Friday, February 21, 2025

Ups and downs of Moshe on Mt. Sinai, Parsha Mishpatim Part 1, Reincarnation, Story and Swords of Iron, a miracle and other news.


Last week, as I was about to publish my commentary, I went through what I was sending and realized that I skipped complete Shemos (Exodus) chapter 19. I will now bring down from the Soncino on-line Talmud Bavli 88A-89A.


Come and hear: For it was taught in the Seder 'Olam: As to the Nisan in which the Israelites departed from Egypt, on the fourteenth they slaughtered their Passover sacrifices, on the fifteenth they went out, and that day was the Sabbath eve. Now, since the first of Nisan was the Sabbath eve, the first of Iyar was on a Sunday, and [the first of] Sivan on a Monday. This is a difficulty according to R. Jose? — R. Jose answers you: This agrees with the Rabbis.

Come and hear: R. Jose said: On the second day Moses ascended and descended; on the third he ascended and descended; on the fourth he descended and ascended no more. But since he did not go up, whence did he descend? — Rather [say,] on the fourth he ascended and descended; on the fifth he built an altar and offered a sacrifice thereon; [but] on the sixth he had no time. Surely that was on account of [the giving of] the Torah? — No: it was on account of the preparations for the Sabbath.

A certain Galilean lectured before R. Hisda: Blessed be the Merciful One who gave a three-fold Torah to a three-fold people through a third[-born] on the third day in the third month. With whom does this agree? With the Rabbis.

And they stood under the mount: R. Abdimi b. Hama b. Hasa said: This teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, overturned the mountain upon them like an [inverted] cask, and said to them, 'If ye accept the Torah, 'tis well; if not, there shall be your burial.' R. Aha b. Jacob observed: This furnishes a strong protest against the Torah. Said Raba, Yet even so, they re-accepted it in the days of Ahasuerus, for it is written, [the Jews] confirmed, and took upon them [etc.]: [i.e.,] they confirmed what they had accepted long before. Hezekiah said: What is meant by, Thou didst cause sentence to be heard from Heaven; The earth feared, and was tranquil: if it feared, why was it tranquil, and if it was tranquil, why did it fear? But at first it feared, yet subsequently it was tranquil, And why did it fear? — Even in accordance with Resh Lakish. For Resh Lakish said: Why is it written, And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day; What is the purpose of the additional 'the'? This teaches that the Holy One, blessed be He, stipulated with the Works of Creation and said thereto. 'If Israel accepts the Torah, ye shall exist; but if not, I will turn you back into emptiness and formlessness.'

R. Simla lectured: When the Israelites gave precedence to 'we will do' over 'we will hearken,' six hundred thousand ministering angels came and set two crowns upon each man of Israel, one as a reward for 'we will do,' and the other as a reward for 'we will hearken'. But as soon as Israel sinned, one million two hundred thousand destroying angels descended and removed them, as it is said, And the children of Israel stripped themselves of their ornaments from mount Horeb. R. Hama son of R. Hanina said: At Horeb they put them on and at Horeb they put them off. At Horeb the put them on, as we have stated. At Horeb they put them off, for it is written, And [the children of Israel] stripped themselves, etc. R. Johanan observed: And Moses was privileged and received them all, for in proximity thereto it is stated, And Moses took the tent. Resh Lakish said: [Yet] the Holy One, blessed be He, will return them to us in the future, for it is said, and the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; the joy from of old shall be upon their heads.

R. Eleazar said: When the Israelites gave precedence to 'we will do' over 'we will hearken,' a Heavenly Voice went forth and exclaimed to them, Who revealed to My children this secret, which is employed by the Ministering Angels, as it is written, Bless the Lord, ye angels of his. Ye mighty in strength, that fulfil his word, That hearken unto the voice of his word: first they fulfil and then they hearken?

R. Hama son of R. Hanina said: What is meant by, As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, [So is my beloved among the sons]: why were the Israelites compared to an apple tree? To teach you: just as the fruit of the apple tree precedes its leaves, so did the Israelites give precedence to 'we will do' over 'we will hearken'.

up until now is the discussion of going up and down the mountain of Chapter 19 and now a nice Drasha from the Gemara on Chapter 20.


