Friday, October 25, 2019

Kaboom Creation scientific enhancement of faith Parsha Beresheis in the beginning

Prayers for­ Men: Shalom Charles ben Gracia, Yosef ben Esther, Daniel ben Rivka, Moshe ben Briendel, Avrum ben Fagel, Ephraim ben Mazel, Eliezer Binyamin ben Faiga Dina, Eliezer Betzalel ben Bas Sheva,

Women: Karen Neshama bas Esther Ruth, Chaya Melecha Rachel bas Baila Alta, Rachel Shoshana bas Chana, Hodaya Nirit bas Mazel Yaish, Rivka bas Idit, Tsvia Simcha bas Devorah Yachad, Miriam bas Irene Taita Malka, Shulamis bas Etta, Chana Friedel bas Sara, Esther bas Alice, Drorah Rivka bas Chana, Penina Bas Zeisa Preeya, (for a short time Ruth bas Esther, Yael bas Rivka)

The following persons are recovering from long term non-threatening injuries and need Psalms. Binum Benyamin Tuvia ben Chana Friedel, Avraham HaCohain ben Yocheved, Melech David ben Sulah Pearla, Golda Shulamis bas Celia,

From Simchas Torah: Each year the judges and the people dance with the book of the laws and hug and kiss the book. This is not so with the nations of the world. Thanks to Reb Adah or Adar.

Parsha Beresheis

The following is a rough draft of my upcoming book.
It will give you an idea of intelligent design of the universe.
Although it contains physics, cosmology and Kabbalah it is written for a layman.
The probabilities of creating DNA, RNA and beings will be discussed much later.

Special Issue my start of the book: Kaboom Creation

K=Kabballah (or Cosmology)

Introduction: Contradiction of first three minutes and the speed of light.
There is a solution to this and dark energy and matter.

Are we living in a 13.5 to 14,000,000,000-year-old Universe as held by Professor Gerald Schroeder in Genesis and the Big Bang or are we dealing with a 5780-year Universe as held by Rashi, Nachmanides aka Ramban and the late Lubavitcher Rebbe where 6 days of creation are 6 days consisting of 24hrs!

A mysterious and puzzling sentence appears in the Talmud and Medrash regarding creation. The statement says that the Torah was designed to be given in the 1000th generation of man. Anybody who reads the genealogy of Moses aka Moshe knows that Moshe was the 26th generation from Adam. So where are the other 974 generations? Yoram Bogacz in his book Genesis and Genes brings down on pages 288 to 293 the 2013 Edition. He discusses the possible solutions to Talmud Chagigah 13B, Job or Iyob 22:16, Psalms or Tehillim 105:8, Beresheis Rabbah 28:4, Koheles Rabbah 1:37, Tanhuma Lech Lecha 11, Yisro 4, Medrash Tehillim 105:3, Tanna Debei Eliyahu Rabbah 13 (70a, 72a), Tanna Debei Eliyahu Zuta 10(15a), Sefer Chassidim 1137.

He states a number of possible solutions that I want to cover before going into my own theory. 1) He states that about 25,000 years ago different types of humanoids and modern man began interacting. Professor Yoel Barak of Tel Aviv University (uncovered ‘Lucy’ the primate that was a 3,500,000 years old skull) found in a cave in the Galil that Neanderthals and Modern Humans shared the cave together some 5,000 or more years ago. 2) These 974 generations were before Adam and at Adam starts our calendar. 3) Man became wicked and needed the Torah before the world would be destroyed again. Therefore, in HIS Great Mercy, G-D shorted the time to give the Torah by 974 generations.

I say none of the ideas or Yoram Bogacz meet the criteria of 6 days consisting of 24 hours. I do admit that Professor Schroeder and his use of Kabbalistic equations to arrive at 13.5 to 14,000,000 years is very tempting and within the scientific community and both was look on the surface kosher. But this is not how I hold. I hold according to the Jewish Statement on Creation. The end product is the product of the beginning thought [Sof Maaseh b’Machshava Tehillah].

It took 974 generations for the thought train of G-D to create gravitational constant, Hubble constant, the size of the Higgs field, cosmology constant, the laws of electromagnetics, chemical and DNA reactions and a place for the right amount of temperature and atmosphere. I am guilty of not having Not by Chance by Dr. Lee Spectner (my Friday Kollel learning partner when I lived in Rehovot) [The book has been ordered and I should have it in my hands soon]. The book describes the amount of matter in the universe and the probability of an event occurring that one atom would meet another once is 14,000,000,000 years and the odds against that occurring are 100 to 1 and to make a simple carbon chain or part of a DNA strand would be impossible odds.

My first clue that scientists were beating around the wrong bush of 14 billion years came when I read Nobel Prize winner in physics Professor Steven Weinberg’s The First Three Minutes that after 3 minutes the universe has expanded from the size of less than a pea to several light years. Now you don’t have to have a PhD in Astrophysics or Mathematics to figure out if the fastest thing known to man is the speed of light and nothing is faster and a light year is the time it takes light to travel in a year then how can light have traveled several light years in three minutes? [My thanks goes to Professor Nathan Aviezer who recommended to me Prof. Weinberg’s book when I purchase his books - In the Beginning Biblical Creation and Science and Fossils & Faith.]

