids a super-Zionist from running but allows extreme Muslims and self-hating Jew to run. Terror backers can serve but not fathers of Israeli soldiers.

Public Opinion Poll as election gets closer.

Attorney General should investigate who leaked Report on Ganz’s Phone.,7340,L-5479966,00.html

Sheba Hospital ranked in the top 10 but their emergency room is over-loaded no matter how much they expanded.

Netanyahu gets $175,000 loan from cousin for purchase of stock that he sells for $4,300,000 in a few months. I smell White Water Israeli Style.,7340,L-5482248,00.html

Inyanay Diyoma

I am neither a lover or found of Islam but the attack on the mosque is a danger to all G-D fearing people. For me it is similar to an attack on a Schul.
Synagogues close for Shabbos in New Zealand.

Pompeo Israel has the right to defend itself.

I am neither a lover or found of Islam but the attack on the mosque is a danger to all G-D fearing people. For me it is similar to an attack on a Schul.
Synagogues close for Shabbos in New Zealand.

Pompeo Israel has the right to defend itself.

Terror – 1 dead may be the soldier who was badly stabbed and gun stolen then shot, two drivers shot. One victim is in critical condition and one very serious.,7340,L-5479823,00.html

We were army buddies but Netanyahu have you no sense of decency?,7340,L-5478636,00.html

The IDF is over-stretching its manpower. When I was in the army I border patrolled for 8 hours each night but had to prepare the dirt for footprint tracking in the afternoon and as the days progressed.,7340,L-5480154,00.html

Moshe called them a stiff necked people. They came from social movements or socialists in Europe and did not change despite the fact that many became establishment.

From Judith antisemitism promoted in US and Euro-Mosques.

IDF raids Village arrests some terrorists and guns.

HY”D Rabbi shot in the head passes away.

Two grenade throwers become Shachidim.

90% of French Students experience antisemitism.

Netanyahu and Police Minister have police close Yeshiva.

Cyclone hits Africa many dead 400,000 homeless.,7340,L-5481351,00.html

State Witness withdraws testimony claims pressure from police.

Multiple 2020 Democrats say they won’t attend AIPAC Summit **By Juana Summers & Elana Schor March 21, 2019
WASHINGTON (AP) — Multiple Democratic presidential candidates said Thursday that they won’t attend the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s annual conference in Washington next week.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Sen. Kamala Harris of California are among the 2020 contenders who have decided not to attend. Former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz, who is considering an independent bid for president, will also avoid the AIPAC conference.

Yehuda and the Shomron on the verge of escalation.,7340,L-5482500,00.html

Gaza “million man march” for more trouble. Fishman,7340,L-5482413,00.html

Paula R. Stern – A picture that will never be mine Ed-Op:

Shomron: Molotov Cocktail on civilian car.

Israel closes French Cultural Center for aiding terrorist.

2020 Candidate Andrew Yang comes out against circumcision.

5 Democrat Candidates want to rejoin Iran Deal.

Soldier questioned on why he shot and killed rock thrower?

Top secret computer left by accident at pit stop by commandos.,7340,L-5482372,00.html

Fishman IDF turned blind-eye on Tel Aviv Rockets.,7340,L-5480630,00.html

ISIS defeated in Syria but for how long?,7340,L-5482200,00.html

BA “clown plane” trying to stop AIDS in Africa.

Have a wonderful Shabbos,
Rachamim Pauli