R. Joshua b. Levi also said: When Moses ascended on high, the ministering angels spake before the Holy One, blessed be He, ‘Sovereign of the Universe! What business has one born of woman amongst us?’ ‘He has come to receive the Torah,’ answered He to them. Said they to Him, ‘That secret treasure, which has been hidden by Thee for nine hundred and seventy-four generations before the world was created. Thou desire to give to flesh and blood! What is man, that thou art mindful of him, And the son of man, that thou visit him? O Lord our God, How excellent is thy name in all the earth! Who hast set thy glory [the Torah] upon the Heavens!’  ‘Return them an answer,’ bade the Holy One, blessed be He, to Moses. ‘Sovereign of the Universe’ replied he, ‘I fear lest they consume me with the [fiery] breath of their mouths.’ ‘Hold on to the Throne of Glory,’ said He to him, ‘and return them an answer,’ as it is said, He makes him to hold on to the face of his throne, And spreads [PaRSHeZ] his cloud over him,  whereon R. Nachman observed: This teaches that the Almighty [Shaddai] spread [Pirash] the luster [Ziv] of His Shechinah and cast it as a protection  over him. He [then] spake before Him: Sovereign of the Universe! The Torah which Thou give me, what is written therein? I am the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the Land of Egypt.  Said he to them [the angels], ‘Did ye go down to Egypt; were ye enslaved to Pharaoh: why then should the Torah be yours? Again, What is written therein? Thou shalt have none other gods:  do ye dwell among peoples that engage in idol worship? Again what is written therein? Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy:  do ye then perform work, that ye need to rest? Again what is written therein? Thou shalt not take [tissa] [the name … in vain]: is there any business [massa] dealings among you?  Again what is written therein, Honor thy father and thy mother;  have ye fathers and mothers? Again what is written therein? Thou shall not murder. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Thou Shall not steal; is there jealousy among you; is the Evil Tempter among you? Straightway they conceded [right] to the Holy One, blessed be He, for it is said, O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is thy name, etc. whereas ‘Who has set thy glory upon the heavens’ is not written. Immediately each one was moved to love him [Moses] and transmitted something to him, for it is said, Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast taken spoils [the Torah]; Thou hast received gifts on account of man: as a recompense for their calling thee man [Adam] thou didst receive gifts. The Angel of Death too confided his secret to him, for it is said, and he put on the incense, and made atonement for the people; and it is said, and he stood between the dead and the living, etc. Had he not told it to him, whence had he known it?

R. Joshua b. Levi also said: When Moses descended from before the Holy One, blessed be He, Satan came and asked Him, ‘Sovereign of the Universe! Where is the Torah? ‘I have given it to the earth.’ Answered He to him. He went to the earth and said to her, ‘Where is the Torah?’ ‘God understands the way thereof, etc.’ she replied. He went to the sea and it told him, ‘It is not with me.’ He went to the deep and it said to him, ‘It is not in me,’ for it is said. The deep saith, It is not in me: And the sea saith, It is not with me. Destruction and Death say, We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears. He went back and declared before Him, ‘Sovereign of the Universe! I have searched throughout all the earth but have not found it!’ ‘Go thee to the son of Amram. Answered He. [So] he went to Moses and asked him, ‘Where is the Torah which the Holy One, blessed be He, gave unto thee?’ ‘Who am I then,’ he retorted, ‘that the Holy One, blessed be He, should give me the Torah?’ Said the Holy One, blessed be He, to Moses, ‘Moses, art thou a liar!’ ‘Sovereign of the Universe!’ he replied, ‘Thou hast a stored-up treasure in which Thou take delight every day: shall I keep the benefit for myself?’ ‘Said the Holy One, blessed be He, to Moses, ‘Moses, since thou hast [humbly] disparaged thyself, it shall be called by thy name, as it is said, Remember ye the law of Moses my servant.

R. Joshua b. Levi also said: When Moses ascended on high, he found the Holy One, blessed be He, tying crowns on the letters [of the Torah]. Said He to him, ‘Moses, is there no [greeting of] Peace in thy town?’ ‘Shall a servant extend [a greeting of] Peace to his Master!’ replied he: ‘Yet thou should have assisted Me,’ said He. Immediately he cried out to Him, And now, I pray thee, let the power of the Lord be great, according as thou hast spoken.



Parsha Mishpatim Part 1



Mishpatim are Judgements. Moshe was judging in the last Parsha from morning to night. Now we continue with laws of what he was judging. In this week’s Parsha we suddenly are confronted with a large number of Mitzvos. In total 53 that are 20 positive and 33 negative.


21:1 Now these are the ordinances which thou shalt set before them. 2 If thou buy a Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve; and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. 


There are two ways a person becomes a Hebrew (slave, bondman) servant. He is either sold by Beit Din for his thievery or has become so dirt poor that he cannot feed or cloth himself.


3 If he come in by himself, he shall go out by himself; if he be married, then his wife shall go out with him. 


He has to work and the master agrees to support him and his family. Perhaps the wife has more of a status as maid or secretary rather than bondwoman.


4 If his master give him a wife, and she bear him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself. 


This is a non-Jewish (Canaan slave, or from somewhere else). She is property of her master and he can marry her off to the Jewish Slave but her children remain slaves like her.


5 But if the servant shall plainly say: I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free; 6 then his master shall bring him unto God, and shall bring him to the door, or unto the door-post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an awl; and he shall serve him forever. 


Why the awl on the ear? The same ear that hear “You shall have no other gods beside ME” cannot have a master other than HASHEM. Yet, instead of having a number of other jobs, he will stick to his master and slave wife.


7 And if a man sell his daughter to be a maid-servant, she shall not go out as the men-servants do. 


He took this child servant for she was from a good family (Cohain, Levi or Talmud Chacham) for his son or grandson to marry. If he is rich and young, he takes this female servant for himself as his mother trains her. This was a solution for fighting poverty.  


8 If she please not her master, who hath espoused her to himself, then shall he let her be redeemed; to sell her unto a foreign people he shall have no power, seeing he hath dealt deceitfully with her. 


The whole intention of the father and/or mother of the female servant was that she should marry the master or his son. This is not the case, then he forfeits his investment and she shall go free either immediately or at the age of 12 or before if she has signs of puberty and is entitled to workman’s compensation [see Pasuk 11].


9 And if he espouse her unto his son, he shall deal with her after the manner of daughters. 10 If he take him another wife, her food, her raiment, and her conjugal rights, shall he not diminish. 


She becomes a wealthy wife with all rights.