I have come up with a solution based on accepted scientific theory that explains how this occurs and where the mysterious dark matter and energy in the universe is. In the first chapter, I will introduce the Pauli Inclusion Principle that is based on Torah, Kabbalah and the research of Professor John Henry Schwarz 1974 Scientific American about 1978. {Please do not confuse the Pauli Inclusion Principle by Richard Pauli with my father’s first cousin Wolfgang Pauli The Pauli Exclusion Principle on the spin of electron clouds around the atom.}

Chapter 1: The 974 Generations before the Big Bang to the Big Bang

Kaboom Creation

K=Kabballah (or Cosmology)

Introduction: Contradiction of first three minutes and the speed of light.
There is a solution to this and dark energy and matter.

Are we living in a 13.5 to 14,000,000,000-year-old Universe as held by Professor Gerald Schroeder in Genesis and the Big Bang or are we dealing with a 5780-year Universe as held by Rashi, Nachmanides aka Ramban and the late Lubavitcher Rebbe where 6 days of creation are 6 days consisting of 24hrs!

A mysterious and puzzling sentence appears in the Talmud and Medrash regarding creation. The statement says that the Torah was designed to be given in the 1000th generation of man. Anybody who reads the genealogy of Moses aka Moshe knows that Moshe was the 26th generation from Adam. So where are the other 974 generations? Yoram Bogacz in his book Genesis and Genes brings down on pages 288 to 293 the 2013 Edition. He discusses the possible solutions to Talmud Chagigah 13B, Job or Iyob 22:16, Psalms or Tehillim 105:8, Beresheis Rabbah 28:4, Koheles Rabbah 1:37, Tanhuma Lech Lecha 11, Yisro 4, Medrash Tehillim 105:3, Tanna Debei Eliyahu Rabbah 13 (70a, 72a), Tanna Debei Eliyahu Zuta 10(15a), Sefer Chassidim 1137.

He states a number of possible solutions that I want to cover before going into my own theory. 1) He states that about 25,000 years ago different types of humanoids and modern man began interacting. Professor Yoel Barak of Tel Aviv University (uncovered ‘Lucy’ the primate that was a 3,500,000 years old skull) found in a cave in the Galil that Neanderthals and Modern Humans shared the cave together some 5,000 or more years ago. 2) These 974 generations were before Adam and at Adam starts our calendar. 3) Man became wicked and needed the Torah before the world would be destroyed again. Therefore, in HIS Great Mercy, G-D shorted the time to give the Torah by 974 generations.

I say none of the ideas or Yoram Bogacz meet the criteria of 6 days consisting of 24 hours. I do admit that Professor Schroeder and his use of Kabbalistic equations to arrive at 13.5 to 14,000,000 years is very tempting and within the scientific community and both was look on the surface kosher. But this is not how I hold. I hold according to the Jewish Statement on Creation. The end product is the product of the beginning thought [Sof Maaseh b’Machshava Tehillah].

It took 974 generations for the thought train of G-D to create gravitational constant, Hubble constant, the size of the Higgs field, cosmology constant, the laws of electromagnetics, chemical and DNA reactions and a place for the right amount of temperature and atmosphere. I am guilty of not having Not by Chance by Dr. Lee Spectner (my Friday Kollel learning partner when I lived in Rehovot) [The book has been ordered and I should have it in my hands soon]. The book describes the amount of matter in the universe and the probability of an event occurring that one atom would meet another once is 14,000,000,000 years and the odds against that occurring are 100 to 1 and to make a simple carbon chain or part of a DNA strand would be impossible odds.

My first clue that scientists were beating around the wrong bush of 14 billion years came when I read Nobel Prize winner in physics Professor Steven Weinberg’s The First Three Minutes that after 3 minutes the universe has expanded from the size of less than a pea to several light years. Now you don’t have to have a PhD in Astrophysics or Mathematics to figure out if the fastest thing known to man is the speed of light and nothing is faster and a light year is the time it takes light to travel in a year then how can light have traveled several light years in three minutes? [My thanks goes to Professor Nathan Aviezer who recommended to me Prof. Weinberg’s book when I purchase his books - In the Beginning Biblical Creation and Science and Fossils & Faith.]

I have come up with a solution based on accepted scientific theory that explains how this occurs and where the mysterious dark matter and energy in the universe is. In the first chapter, I will introduce the Pauli Inclusion Principle that is based on Torah, Kabbalah and the research of Professor John Henry Schwarz. {Please do not confuse the Pauli Inclusion Principle by Richard Pauli with my father’s first cousin Wolfgang Pauli The Pauli Exclusion Principle on the spin of electron clouds around the atom.}

Chapter 1: The 974 Generations before the Big Bang to the Big Bang

Originally it was planned that Adam would live for 1,000 years and like the phoenix turn to ashes and be reborn – The Medrash. So are these generations of planning creation 974,000 years or 974 generations of about 100 years as was written in the first six chapters of the Holy Scriptures. For our purposes here we will take the maximum possible scenario.

It is stated either in the Kabbalah or Medrash as I heard it orally taught to me that G-D created and destroyed many worlds before he came to ours. We are taught that G-D created the Universe ex-nilo or in Hebrew Yesh May Ayn in short some substance from nothing. G-D was ruling emptiness alone. HE decided to build a Universe and he compacted a tremendous mass into the size of a pea. This is the standard Kabbalistic thought and it is called Zimzum in Hebrew. Zohar, Tanya and other books.

