Friday, September 20, 2019

A miracle story and a Baal Shem Tov story, Parsha will appear next week, Israeli Elections.

I had a wonderful dream in a nap during the day after the election that I hope will be a bit prophetic. For I have done a few things recently for the sake of heaven and maybe HASHEM is showing HIS secrets to those that fear HIM. The dream was that some Arab Shepherd girls near Schem came across some billboard size smooth river stones that turned out to be what Yehoshua Bin Nun took from the Yarden. Other discoveries too in the dream and I so much wanted to post it on-line that I wrote it down here. For you see I usually work until I am too tired to do anything and don’t really recall dreams.

Parsha Ki Savo

26:1 And it shall be, when thou art come in unto the land which the LORD thy God give thee for an inheritance, and do possess it, and dwell therein; 2 that thou shalt take of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which thou shalt bring in from thy land that the LORD thy God giveth thee; and thou shalt put it in a basket and shalt go unto the place which the LORD thy God shall choose to cause His name to dwell there.  

HASHEM has given you the land and privilege to raise fruit of grain of the 7 species now it is time to take a basket of the first fruits, Bikurim, to HASHEM in the Mishkan or Mikdash.

I encountered a few personal problems this week and I have accepted upon myself to do my utmost to raise a boy brought into this world by people who were incapable of raising him and did more damage that good. There is a potential that if I succeed he will become with his high IQ one of the Torah Leaders of two generations after mine. However, I am dealing with a teen who has problems that needs me worse than my many readers this week. I hope to produce the Drasha next week but I cannot put out something of quality when I am over-exhausted. To do a quick “slob-job’” is not my style.

I have usual personal problems and a few health-age issues that would not have delayed me so I brought down two stories that I hope you will like.

29:8 Observe therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may make all that ye do to prosper.

This is a command in one way but if one thinks deeper one sees wise advice. This is the key to success not pursuing riches with schemes and dreams.

9/11 story

I got this from Steve B. who received this from Yehudis E. who received this from Max E.

An observant Jew was at Logan Airport in Boston getting ready to board United Flight 175. He was going to LA on an important business trip and had to make this flight. A lot depended on it. He boarded the plane, watched the doors close, and sat down.
Suddenly he remembered that he left his tefillin (ritual boxes with straps worn by Jewish men in prayer) in the terminal boarding area. He politely asked the stewardess if he could go back and retrieve his tefillin, which were sitting just a few feet from the gate.
She told him that once the doors of the plane closed, no one was allowed off the plane. Not about to take this sitting down, he asked if he could speak to the pilot to obtain special permission. Surely the pilot would understand. The pilot did not comply. He simply restated the policy.
David was not about to lose this precious mitzvah, or let the holy tefillin get lost like that, so, not knowing what else to do, he started screaming at the top of his lungs, "I am going to lose my tefillin." The crew asked him to be quiet, but he refused to stop making a fuss — a rather loud fuss.
Finally, he was making such a ruckus and a tumult that the flight crew told him that they would let him off the plane, simply because he was a nuisance. In fact, even though it would only take about 90 seconds to run out, grab his tefillin, and run back - they were not going to wait for him.
No matter. David was not about to lose his tefillin, even if it caused him great inconvenience or cost his business a loss. He left the plane, never to reboard.
This flight was United #175. The second plane to reach the WTC. David's devotion to a mitzvah saved his life.
The consequences of David's actions do not end there. Originally the terrorists wanted both towers struck simultaneously to maximize the explosive carnage. Later it was learned that due to this whole tumult, the takeoff was delayed, causing a space of 18 minutes between the striking of the two towers. This delay made it possible for thousands more people to escape alive from both buildings.
Literally thousands, if not tens of thousands, of lives were spared because one Jew would not forsake his beloved tefillin. – I may have written this story 18 years ago but it is long forgotten. More stories of Observant Jews who had to take their children to school or saying Selichos that were delayed in arriving at tower 1 or 2.