11 And if he do not these three unto her, then shall she go out for nothing, without money. 


He paid her parents good money for her and if she is undesirable, then she shall go out for free.


12 He that smites a man, so that he dies, shall surely be put to death. 13 And if a man lie not in wait, but God cause it to come to hand; then I will appoint thee a place whither he may flee. 


We will only learn in Sefer Bamidbar of the Ir HaMiklot where the man shall flee for accidental manslaughter. {There is stays until the death of the Cohain HaGadol.}


14 And if a man come presumptuously upon his neighbor, to slay him with guile; thou shalt take him from Mine altar, that he may die. 


Murders that were warned get the death penalty. Otherwise, the avenger of blood might kill him as this was first degree murder without two witnesses and warning.


15 And he that smites his father, or his mother, shall be surely put to death. 


This danger arises in the teenager years. There is a Halacha that after a certain age, a man is forbidden to discipline his child lest this occur.


16 And he that steals a man, and sells him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death. 


Selling a man or woman into slavery is a capital offense.


17 And he that curses his father or his mother, shall surely be put to death.


Someone who curses his father or mother. For what purpose was this verse said? Since it says: “any man who curses his father or mother must be put to death,” From there alone I may have thought that this applies only to a man who cursed his father or mother. From where do I know that it applies even to a woman who cursed her father or mother? Scripture therefore states: “someone who curses his father or mother,” without qualification, thus including both a man and a woman. If so, why does it say: “any man who curses his father”? To exclude a minor who curses his father. Must be put to death - by stoning, for wherever it says: “the shedding of his blood is his own fault,” the death penalty is by stoning – the prime example illustrating this being: “the people must pelt them with stones; the shedding of their blood is their own fault” – and regarding one who curses his father or mother it says: “the shedding of his blood is his own fault.”


18 And if men contend, and one smite the other with a stone, or with his fist, and he die not, but keep his bed; 19 if he rise again, and walk abroad upon his staff, then shall he that smote him be quit; only he shall pay for the loss of his time, and shall cause him to be thoroughly healed. 


He pays for embarrassment, loss of employment, pain, healing and perhaps other compensation according to Beis Din (Jewish Torah Law Court – does not exist today).


20 And if a man smite his (non-Israel) bondman, or his bondwoman, with a rod, and he die under his hand, he shall surely be punished. 21 Notwithstanding if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his money.


If he was Jewish, he would be subject to the death penalty or fines mentioned above. The non-Jewish slave is considered his property. Today we have non-Jewish caretakers of the elderly and their rights are protected under civil law including vacation days, hotel days and workers compensation.


22 And if men strive together, and hurt a woman with child, so that her fruit depart, and yet no harm follow, he shall be surely fined, according as the woman’s husband shall lay upon him; and he shall pay as the judges determine. 23 But if any harm follow, then thou shalt give life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe. 


This was not interpreted from Sinai as literal but through fines but killing somebody else was a different story.


26 And if a man smite the eye of his bondman, or the eye of his bondwoman, and destroy it, he shall let him go free for his eye’s sake. 27 And if he smite out his bondman’s tooth, or his bondwoman’s tooth, he shall let him go free for his tooth’s sake. 


The question always arises as follows: If a man is a dentist and his bondman’s tooth breaks, decays, cracks, etc. and has to be removed? A little common horse sense must be used as well as wise guy questions.


28 And if an ox gore a man or a woman, that they die, the ox shall be surely stoned, and its flesh shall not be eaten; but the owner of the ox shall be quit. 


Provided that the ox was not known to gore is the owner quit. However, he should have perhaps had some sort of a fence around the animal.


29 But if the ox was wont to gore in time past, and warning hath been given to its owner, and he hath not kept it in, but it hath killed a man or a woman; the ox shall be stoned, and its owner also shall be put to death.




If the ox had gored people or other oxen in the past the solution should have been ritually slaughtering it and selling the meat.


30 If there be laid on him a ransom, then he shall give for the redemption of his life whatsoever is laid upon him. 31 Whether it have gored a son, or have gored a daughter, according to this judgment shall it be done unto him. 32 If the ox gore a bondman or a bondwoman, he shall give unto their master thirty shekels of silver, and the ox shall be stoned. 


If the owner was negligent and nobody died, then he should pay a fine.


33 And if a man shall open a pit, or if a man shall dig a pit and not cover it, and an ox or an ass fall therein, 34 the owner of the pit shall make it good; he shall give money unto the owner of them, and the dead beast shall be his. 


This is why one sees the water works, electric or phone company digging up cables or pipes put fences around the dig to prevent damage to outsiders.


35 And if one man’s ox hurt another’s, so that it dies; then they shall sell the live ox, and divide the price of it; and the dead also they shall divide. 36 Or if it be known that the ox was wont to gore in time past, and its owner hath not kept it in; he shall surely pay ox for ox, and the dead beast shall be his own. 


If the Ox was known to have gored three times in the past other oxen then he has to pay full compensation. Again the Sages recommended the slaughtering knife for a gorer.


37 If a man steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it, he shall pay five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.


Only if he slaughter’s it or sells it. But just rustling it the fine is double the value.


22:1 If a thief be found breaking in, and be smitten so that he dies, there shall be no bloodguiltiness for him. 2 If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be bloodguiltiness for him—he shall make restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. 3 If the theft be found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep, he shall pay double. 