The Universe could not have too much energy in a vacuum for otherwise the existence would be threatened – Professor Leonard Susskind. If the cosmological constant was too high or the gravitational constant higher or lower the universe would contract to nothingness and void or it would fly off. If the force fields holding the atoms were to rearrange like in an MRI on a gigantic scale what we know would change.

While both Steven Weinberg and Leonard Susskind do not believe in intelligent design this is what is written: The Cosmic Landscape Page 81 - 84: Weinberg set out to see if he could find a reason why the cosmological constant much bigger than 10 to the -120 power (aka a decimal point with 119 zeroes followed by a 1 or less) that life could not exist.

“In any case, Weinberg set out to see if he could find a reason why the cosmological constant would be much larger than 10 to the -120 power Units would prevent life. Remember that the cosmological constant manifests itself in universal repulsion and the repulsive force between the electrons and the nuclei of an atom would change the properties of atoms. … smaller than anything that can be detected … The density of (the initial universe) was so small that even a variation in the density (and repulsion) could reverse the tendency to form clusters and galaxies. [Sentences condensed] … The effect of positive energy in a vacuum could affect (life) if the fermions outweighed the bosons [Sub atomic particles that hold the atom together] then the energy in a vacuum would be negative. … The electronic attraction would overwhelm the Hubble expansion constant (aka planets and galaxies could form). … The Anthropic Principle had passed the test nevertheless, physicists ignore it. … To some it smacked of creation for man’s benefit and the need a Supernal Agent to fine-tune the laws of nature.

He then goes on to describe the Planck Length (another constant in the laws of quantum theory and another strange and natural occurring “number controlling the nature of the universe).”

There are those who like myself view the 974 generations of engineering and planning of the universe that is before us. However, another kosher Orthodox Jewish approach may also be correct as none of us was around. Roger Pearlman wrote me on the subject of 974 generations on a similar vein to Yoram Bogacz. Hi Rav Pauli The alt. is 'Torah was received 974 generations early' (after just 26 generations due to the accelerated refinement process that was the 'iron furnace of Mitzrayim' (Egypt) what would have been 1000 normal conditions.
Hashem discussed w/ Abraham (by the Bris Bein HaBisarim?)
(The covenant between the pieces Gen.15:6 – 21) who did not object… as for our overall benefit.
If I recall I learned from Rav Nachman Cohen 'Torah Lishmah institute' series.

I mentioned the subject of Zimzum or condensing of the L-RD from the size of the current sized universe back to the size of a pea but into the 61 subatomic particles that we know of today and how HE organizes each atom and molecule that they are bound together and can exist. We shall see more of this as the photons vs. antiphotons and the neutrinos vs. the antineutrinos or perhaps muons of the primeval universe cancelled each other out until the majority flying about were photons and neutrinos and the matter became more numerous than the antimatter. I am condensing pages and pages of Professor Steven Weinberg’s first three minutes later on below.

A few words on the history of the laws of physics are due here. For those who read the Malbim commentary on Parsha Beresheis aka Genesis he uses the terms that space is filled with ether to carry light. It will not be until Albert Michaelson experiments and finds the speed of light being constant in a vacuum that the theory of ether carrying light is repealed. Then came the discovery in 1917 by Edwin Hubble of an expanding universe and Einstein disproving a static model. Thomas Gold, Herman Bondi and Fred Hoyle proposed the Steady State Theory. It was still popular in the early 1960’s and I attended lectures at the Junior Astronomy Club at NYU on the subject. If my memory serves me, matter had to be created or renewed at the center of an expanding universe. Quasi-steady state cosmology (QSS) was proposed in 1993 by Fred Hoyle, Geoffrey Burbidge, and Jayant V. Narlikar as a new incarnation of the steady state ideas meant to explain additional features unaccounted for in the initial proposal. The model suggests pockets of creation occurring over time within the universe, sometimes referred to as minibangs, mini-creation events, or little bangs. After the observation of an accelerating universe, further modifications of the model were made. 

In 1922, Alexander Friedman of Russia followed by the confirmation of a Belgium Priest Georges Lemaitre 1927 that the universe was expanding from an original ‘cosmic egg’. George Gamow studied under Friedman and was one of the proponents of Georges Lemaitre and the Big Bang. In a later chapter in the creation story I will talk about him and his being a proponent of the discovery in1953, Francis Crick, James Watson, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin discovered the double helix structure of the DNA macromolecule. Gamow attempted to solve the problem of how the ordering of four different bases (adenine, cytosine, thymine and guanine) in DNA chains might control the synthesis of proteins from their constituent amino acids. Crick has said that Gamow's suggestions helped him in his own thinking about the problem. As related by Crick, Gamow observed that the 43 = 64 possible permutations of the four DNA bases, taken three at a time, would be reduced to 20 distinct combinations if the order was irrelevant. Gamow proposed that these 20 combinations might code for the twenty amino acids which, he suggested, might well be the sole constituents of all proteins. Gamow's contribution to solving the problem of genetic coding gave rise to important models of biological degeneracy. For the initial purpose of creation of heaven and earth on day one we only need his proposal of cosmic background radiation.

Both Yoram Bogacz and Leonard Susskind bring down the history of the proof of a Big Bang involved having a Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from the initial explosion. The CMB was discovered quite by accident in 1964 as I was a high school junior and my friend from the astronomy club freshman Allen Seltzer (who would become a PhD and head of the Hayden Planetarium of the Museum of Natural History in NYC) were exposed to both the Steady State and the Big Bang.