Which Comes First by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles

The morning prayers had just ended. The Baal Shem Tov, who was an esteemed visitor in the town, was about to wash his hands before partaking of a meal, when a distraught woman approached him. She had waited throughout the whole service and could contain herself no longer.
"Rebbe! My husband has been missing for a very long time. I have done everything I can think of to try to find him, but I have no idea where he went. What will happen to me? Please, Rebbe, help me find him," the woman wept.
The Baal Shem Tov stood there, his washing cup poised to pour water on his hands in preparation for the blessing on bread, but instead of continuing, he stopped and responded to the woman. "You will find your husband in the city of M."
Infused with new hope, the woman departed.
Meanwhile, the town rabbi, who had heard a great deal about the Baal Shem Tov, had been watching the exchange. Now he had what seemed to him to be a serious question of Jewish law.
"I beg your pardon," began the rabbi, "I overheard your dialogue with the woman, and it seems to me that you were saying words of prophecy to her. If that was true, I think you were required to have completed washing your hands before speaking."
The Baal Shem Tov responded to the rabbi with a question: "If you saw chickens suddenly fluttering about your table set with expensive glassware, what would your reaction be? Would you think about what to do or would you automatically reach out to chase them away?"
The rabbi agreed to the latter, of course, but clearly he was not following the Baal Shem Tov's logic.
"I did what came naturally to me," the Baal Shem Tov explained. "I saw standing before me a woman who was in utter despair, almost to the breaking point. I knew where her husband was. Do you really believe that I could have continued washing my hands while she stood suffering before my eyes?"
Source: Adapted by Yerachmiel Tilles from the version on // (#1059), with permission
Biographic note:
Rabbi Yisrael ben Eliezer [of blessed memory: 18 Elul 5458- 6 Sivan 5520 (Aug. 1698 - May 1760 C.E.)], the Baal Shem Tov ["Master of the Good Name"-often referred to as "the Besht" for short], a unique and seminal figure in Jewish history, revealed his identity as an exceptionally holy person, on his 36th birthday, 18 Elul 5494 (1734 C.E.), and made the until-then underground Chasidic movement public. He wrote no books, although many works claim to contain his teachings. One available in English is the excellent annotated translation of Tzava'at Harivash, published by Kehos.

Connection: Seasonal - Chai Elul, the eighteenth day of the Jewish month of Elul (this year: Tues. eve - Wed., Sept. 18,) marks the 321st year since the birthday of the Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov, the revealer of the Chassidic movement in 1734, on his 36th birthday.

Editorial and Election Analysis. Benny Ganz is not Charismic but he has a reputation of being a straight shooter and honest. The intelligent Likud voters deserted Netanyahu because they saw he was doing everything that his wife told him and not what was interests of the Israeli Nation anymore. The disgusting behavior of Bennet towards Itamar Ben Gvir cost his party two or three mandates that essentially went to the larger parties under Israeli Election Law.

Lieberman is trying to destroy the Torah Communities with his demands. He wants to have public transportation all over Israel on Shabbos interfere in Torah Education. I too have my opinion about more secular studies for the Torah Community but through evolution and not through war on the community.  

Public School education ruining your children via sexual education too young that destroys them. The west has a gigantic problem with people marrying later in life, putting career above reproduction and too much sexual diversity that never existed in past generations. Here is film on what children as young as ten or younger are being taught. This is not your Biblical Shidduch of a female child bride to a husband via her father it is disgusting exposure to too much.
Educates non-disclosure of HIV positive to partners.

From Hena: Remy and Austin Bragg Parody “All this money I will give to you”.

Pact with Netanyahu not a done deal.

Inyanay Diyoma

Honored Arabs murder woman from family.,7340,L-5587436,00.html

Holland sprayed swastikas on graves.

Suspect hit Rabbi in face w/brink arrested.

With 99.9% of the voting in Blue and White 33 with over a million Likud with 960,000 will be over a million 31 with Arabs 13, Shas 9 more than 300,000, Lieberman 8, United Torah Party 8, Rightist 7 of which because of Bennett 70,000 plus votes of the very Right Party were lost that is 2.5 MK’s, Labor 6 and anti-religious socialist left 5. Final Tally:

Attempted stabbing ends neutralized.

5 Shiites die in Iraq mysterious drones.

Ganz will work towards a unity government.

Was this an election leak or for real?

Not smart suspect tried to stab – shot.

Nazi Film Jo-Jo Rabbit wins’ festival.

Ganz apologizes to Charedim before vote.

Swastika’s carved in Starbucks near Monsey.

Voter turnout 1.5% higher than in April.

Earlier this week Iran seized another tanker.

Iran suspended from Judo Competitions.

Antisemitic teen near Scottish Schul.

US Defense Pact will not limit the IDF.

Netanyahu has very little breathing space.,7340,L-5592518,00.html

Good Shabbos all,
Rachamim Pauli