Here is the law of a thief. As I wrote last week the stealing in the Ten Commandments is that of stealing a human. With the first case of rustling or slaughter is a sneak thief the third case of stealing with a weapon is this case and the owner has a right to stand his ground even if the thief dies.




Rabbi Pinchas Winston on Reincarnation


This is from Parsha Yisro Perceptions @ reproduced w/permission


DOES JUDAISM BELIEVE in reincarnation? Those who quote Saadia Gaon say no. But it is hard to imagine how, if he had a copy of the Zohar, which had yet to be published, because it speaks about gilgulim extensively at the beginning of Parshas Mishpatim.

Certainly had the Gaon lived in the Arizal’s time, he would have changed his opinion. Shaar HaGilgulim and Seder HaGilgulim, two versions of the Arizal’s teachings on the topic from two of his students, provide explicit and exquisite details on reincarnation. How could such a great Torah leader question such a central concept in Judaism? It’s a different discussion for a different time.

What is relevant now is, how Yisro alluded to Moshe Rabbeinu how he was the gilgul of Kayn, the murderous brother of Hevel who had reincarnated into Moshe. So, on a Pshat level, Yisro’s arrival was the reunion of a father-in-law and son-in-law, but on the level of Sod, it was the happy reunion of two long lost brothers.

Where is this alluded to in the verse? When Yisro announces himself with the words, “Ani chosenecha Yisro—I am your father-in-law, Yisro” (Shemos 18:6). The first letters of each of the words—Aleph-Ches-Yud—spell achi—my brother,” as if to say to Moshe, “If you won’t come out because I’m only your father-in-law, come out and greet me as the reincarnation of your brother!”

Wait. It gets better. Yisro’s daughter, Tzipporah, who was Moshe’s wife, was also Hevel’s twin sister, at least after reincarnation. As the Midrash explains, Kayn killed his brother for Hevel’s twin sister, of which he had one more than Kayn. In those very distant and rather unusual days of human history, sisters became wives, giving Hevel two and Kayn only one. Perhaps that added fuel to the jealousy Kayn felt after God rejected his sacrifice.

When Yisro gave his daughter Tzipporah to Moshe as a wife, it was Kayn making amends for his actions by returning Hevel’s twin sister. And he could do that, because Yisro “inherited” Kayn’s level of Neshama which was always good. It was Kayn’s levels of Nefesh and Ruach that required rectification. The former had gone to the Egyptian that Moshe had killed back in Parshas Shemos, and the latter went later to Korach. Killing the Egyptian with a Name of God, the Arizal explains, rectified the Nefesh, and when Korach was swallowed up by the earth the Ruach had its rectification as well.

Hevel’s soul has had quite the journey as well. His life was short but the path of his soul has been long and spans all of history: In fact:

Once all the souls will have been separated out completely then Adam d’Klipah, which is the waste, will not need to be removed through [some kind of] action, because on its own it will collapse and be absorbed [to the point] of not being visible or present, since holiness, which is life [itself], will become separated from the spiritual waste which is called death. [The Klipos] will no longer have any life at all and will disappear like smoke, as it says, “Death will be extinct forever” (Yeshayahu 25:8). They will not become extinct, however, until all of the souls will have been separated out. Thus, the initials of [the Hebrew words of] “Death will be extinct forever” are the letters of “Hevel” (Heh-Bais-Lamed) to hint that [this will not occur] until all of the reincarnations of Hevel are completed, which are happening by Moshe Rabbeinu reincarnating in every generation to separate out the souls from among the waste. When this has occurred then Moshiach will come and death will be extinct forever. (Shaar HaGilgulim, Introduction 20)

I know, I know, there is a lot of kabbalah in this that needs explanation, which I provide in my translation of Shaar HaGilgulim. But, as fascinating as it is, it is not necessary to understand, to make the point we’re making now, which is that you can’t outrun biblical history. Atheists, agnostics, and bible believing folk are all in the same historic boat, know it or not, like it or not. We might consider history to be a function of current politics and modern technology, but the backdrop of all of that is as old as man himself.

And why not? It’s the same earth, isn’t it? It’s the same Creation. As Shlomo HaMelech said, “There is nothing new under the sun,” just what we know of it from generation to generation. No matter how advanced mankind becomes, it will always be within a closed reality of Creation that we share with every generation to have ever lived, or will live.

Thus, as Moshe Rabbeinu and the entire Jewish nation readied themselves for one of the most spectacular historic events since Creation, Yisro showing up with his daughter and hinting to his reincarnated past reminds all of us that the Present is just the Past reinventing itself. So when people look at history today and ask, “Is there anything biblical about this?” the answer is, how can there not be?

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The Half Million Shekel Deal with a Mosque by Rabbi Y. Tilles



A man participated in a Torah class and afterwards asked the rabbi: "I can make 500,000 shekels providing lighting fixtures to a mosque. Should I do it?" This man wasn't religious but felt that the rabbi's advice would be valuable. He could never imagine how valuable.


He continued. "Tomorrow I'm supposed to sign on the deal; they want a very expensive fixture, should I do it?"


The rabbi said, "I don't know, but I can get an answer from Rabbi Michil-Yehuda Lefkowitz [a leading Torah scholar in Bnei Brak]. His driver is my friend who can go right in and ask him."


He called on the spot and the driver went right in to ask Rabbi Lefkowitz the question. Rabbi Lefkowitz's response was: "The deal is not forbidden to do, but you won't see any blessing from it."