In 1964 two researchers at Bell Laboratories in Princeton, NJ. In 1964 Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson were experimenting in microwaves. They came across a constant background buzz. At first they thought it was bird droppings on their antenna and they cleaned it. Living nearby was Robert Dicke, who was looking for the CMB of the Big Bang and at Princeton University. Dicke was in the process of looking for CMB of 2.755K just above absolute zero to prove the Big Bang Theory. What was thought to be bird drippings was discovered to be the cosmic background radiation, an omnidirectional signal in the microwave band that confirmed the theory.

A Goldilocks Universe: Not only were the constants need for life just right and the right temperature and atmosphere on our planet not to hot and not too cold for life to form, but the initial universe had to be just right. Leonard Susskind uses the “baby bear’s porridge” analogy as not to lumpy but lumpy enough. Too lumpy would have the primeval universe forming black holes. Too loose would have the effect of the explosion pushing outward with not enough matter to cause gravitational contraction.   

One last point was that the initial pea sized universe had compressed within it matter and antimatter potential. Susskind page 184 “When the universe was quite young and hot, (Weinberg’s first three minutes) contained almost exactly equal amounts of matter and antimatter. The imbalance was extremely small. For every 100,000,000 antiprotons there were 100,000,001 protons. … just enough to pair up and commit suicide … together … leaving 200,000,000 photons and just 1 proton left. …This leaves for every cubit meter of galactic space 1 proton and 200,000,000 photons.”

The Goldilocks Universe contains the right enough balance of electromagnet fields to keep. Atoms and the 61 subatomic particles just right for the electrons not to come crashing into the protons and the protons and neutrons held in place by the muons, bosons, various types of quarks with weights from 10 electron mass to 234,000 electron mass. A change in force field or the Higgs’ force would result in mini-universes of rearranged atoms that we see in an MRI. Such intense fields could produce magnetism in aluminum and other metals if exposed to high enough fields and their interior atomic arrangement realigned.

Before we start learning about the Electrons, Positrons, Neutrinos and Photons coming from the Big Bang we should get into what proceeded the Big Bang in terms of creation. We shall meet the theories of Nobel Prize Winner Steven Weinstein, Professor
Natan Avinezer, Professor Gerald Schroeder, Professor Susskind and others. Creation is not just about Cosmology but also Atomic Physics. We shall update ourselves to the latest theories of Biology and Genetics and see why scientists in the know now hold that Charles Darwin’s Evolution Theory has become a Yemenite “Dow-win” (made up story). You will be able to draw your own conclusions with the data presented before you if you want to believe in Schroeder’s 13,800,000,000-14,000,000,000year-old Universe based on Kabbalah or the newer red-shift theory of Roger Pearlman and the traditional 6-day creation belief of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (certified engineer). You will be introduced to an 11 to multi-Dimensional Universe, String Theory, Dark Energy and Matter that you may not have learned in school. There will be presented before you two new Principles in Physics that will enlighten your thinking and explain holes in all the previous theories. The next three paragraphs are those from Kabbalah. At this point of writing the book, it is uncertain if we shall return unto them. However, the purpose here is show that 5779 years ago these 11 Dimensions were known to mankind but not as the string theory of today. [This is based on John Henry Schwarz 1974 String Theory. Leonard Susskind speaks of hundreds of possible dimensions and the concept of Kabbalah of Ayn Sof or Infinite is not contradicted but for our intents and purpose and simplicity it is nicer working with only 11 dimensions.]

What are the 11 Dimensions and where do they first occur? According to the Six 24 Hour Day Creationists, Adam was imparted knowledge straight from G-D with the ability to talk and understand. He was created from physical substance with a Divine Soul that had a spark or image of G-D. The following knowledge of how creation occurred was imparted to him. He transferred to Metushalah who in turn imparted the knowledge to his grandson Noach. He imparted the knowledge to his son Shem and perhaps directly Avram who was 58 when Noach passed away. Jacob or Yacov learned 14 years in the academy run by Shem. Yechezkel aka Ezekiel is given the knowledge again in his vision of the Divine Chariot and those who have studied the Hebrew Commentary on it know what secrets it holds and it is not Erich Von Daniken in his “Chariots of the Gods”.  

The four stages of matter today: Gas, Plasma, Solid and Liquid were the elements of the ancients: Air, Fire, Earth and Water. The names have changed but the basic concept is there. The three dimensions that we can see or feel with our limited vision, hearing and corporal bodies are length, width, height with time as the fourth dimension being measurable. But a three dimensional creature can travel the three dimensions east-west, north-south and up-down but time is in one direction. What happens to the Divine Soul that is 11 dimensions it can go back and forth in time and have what we call Prophecy or in modern terms Extra Sensory Perception. Many people have experienced in their lives at times premonitions this is the spiritual-physics behind this.