When the man was told the answer, he proclaimed that he would back out of the deal because the rabbi said so. But then right away, he added, "You should know I have a big competitor that will get the deal as soon as I back down from it."

Knowing his competitor would get the business made the test more difficult, but the man stuck to his decision. He strengthened himself with the knowledge that G-d provides livelihood, and that the rabbi already told him this deal had no blessing in it for him.


"If the rabbi says so I will listen to his ruling though it is quite difficult," he said, concluding the conversation.


As predicted his competitor got the contract.

* * *
A month later at the Torah class the man approached the rabbi and shared the following story with him:


"Let me tell you what happened! My competitor agreed to the deal. He received a down payment of 50,000 shekels towards buying the materials necessary for the elaborate lighting fixture, with the balance, 450,000, due upon completing the installment of the fixture."


"He bought 300,000 shekel worth of materials and parts and put it in the mosque, with the intent to come back in the morning and assemble the fixture. Early the next day he knocked on the gates of the mosque. When the guard came over and asked him what he wanted, the man explained that he came to put together the lighting fixture they agreed on the day before.


The guard called the mosque administrator to double check. After a brief dialog, the guard hung up the phone and began shouting at him "What lighting are you talking about? No one at all hired you here! Get out of here now!"


"The man delayed a bit trying to see what he could do, until the guard cocked his weapon and threatened to use it if he didn't leave. The man left empty handed, literally running for his life, leaving behind a fortune of equipment and materials never to see them again. He was so scared he didn't file a complaint against the people at the mosque. Thus, he lost 250,000 on the deal."


The first contractor, the one who spoke with Rabbi Lefkowitz, announced to his rabbi: "I now fully believe that when you listen to the advice of the sages, you won't lose from it!"

Source: Modified by Yerachmiel Tilles from the re-posting of the report by of Naamah Green in an emailing of "Shabbos Stories for the Parsha" (Mikeitz 5778). [For a free subscription, send an email request to keren18@juno. com].

Editor's note: The moral of the story is its last sentence.

Why This Week: The basic principles for most of Torah financial law is to be found in this week's Torah reading, Mishpatim.

Biographic note:
Rabbi Michil-Yehuda Lefkowitz (1913-2011) was born in what is now Belarus. In 1936 He and his mother immigrated to British Mandate Palestine, where he soon became a respected Haredi Lithuanian Torah leader and Rosh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak, Israel, for over 70 years until his passing. An estimated 100,000 people attended his funeral.

Rabbi Michael Yehuda Lefkowitz was one of the leading Rabbis in Yeshiva Ponevez. He was also one of the Rabbanim of HaRav Yeshayahu Chaim Kanjievsky.  My son-in-law’s late father was one of the bookkeepers for the Yeshiva for 53 years. He was asked to be Sendak for the Bris of my grandson Avraham Moshe after his late father (grandfather of the baby).



Milestone: Jaqueline Van Maarsen, 96, “Best friend or Anne Frank.” Van Maarsen was the daughter of a Jewish father and a mother who was raised Christian and converted to Judaism. Her mother managed to get her and her sister declared non-Jewish in 1942, which enabled them to survive the war and Holocaust. Most of van Maarsen’s father’s family was killed by the Nazis.


Milestone: Marian Turski, 98,



Inyanay Diyoma



Feb. 15th and 16th


Day 498 and Day 499 start of week 72


Last night was the Pidyon HaBen of my great-grandson. I have to watch the video. I was too ill to be at a ceremony and dinner that would last for three hours and get me home at 12:30AM as it is the anti-biotics are knocking me out.


We struck 4 armed Hamas who got too close to the IDF, the other news outlets have not caught up.


At least 20 ultra-Orthodox Jews crossed the border into Lebanon overnight between Saturday and Sunday, entering the country in the midst of a tenuous cease-fire - and were stopped and returned to Israel. They entered the tomb of 4th century Babylonian scholar Rav Ashi on Mount Shanan, which is located in Lebanese territory and near the border with Israel, a place that they have illegally infiltrated in the past. So far, eight of them have been detained for questioning.


Marco Rubio is now in Israel.


His mother had just finished some Tikkun for the 13th time when his release was announced. Now he puts on Tephillin.


Yair told he is a champ by his father.


The three were held hostage in Khan Yunis, only a few hundred meters from Kibbutz Nir Oz, throughout their entire time in captivity. They were held in tunnels, and recently in apartments. During their time in captivity, the terrorists informed Sagui of his daughter's birth, and in a cynical act, gave him a pair of earrings to give his wife as a gift. He asked the IDF representatives if their claims were true, because he did not believe the terrorists, and they confirmed the reports.


Cost of release 369 terrorists.


Go figure why Jews are turning Republican?


Converting graphite into memory chips. For centuries, alchemists pursued the dream of turning copper into diamonds, unaware that such a transformation requires a nuclear reaction. But wouldn’t it be nice if the graphite tip of a pencil could be turned into diamond? After all, they are both composed entirely of carbon atoms.


Israeli Couple attacked in Athens.


Archeology in Italy.


Munich Ramming mother and daughter dead.


Austrian attack is from ISIS and German car ramming is expected to give the AFD Party victory in the elections.