The 11 Dimensions known to the Ancient Torah Scholars were: Malchus or Kingdom on this earth, Yesod or Foundation followed by Hod that is translated by Rabbi Jacobson as Humility but it can also mean Majestic and Netzach or Endurance. These are our four physical dimensions that we can measure. The firth one is Tiferes or Compassion and can also mean Glory. However, I am using the translation of Rabbi Jacobson who received it from his Rabbi and not literal translation. The two dimensions above this are Gevurah or Severity and Chesed or Mercy. Going higher up is Da’as or Understanding. The young Adam jumped into this area without climbing up the dimensional ladder and he would have obtained it with proper learning. He was cast out of Gan Eden for his disobedience and did not raise the level of the mundane world into that of the spiritual world. Above this is Binah or Knowledge and Chachma or Wisdom. Finally, the top dimension of the world in which mankind on the highest plane can connect is the Shechina or Holy Spirit that is an emanation of Ayn Sof or THE INVINITE CREATOR. All this was recorded in Sefer Yetzirah or the Book of Formation written by Avraham our father, the first one to proclaim monotheism to a world that had sunk to the level of gods and idolatry. Avraham lived from 1948 of Creation until 2,123 or passed away 3,656 years ago. In Sefer Yetzirah the north star is mentioned. Thuban (Ī± Draconis) was the northern pole star from 3942 BC, when it moved farther north than Theta Boƶtis, until 1793 BCE. That would have been in the earlier part of Avraham’s life before Isaac aka Yitzchak was born.

Returning to science, we must first learn what theories of the formation of the universe is before viewing it in the perspective of creation of the universe. The “Twentieth Century” according to secular reckoning saw two formation theories. Up until 1965 CE they both had equal footing. Former Hayden Planetarium Director Dr. Allen Seltzer and I attended the Junior Astronomy Club at NYU which met on Friday Nights in our teenage years. He was a Conservative Jew and I was a very weak Reform Jew at the time. My becoming religious came a few years later as I got deeper into Physics and Astronomy. We learned about the Steady State Universe Theory with an expanding universe proposed by Herman Bondi, Fred Hoyle and Thomas Gold 1948 CE. It had an expanding Universe with particles being created at the center. It did not conflict with religion as right before each Jew declares in the morning the Unity of G-D we say “HE renews each day “Maaseh Beresheis” (process of creation or Genesis). Problems began to emerge in 1965CE with the discovery of Quasars and Radio Galaxies and the theory continued until Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson published their findings on background microwave radiation.

The second theory as proposed by Georges Lemaitre in 1927CE and reinforced by Edwin Hubble with spectrum red shift (to be defined later) analysis of galaxies showing that they were moving further apart. In the early 1960’s they were given equal celebrity among astronomers but I was under the impression that the Big Bang was given more credibility. The dispute ended in 1965CE with the finding of microwave radiation from an initial cosmic explosion.

What is the Big Bang Theory? Initially the whole universe was compacted into a sphere the size of pea. The power of gravity was so great that nothing could escape not even a photon of light (First proposed through James Clerk Maxwell’s equations expanded upon by Max Planck to have the property sometimes as a particle and sometimes as a wave and adopted by Albert Einstein). If one is religious, he or she will hold that G-D said “Let there be light” and the Big Bang occurred an atheist will hold that some singular event or ripple occurred setting off an imbalance that caused the explosion. The Temperature of this massively dense pea or soup was 10 with 49 zeroes after it in Kelvin. (Kelvin is a scale like Centigrade and Fahrenheit with the same spacing as Centigrade starts at absolute Zero where nothing can move.) On the Kelvin Scale freezing of water is 273 Degree K and water boils at 373 Degree K. (From now on a number with K) The surface of the sun is 3,000,000 K and the interior 15,000,000 K.

The following description of the very early Universe is taken from the book “The First Three Minutes” by Steven Weinberg, winner of the 1979 CE Nobel Prize in Physics. The first mathematical model that one can rely upon for the early Universe occurs at just before 0.01 second after the Big Bang (one hundredth of a second). The Temperature of the Universe slightly before this is now 15 sextillions aka 15,000 trillion degrees K or 15 with 12 zeroes after it. The internal make-up of the cosmic soup is mostly pi-mesons that are about 1/7th the weight of an atomic nucleus. Coming out of the center in all directions are photons of light, electrons, positrons, neutrinos and anti-neutrinos called muons. There are many collisions with electrons (negatively charged) and positrons (positively charged) photons and photons causing neutrinos and muons with some gamma radiation, microwave radiation and x-ray radiation. The annihilation and re-emergence of particles at this time is constant. The Baryon number or Lepton Number is close to zero. (There are 61 known at this time sub-atomic particles and I will explain them as best I can in layman’s terms further on.) {Note that Professor Weinberg simplified the description for us as even at 0.01 second, the temperature is too hot for electrons and positrons to be stable but it was done for our imagination.}

At 0.01 second, the Temperature has now dropped to 100 trillion degrees K. The electromagnetic radiation using the Stefan-Boltzmann equation is 4.72 with 44 zeroes after it electron volts per liter. The energy density of this Universe is 21 with 44 zeroes after it electron volts per liter. The density of our soup is 3.8 trillion kilograms per liter. (For you to get an idea, the density of water at room temperature is 1kg/liter.) If mount Everest was this dense, the earth would implode.  

At this point in the full book, some more of the first three minutes will be discussed as the universe cools into mostly Hydrogen and some Helium atoms in the initial universe.