U.S. President Donald Trump wrote today after the release of hostages that Israel must now decide what it intends to do regarding the ultimatum set this week for Hamas - release all hostages today or "open the gates of hell" on Gaza. MY PERSONAL OPINION IS THAT NETANYAHU IS RENEGGING ON THE DEAL. HE IS WILLING TO RISK LIVE HOSTAGES FOR KEEPING HIMSELF IN POWER AS HIS COALLITION IS IN DANGER. He has been warned in the past about the Bible Code when his father was alive.


Netanyahu thinks he can trick and shtick the Rabbis into a false deal. UTJ leader Moshe Gafni clarified today (Friday) that if Prime Minister Netanyahu asks to pass the budget before the draft law, the decision will be brought before the great Rabbis of Israel.

(Shtick is Yiddish for sort of pulling the wool over one’s eyes.)


A couple in their sixties reported that they were attacked Friday afternoon in the yard of their home in the town of Gan Ner in the Gilboa region of northern Israel.


Op-Ed Diane Bederman Why did G-D save President Trump? Why did God save Trump? - Diane Bederman- Your Passionate Voice of Reason


We missed two key negotiating windows the last one could have saved Hirsh.


Feb. 17


DAY 500


At  6:29 AM today we passed 43,200,000 seconds of tortured people in humid moldy cold tunnels with inedible food and sometimes filthy water to drink. Netanyahu was trying to wreck the current deal for his coalition and Rubio, Trump and Witkoff want everybody home as soon as possible. Suddenly the cabinet is about to meet and authorize a real negotiating delegation. Trump has spoken they will be home soon.


For months there have been rumors from the Tel Aviv University Medical School of Netanyahu having cancer. Today two newspapers wrote about pancreatic cancer. Perhaps Netanyahu does not have anything as he claims or perhaps he does not know how seriously ill he is. Outwardly everything is business as usual.


If not for Trump this is what the hostages would get:


Just before publication. Senior Hezballah Leader targeted around no entrance zone.




He loved her more than himself.


Instead of internet cable explosives or both.


I’m dreaming of a white Parsha Mishpatim.


Over the past several weeks, despite the ceasefire agreement between Lebanon and Israel, the Hezbollah terror group has launched five UAVs towards Israeli territory, four of which penetrated Israeli airspace, Galei Zahal's Doron Kadosh revealed.


Rabbi Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, revealed on Sunday the depth of Russian involvement in the hostage crisis and described the extensive diplomatic efforts led by President Vladimir Putin. Sasha puts on Tephillin.


They started stuffing him before release.


Chef Orel Lati on Sunday evening surprised the five IDF lookouts who were recently released from Hamas captivity and organized a special evening for them including a festive meat dinner. The event was also attended by singer and composer Idan Amedi, who was seriously injured during the fighting in Gaza, and who came to sing for the lookouts.


Rubio – Netanyahu meeting.


Feb. 18th


Day 501


Yesterday the news broke as I was putting out this news update. Because the take-out of the terrorists tied in with Iran was Lebanon I assumed he was Hezballah but no he was Hamas.


The IDF under Biden-French terms withdrew from most of south Lebanon except for 5 strategic places mostly in the eastern upper Galilee Sector.


Edelson-Trump-Witkoff-Rubio-Walz will make sure that Bibi sends all the hostages home. After that wait and see.


Egypt is making aggressive military drills with armor and other equipment in Sinai. Israel is looking into it. Have they forgotten the lessons of the Yom Kippur War? Nobody in the lame stream Media will tell you this. Neither the Rwanda-Congo dispute.


Rubio-Walz in Saudi to meet with Russian FM and Advisor for a Trump – Putin Summit while Europeans don’t know what to make of it.


US National Anthem booed in Canada as the hockey team starts beating up their hosts in Toronto. Rabbi Mimran and I did not fight but went onwards with the laws of blowing the Shofar and the laws of a paid security guard.


The families of six hostages, Tal Shoham, Omer Shem Tov, Eliya Cohen, Omer Wenkert, Hisham Al-Sayed, and Avera Mengistu have announced that their loved ones will be returned this coming Saturday. Along with the six hostages who will be released alive this coming Saturday, four hostages who were killed in captivity are also expected to be returned on Thursday.


Minister of Foreign Affairs Gideon Saar alleged that Turkey was working with Iran to rebuild Hezbollah and clarified that the Palestinian Authority has not stopped its "Pay-for-Slay" strategy.


Bogus claim about the Holocaust on CBS.


Rabbi Dov Landau, one of the most senior leaders of the Lithuanian ultra-Orthodox community in Israel, has directed representatives of the Degel HaTorah political party to withdraw from all participation in Zionist institutions, citing irreconcilable ideological differences with Zionism's secular foundations.


5 Dead in one day to Mafia Wars. 2 more die after I wrote the sentence below.

Two more Arabs dead so far 38 this year and one Jew in Tel Aviv.


More Mafia in the north.


A terrorist from Hamas’ Nukhba force, who complained on Sunday of headaches and dizziness, was transferred to Kaplan Hospital in Rehovot, and within hours underwent a head CT scan and an MRI due to suspicions of a stroke.


Hate crime in London.


Iran condemned US and Israeli threats on Monday, calling them a blatant violation of international law and insisting that neither country could "do a damn thing" to harm Tehran.


Mike Walz on Iran:


Palestine must be a joke:


Samaria Governor Yossi Dagan and the Peduel town council announced on Tuesday that the "Israel's Lookout" in Samaria will be renamed after US President Donald Trump.


Fiji opens Embassy in Yerushalayim.


KY made the news in Israel.