GENESIS OR BERESHEIS (Hebrew): 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Rashi comments as follows: In the beginning: Said Rabbi Isaac: It was not necessary to begin the Torah except from “This month is to you,” (Exod. 12:2) which is the first commandment that the Israelites were commanded, (for the main purpose of the Torah is its commandments, and although several commandments are found in Genesis, e.g., circumcision and the prohibition of eating the thigh sinew, they could have been included together with the other commandments). Now for what reason did He commence with “In the beginning?” Because of [the verse] “The strength of His works He related to His people, to give them the inheritance of the nations” (Ps. 111:6). For if the nations of the world should say to Israel, “You are robbers, for you conquered by force the lands of the seven nations [of Canaan],” they will reply, "The entire earth belongs to the Holy One, blessed be He; He created it (this we learn from the story of the Creation) and gave it to whomever He deemed proper When He wished, He gave it to them, and when He wished, He took it away from them and gave it to us. 
In the beginning of God’s creation of: Heb. בְּ×Øֵאשִי×Ŗ בָּ×Øָא. This verse calls for a midrashic interpretation [because according to its simple interpretation, the vowelization of the word בָּ×Øָא, should be different, as Rashi explains further]. It teaches us that the sequence of the Creation as written is impossible, as is written immediately below] as our Rabbis stated (Letters of R. Akiva , letter “Beth” ; Gen. Rabbah 1:6; Lev. Rabbah 36:4): [God created the world] for the sake of the Torah, which is called (Prov. 8:22): “the beginning of His way,” and for the sake of Israel, who are called (Jer. 2:3) “the first of His grain.” But if you wish to explain it according to its simple meaning, explain it thus: “At the beginning of the creation of heaven and earth, the earth was astonishing with emptiness, and darkness…and God said, ‘Let there be light.’” But Scripture did not come to teach the sequence of the Creation, to say that these came first, for if it came to teach this, it should have written: “At first (בָּ×Øִאשׁוֹ× ָה) He created the heavens and the earth,” for there is no ×Øֵאשִׁי×Ŗ in Scripture that is not connected to the following word, [i.e., in the construct state] like (ibid. 27:1):“In the beginning of (בְּ×Øֵאשִי×Ŗ) the reign of Jehoiakim” ; (below 10:10)“the beginning of (×Øֵאשִׁי×Ŗ) his reign” ; (Deut. 18:4)“the first (×Øֵאשִׁי×Ŗ) of your corn.” Here too, you say בְּ×Øֵאשִׁי×Ŗ בָּ×Øָא אלֹהִים, like בְּ×Øֵאשִׁי×Ŗ בְּ×Øֹא, in the beginning of creating. And similar to this is ,“At the beginning of the Lord’s speaking (דִּבֶּ×Ø) to Hosea,” (Hos. 1:2), i.e., at the beginning of the speaking (דִּבּוּ×Øוֹ) of the Holy One, Blessed be He, to Hosea, “the Lord said to Hosea, etc.” Now if you say that it came to teach that these (i.e., heaven and earth) were created first, and that its meaning is: In the beginning of all, He created these-and that there are elliptical verses that omit one word, like (Job 3:10): “For [He] did not shut the doors of my [mother’s] womb,” and it does not explain who it was who shut [the womb]; and like (Isa. 8:4): “he will carry off the wealth of Damascus,” and it does not explain who will carry it off; and like (Amos 6:12): “or will one plow with cattle,” and it does not explain: “if a man will plow with cattle” ; and like (Isa. 46: 10): “telling the end from the beginning,” and it does not explain that [it means] telling the end of a matter from the beginning of a matter-if so, [if you say that Scripture indicates the order of creation] be astounded at yourself, for the water preceded, as it is written: “and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the water,” and Scripture did not yet disclose when the creation of water took place! From this you learn that the water preceded the earth. Moreover, the heavens were created from fire and water. Perforce, you must admit that Scripture did not teach us anything about the sequence of the earlier and the later [acts of creation].
God’s creation of the heavens and the earth: But it does not say “of the Lord’s creation of” (i.e., it should say “of the Lord God’s creation of” as below 2:4 “on the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven”) for in the beginning it was His intention to create it with the Divine Standard of Justice, but he perceived that the world would not endure; so He preceded it with the Divine Standard of Mercy, allying it with the Divine Standard of Justice, and that is the reason it is written: “on the day the Lord God made earth and heaven.”

This is the Chabad translation and I intend in the book to use a translation with an expired copy write. I will probably bring down the various attribute and angels of G-D arguing against creation of a physical world to try to match the heavenly kingdom.

As both a scientist/engineer I have to find a solution that matches the Torah and science to explain the creation of the planet earth and before photons could over-come the antiphotons so that there would be light.

We ended the last paragraph with the word “implosion” and I intend to explain the creation of the planet earth within the first day for the 5780year-old universe.

Deriving the heavier elements from the big bang. At first, Gamow believed that all the elements might be produced in the very high temperature and density early stage of the universe. Later, he revised this opinion on the strength of compelling evidence advanced by Fred Hoyle et al. that elements heavier than lithium are largely produced in thermonuclear reactions in stars and in supernovae. Gamow formulated a set of coupled differential equations describing his proposed process and assigned, as a PhD. dissertation topic, his graduate student Ralph Alpher the task of solving the equations numerically. These results of Gamow and Alpher appeared in 1948 as the Alpher–Bethe–Gamow paper Before his interest turned to the question of the genetic code, Gamow published about twenty papers on cosmology. The earliest was in 1939 with Edward Teller on galaxy formation, followed in 1946 by the first description of cosmic nucleosynthesis. He also wrote many popular articles as well as academic textbooks on this and other subjects. The creation of heavier elements from super nova was needed to complete the formation of the planet earth.