The Trump administration's Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) discovered an identification code linking U.S. Treasury payments to a budget line item, which accounts for nearly $4.7 trillion in payments which was oftentimes left blank.


20,000,000 on Social Security are over 100 years old. 8,000,000 over 130 now the two thousand people over 190 years old might be a birth date recording era of 1700 or 1800 instead of 1900 but not all. These things should have been caught and investigated long time ago.


Your tax dollars at waste.


Irving Berlin wrote this long before DOGE in 1950 and Ethyl Merman of blessed memory sang.


South Africa Open to Nuclear Cooperation With Russia and Iran, Minister Says -


Lebanon Extends Iran Flight Ban After Israeli ‘Threat,’ Hezbollah Funding Allegations -


NYC Exhibit Showcasing Full-Scale Replica of Anne Frank’s Hidden Annex Gets Extended After Popular Demand - NYC Exhibit Showcasing Full-Scale Replica of Anne Frank’s Hidden Annex Gets Extended After Popular Demand


US Sen. Jon Ossoff Faces Waning Support Among Georgia Jews, Reelection Chances in Danger: Report -


To my direct mail readers the repeat of the first article is due to the way posts appear on Facebook.


Feb. 19th


Day 502


Outside of the war, the big news in Israel is the up coming cold spell and some snow in the mountains. The amount of snow will not be much but it is the coldest since 2016. I will have to run my hot water dripping to prevent freezing of boiler and pipes.


Yair Horn, who was released from Hamas captivity last week, brought new details from captivity and a sign of life from his brother Eitan, who is still being held by the terrorist organization in Gaza.


Arab Mafia deaths rise to 39. 18 year old gunned down at home.


Diane Bederman Op-Ed on Trump and Canada. Trudeau-One thing about Stupid-it’s contagious - Diane Bederman- Your Passionate Voice of Reason


Ukraine hits Russian Oil Refinery.


Brazil's former President, Jair Bolsonaro, was charged on Tuesday in connection with plotting a coup to overturn his 2022 election loss.


5.9 quake off Chile.


Senate Majority Leader John Thune on Tuesday began his speech at the Capitol with a call for the swift return of the remaining hostages being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion arrived at singer Idan Amedi’s general rehearsal of ahead of his performance tomorrow at the Pais Arena in Jerusalem. During their meeting, Lion said to Amedi: "Dear Idan, wishing you all the best on your 37th birthday! I am here to celebrate the special day with you.

RP – Amedi was both a singer and an actor playing a tough good guy on a TV Series before the war. He was with Combat Engineering when our shell hit an electric pole and sent off their charge too soon. 8 died and he was injured badly but recovered. I heard one of his new songs today. I translate roughly.

“I am close to the sky. Our “Merkava” (name of a tank originally in Yechezkel 1 ‘The DIVINE Chariot’) stopped off at home as we were whisked above.” His voice is pleasant and he recently serenaded the 5 released spotters.


The IAF on Tuesday evening struck weapons belonging to the old Syrian regime in the area of Sasa in southern Syria.


US Senator Lindsey Graham, a strong supporter of Israel, said that if negotiations with Hamas and attempts to free the hostages fail, Israel would have no choice but to eliminate the terrorist organization. “I think they should go in and destroy Hamas, just as we destroyed the Germans and the Japanese. There is no future for the Palestinians until Hamas is gone.”


Israeli Defense Chief Vows to Act ‘At Full Strength’ Against Hezbollah Amid Lebanon Withdrawal -


One-Third of US Jewish College Students Feel Faculty Promote Antisemitism, Hostile Learning Environment: Survey -


Israel’s President Makes Official Visit to Hungary, Meets With Family of Hamas Hostage -


Tech Entrepreneur Palmer Luckey Calls Himself a ‘Radical Zionist’ While Defending Israel’s Right to Exist -


Michigan State University Student Government Endorses Divestment From Israel -


Why Do Arab States and Europe Refuse to Actually Help the Palestinian People? -


Pay to slay: The Palestinian Authority Did *Not* Stop Paying Imprisoned Terrorists -


Feb. 20th


Day 503


Trump is now a month in office.


Mrs. Lifschitz cannot understand as leaders of the extreme leftist “Peace Now” and help the Arabs how they could let her husband die. I guess she never read the story of Shaul, Shmuel and Agog when Amalek was killed. Because of Shaul, Haman was born. Those who are merciful on the cruel end up being cruel to the merciful – Artscroll Commentary. 1Shmuel15 and in 15:33 Shmuel does the merciful thing for the world and removes Amalek but because Agog was with his wife that night, Haman was born.


Smuggling drones in Gaza.


Agam Berger recounted that during the time of her captivity, Hamas terrorists provided the hostages with various items, including a siddur (prayer book). "It’s not clear how it happened, but they just gave us siddurim," she said. "We used them a lot; it gave us strength."


An Oregon man admitted in federal court on Wednesday to making bomb threats targeting Jewish hospitals in Queens and Long Island.


Non-religious, never observed Judaism perhaps survived because of this: Shir Siegel, daughter of Keith Siegel, one of the hostages recently freed from Hamas captivity, spoke in an interview with Yinon Magal: “Dad searched for his Jewish identity while in captivity, and he found it in small prayers. He started saying blessings over food, like ‘Borei Minei Mezonot’ (a blessing for non-bread foods -ed.), which he had never said before, and ‘Shema Yisrael’, which he had never recited in his life,” Shir shared. The Lubavitcher said: “The inner Yid comes out.”


Construction and Housing Minister Yitzhak Goldknopf (United Torah Judaism) met released hostage Keith Siegel at Hostages Square in Tel Aviv, and stressed the need for the Hamas terror group to release all hostages as soon as possible.


Watch Sky News Reporter tear up on news about the Bibas Babies.


Rabbi Haim Yosef David Abergel, head of a large community based in the southern city of Netivot, has spoken out against Shas party rabbis, calling on Haredim who are not seriously studying Torah full-time to enlist in the IDF's new Hashmonaim unit, which he called "a place which is protected."


A violent riot ensued on Wednesday in the Meah Shaarim neighborhood of Jerusalem when a group of extremists attacked the car of Karlin-Stolin Rebbe with teargas as he left his granddaughter's Sheva Brachos celebration.


Australia’s Spy Chief Warns Surge in Antisemitism Across Country Has ‘Not Yet Plateaued’ -


Freed Hamas Hostage Agam Berger Begs Trump to Help Get Israeli Captives Home: ‘Don’t Stop Until All Are Back’ - Freed Hamas Hostage Agam Berger Begs Trump to Help Get Hostages Home: 'Don't Stop Until All Are Back'


Wesleyan University Anti-Zionist Students Planning ‘Mass’ Regional Demonstration -


Ritchie Torres Calls for Hamas to Be ‘Eradicated’ Following Group’s Announcement of Bibas Children Deaths -


After Decades in Exile, Syria’s Jews Visit Damascus -


Palestinian Authority Gives Even More Money to Released Terrorist Millionaires -


Politico Hired an Anti-Israel Journalist, Then Ran Her Stories on the Middle East -


The new law expands the already existing ban on granting visas to supporters of boycotts on Israel to include those who deny the Holocaust or the October 7th Massacre, as well as those who support the prosecution of Israelis in the international courts for their actions in the security forces.


Over the past hours, during the counterterrorism operation in northern Samaria, following ISA intelligence, Yamas and IDF soldiers eliminated three wanted terrorists in the area of Al Fara, who sold weapons for terror purposes.


The Umar al-Mukhtar market in Gaza City's "Palestine Square" returned to full operation for the first time since the war and its stalls are full of goods and customers.


Feb. 21st


Day 504 end of week 72


Miracle Alert. Bombs were planted on buses to go off at 8:15AM but accidently went off last night at 8:15PM on empty buses. For perhaps over 50years, bus drivers were told to check their buses for suspicious packages at the back of the bus or under seats. Two buses exploded and a third, the driver found the package and was told to drive empty to an isolated area. Just as he parked, it went off. Two more devices were found probably with the correct time.


Remains of Shiri Bibas not returned boys murdered.


Thousands of children could die.


An Israeli Arab has been in Palestinian Authority detention in the for five months without any legal recourse.


Released hostage Agam Berger, who was kidnapped from the IDF base at Nahal Oz, said that she read Rabbi Haim Druckman's book on Jewish law, she understood that she was permitted to eat non-kosher meat in a case of life and death.


United States Envoy for Hostages Adam Boehler has warned Hamas to return the body of hostage Shiri Bibas.


Turkish authorities have arrested an Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist who plotted attacks on synagogues and Jewish schools in Istanbul, officials announced Thursday.


My late friend Murry D. told me that Chuck Schumer was a shake-down artist in his school days. He tried to shake down Murry’s daughter. Murry picked up Charlie by his shirt and gave him a good enough scare that he stopped then. But it is in his nature. If you and I were to threaten the Justices of the Supreme Court like that, we would be sent to some Penitentiary or Hospital Ward. There are things Rabbis hear and never report but now I think it is appropriate. Murray passed away a few years ago but I remembered what he told me but had no evidence to back up the hearsay evidence. Chuck did this against Supreme Court Judges but Pam Bondi was not running the Justice Dept. This time the buck is stopping here. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. prosecutor in Washington launched an investigation on Wednesday into threats against federal workers - and named Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer as a target of the probe - after people working in Elon Musk's drive to downsize and overhaul the government said they had been threatened. Washington prosecutor probes threats against DOGE, names Schumer as target


14year old shoots and kills two burglars with firearms. Kentucky teen shoots and kills 2 home invaders


A Jewish man who underwent a circumcision in the city of Netanya today (Thursday) chose to take the Hebrew name Kfir Ariel in honor of the two Bibas children whose bodies were returned to Israel today, more than 500 days after they were abducted to Gaza during the Hamas massacre of October 7, 2023.


Amir Ettinger, an Israeli journalist who served in Gaza as an IDF reservist, shared a personal story about the troops' efforts to bring hostages kidnapped during the October 7 massacre home to Israel.


Argentina two days of mourning for Bibas.


As Israel received the bodies of four hostages murdered while being brutally held in captivity in Gaza, President Isaac Herzog spoke to international US-based media outlets, CNN and MSNBC, and highlighted the terrible cruelty Israel faces in its battle with Hamas terrorists, and as the country worked to bring home all the hostages.


UN Rights Chief: Parading of Hostage Bodies in Gaza Abhorrent -


Hamas Leader Calls Trump’s Gaza Plan ‘Bulls—t,’ Vows Palestinians Will Not Depart ‘Homeland’ -



Have a healthy, wonderful, peaceful and restful Shabbos,

Rachamim Pauli