Remembering Susskind’s ‘lumps’ in the initial ‘cosmic soup’ as scientists call it. One lump here and there might have been enough during this time to form a supernova. From these supernovas spread out across the galaxy the elements of carbon, iron, silicon, oxygen and nitrogen formed along with much heavier elements to the natural occurring uranium and those elements that break down over the course of minutes or years. One such supernova produced enough heavier elements that spawn out into empty space at zero degrees K would condense quick enough via gravity and magnetic attraction to form a body in space called earth or Aretz in Hebrew. The elements that were gaseous would be attracted to form an atmosphere and the H2O thrown out would condense into water.

2 Now the earth was unformed and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God hovered over the face of the waters.

Astonishingly empty: Heb. ×Ŗֹהוּ וָבֹהוּ. The word ×Ŗֹהוּ is an expression of astonishment and desolation, that a person wonders and is astonished at the emptiness therein.
Astonishingly empty: Astordison in Old French; [Ć©tourdissement in modern French], astonishment. בֹהוּ an expression of emptiness and desolation. (This does not appear in all editions.)
בֹהוּ: an expression of emptiness and desolation. (This does not appear in all editions.)
on the face of the deep: on the face of the waters which were on the earth.
And the spirit of God was hovering: The Throne of Glory was suspended in the air and hovered over the face of the water with the breath of the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He and with His word, like a dove, which hovers over the nest, acoveter in Old French, to cover, hover over.

3 And God said: 'Let there be light.' And there was light. 4 And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness.

And God saw the light that it was good, and God separated: Here too, we need the words of the Aggadah: He saw it that it was not proper for the wicked to use it; so He separated it for the righteous in the future. According to its simple meaning, explain it as follows: He saw it that it was good, and it was unseemly that it [light] and darkness should serve in confusion; so He established for this one its boundary by day, and for that one its boundary by night.

5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day.

One day: According to the sequence of the language of the chapter, it should have been written, “the first day,” as it is written regarding the other days, “second, third, fourth.” Why did Scripture write “one”? Because the Holy One, blessed be He, was the only one in His world, for the angels were not created until the second day. [i.e., יוֹם אֶחָד is understood as ‘the day of the only One’] So is it explained in Genesis Rabbah (3:8).

Dr. Weinstein ends his first section of the first three minutes with the comment. After a few minutes the Universe has expanded and is now a few light years in circumference.

We shall stop here and look at physics slapping itself in the face. The Hebrew word is Stirah which means contradiction or slap in the face. In the late 1800’s Albert Michaelson measured the speed of light to be 186,000 miles or 300,000 kilometers per second. According to the laws of Albert Einstein nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.
A light year is calculated as follows: 300,000 meters’ x 60 seconds to a minute x 60 seconds to an hour x 24 hours’ x 365.25 days in a year. Now if nothing goes faster than the speed of light how do we get a universe that expands to a few light years in a few minutes?

We shall learn about the 11 dimensions of string theory later. In 1966 CE, I was an agnostic Reform Jew investigating the physics behind ESP (Extra Sensory Perception – predictions, prophecy or what you would like to call it. Unbeknownst to me at the time, the discoverer of the Neutrino was corresponding with the Psychologist Carl Jung and the Kabbalist Gershom Scholem on this very subject before he passed away.) I do not know if String Theory existed then and I only learned about 11 dimensions of Professor John Henry Schwarz in the late 1970’s from “Scientific American”. Einstein proposed Time to be the 4th dimension over the standard three length, width and height. In 1923 Klein proposed ‘Klein’s Bottle’.

Once we have established in physics that there is a dimension above time, just like in the three dimensional world I can go back and forth in length and width and by jumping or with a ladder or airplane conquer height, I theoretically could go back and forth in time. I wrote this about 15 to 20 years ago with a female Canadian Physicist and I forgot her name. She told me that some of the spaces in between dimensions of an 11 or more dimensional world were as small as de Broglie Waves (waves of quantum matter discovered or proposed by Louis de Broglie in 1924). That did not particularly bother me as I was not building a time machine. I was studying ESP that had brain waves or something from the human soul that could go back and forth in time. I have read and heard stories of the Baal Shem Tov, Lubavitcher Rebbe and people with near death or out of body experiences that could instantly travel from place to place or see the future in a trancelike state. Some people experience a dream or premonition that warns them or comes true. Others a parent or grandparent came to them in a dream with advice.

With pure logic I deduced that the earth of now where the dreamer or recipient of the premonition is here and now in time and space. The earth, sun, galaxy and cluster of galaxies are moving at such and such a speed. Assuming that an Edgar Cayce,  
Jeane Dixon or another anonymous individual did such a thing and many were documented, this shows that something now has gone through space and time and returned with information to our current space and time. I came to the following conclusion that since the three dimensional world was limited in speed to that of the speed of light and our 4th dimension time was only measurable to us here and now, there had to be a 5th or higher dimension above time and three dimensional space to support ESP (extra sensory perception). This was done by Richard Pauli the agnostic sometime in August 1966. It bothered me so much that I decided to ask questions and challenge a religious Jew with questions I had on Judaism. This eventually would lead me to becoming a believing Jew and about 40 or so years later becoming Rabbi Rachamim Pauli.

I proposed to myself two principles at that time:
The Inclusion Principle.
When calculating time and space in the physical world one must include dimensions above ordinary time and space as viewed from a human standpoint.
The Principle of Cosmic Unity.
That it was possible to be anywhere in time or space instantly.
This was for explaining ESP. I realized at that instant that I had discovered in this unity. G-D of the few things that I had learned in Reform Judaism was the sentence in Hebrew. Shema Yisrael HASHEM ELOKAYNU HASHEM Echad. (Hear O’ Israel the L-RD our G-D the L-RD is one Deut. {Devarim} 6:4) Suddenly, I believed that I had rediscovered G-D through science – and that was before I knew what has been discovered about the constants and the early universe. This in fact that I came upon is one of the principles of faith of Maimonides known in Hebrew as the Rambam. The translation of the song Adom Olam (Master of the world) goes like this: HE was, HE is, and HE will be. I did not know the principles of faith but suddenly I had realized it. In one way, I was like Avrum in the city of Ur growing up as a member of an idolatry society. The idolatry that I had been subject to was an Atheistic Scientistic World. Even the science fiction of the day drummed into the heads of TV viewers was Star Trek a future with space exploration with no religion. Just like him with the exception of the physicist (Yehuda?) Himmelreich, who I debated and Professor Leo Levi, there were no others who were believers. Avrum had Noach and a few others who were believers.

I have written this week about twice or more my weekly Torah. I have not even finished One Day or broached on the Pearlman’s Red Shift theory. My theory of how galaxies moved so far and fast by the Inclusion Principle. Neither I have broached why scientists believe that the universe spread out relatively straight like a wave and not shaped like a sphere or a saddle. I have not dealt with the second day and the splitting of the waters above and below or the third day and the rocks that absorbed water that dry land can appear. There are some questions that I had on creation with the earth being captured only on the 4th day by the sun and the capture of the moon on the fourth day with them taking up the same degree of sky to produce eclipses. All this and more with the DNA, RNA probabilities in plants and animals happening by accident will be covered and no evolution but jumping in stages.

Eden’s Talking Snake (or telepathy communications-RP) in an e-mail from the   See it at Question: How did the snake communicate with Eve?

Answer: Hi! It’s a very interesting question. But you know, the world then was very different, in so many ways. It’s not too easy for us to relate to. The Da’as T’vunos (knowledge and understanding) by R’ Moshe Chaim Luzzatto says that Adam (and Eve) were mostly spiritual beings. They were “made by hand” by G-d himself. Even their “physical” nature was closer to what we would call spiritual.
Anyhow, Adam already gave names to all the animals. And a name in Hebrew isn’t just a place-holder; it’s more like a complete understanding of how that thing is put together, physically and spiritually. If Solomon could speak the language of all living things, I certainly think that Adam and Eve could do it too.
Best wishes,
Michael Reach

There is no story this week due to the length and scope of the proofs of intelligence design in creation.

Chief Rabbis plea for National Unity.

Russian stopovers are cheap but Israelis have stopped in-masse ordering tickets and cancelling flights.,7340,L-5608544,00.html

In Memorial a philanthropist Mandel.

Gadol B’ Torah passes away on Simchas Torah.

Criminal child neglect. Arab baby filmed holding a loaded gun points at head stomach.

Inyanay Diyoma

Russia jails Israeli young woman at flight transfer that should be international territory. To release their master hacker.,7340,L-5606252,00.html

Yemeni – two faces of antisemitism.,7340,L-5605259,00.html

Turkey short of troops.

Graham agrees with Netanyahu on Kurds.

Headstones of Jewish and WWI Christians overturned.

Gang member found guilty of murder of Jewish Professor.

Saudis claim they did not attack Iranian Tanker.

Diane Bederman attends a Reform Synagogue:

Chief Rabbis plea for National Unity.

Secretary of State going to Israel first.

Yemeni World stands by Kurd slaughter.,7340,L-5607567,00.html

Guide to make fake news. Here's the first one.

Trump tells Turkey not to be foolish.,7340,L-5608770,00.html

M. Kelly gives her first interview since leaving TV.

In Memorial a philanthropist Mandel.

Stop ramming this holocaust down our throats.

Clinton who gave 20% of US Uranium to Russia calls the kettle, a combat soldier, black.

7 non-Jordanian suspects cross into Israel.

Ed-Op Friedman the Israeli situation has worsened under Netanyahu.,7340,L-5608395,00.html

US prepares military response to Turkey if they go too far.,7340,L-5610921,00.html

Woman who gave 20% of US Uranium to Russia is completely unhinged at the left now.

Unruly boys asked to leave settlement.

This is what happens when you have relationships with Arabs from Chevron.

A number of Democratic Candidates want to cut aid to Israel.

Press pushing former mayor for Netanyahu’s job.

Again 4 story home of terrorist demolished.


Jewish historic site destroyed by arson wall collapses killing worker.

General warns of war by mistake by Iran.,7340,L-5612729,00.html

Gaza: Hamas arrests PFLP and PLO to stop protests.,7340,L-5612795,00.html

Whitehouse stops subscription to NY Times, Washington Post.

I hoped that I succeeded in giving you a little faith through science. Good Shabbos,
Rachamim Pauli