Friday, August 2, 2024

Parsha Pinchas Part 2, Matos-Massei, Stories, Swords of Iron and Preparing for an Iranian Attack


Parsha Pinchas Part 2



27:1 Then drew near the daughters of Zelophehad, the son of Hepher, the son of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh the son of Joseph; and these are the names of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah. 


They might be orphans but if each of the girls had a nice parcel of land, they would become financially attractive for marriage.


2 And they stood before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes and all the congregation, at the door of the tent of meeting, saying: 3 'Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not among the company of them that gathered themselves together against the LORD in the company of Korah, but he died in his own sin; and he had no sons. 


The sin is unspecified. Rabbi Akiva is of the opinion that he was the man gather Mann on Shabbos.


4 Why should the name of our father be done away from among his family, because he had no son? Give unto us a possession among the brethren of our father.' 


39 years ago prior to the spies, our father was supposed to have a portion in the land. We are is closest relatives for inheritance.


5 And Moses brought their cause before the LORD. 6 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 7 'The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father's brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them. 


Since Machir was a Bechor and other children had large portions, each of these five women might have a very large portion in the Tribal Land. This made each one attractive financially for other men from Menashe claiming their portion to attach themselves with one of the daughters for an extra-large amount of farm land.


8 And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying: If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter. 9 And if he have no daughter, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren. 


In western countries and Arab Countries, it was often forbidden for a woman to be a land owner and all the more so to vote until a little over a hundred years ago and here 3300 years ago women can own land.


10 And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his father's brethren. 11 And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess it. And it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, as the LORD commanded Moses.' 


So the woman can inherit land and set up a farming business.


12 And the LORD said unto Moses: 'Get thee up into this mountain of Abarim, and behold the land which I have given unto the children of Israel. 13 And when thou hast seen it, thou also shalt be gathered unto thy people, as Aaron thy brother was gathered; 14 because ye rebelled against My commandment in the wilderness of Zin, in the strife of the congregation, to sanctify Me at the waters before their eyes.'--These are the waters of Meribath-kadesh in the wilderness of Zin. 15 And Moses spoke unto the LORD, saying: 16 'Let the LORD, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 17 who may go out before them, and who may come in before them, and who may lead them out, and who may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.' 18 And the LORD said unto Moses: 'Take thee Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is spirit, and lay thy hand upon him; 19 and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation; and give him a charge in their sight. 20 And thou shalt put of thy honour upon him, that all the congregation of the children of Israel may hearken. 21 And he shall stand before Eleazar the priest, who shall inquire for him by the judgment of the Urim before the LORD; at his word shall they go out, and at his word they shall come in, both he, and all the children of Israel with him, even all the congregation.' 22 And Moses did as the LORD commanded him; and he took Joshua, and set him before Eleazar the priest, and before all the congregation. 23 And he laid his hands upon him, and gave him a charge, as the LORD spoke by the hand of Moses.


This coronation is called Semicha in Hebrew and is used for anointing Rabbis or Kings from a Rabbi before. The original Semicha of Rabbis after entering Israel was by placing the hands on the head of the recipient   


28:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 2 Command the children of Israel, and say unto them: My food which is presented unto Me for offerings made by fire, of a sweet savor unto Me, shall ye observe to offer unto Me in its due season. 3 And thou shalt say unto them: This is the offering made by fire which ye shall bring unto the LORD: he-lambs of the first year without blemish, two day by day, for a continual burnt-offering. 4 The one lamb shalt thou offer in the morning, and the other lamb shalt thou offer at dusk; 5 and the tenth part of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled with the fourth part of a hin of beaten oil. 6 It is a continual burnt-offering, which was offered in mount Sinai, for a sweet savor, an offering made by fire unto the LORD. 7 And the drink-offering thereof shall be the fourth part of a hin for the one lamb; in the holy place shalt thou pour out a drink-offering of strong drink unto the LORD. 8 And the other lamb shalt thou present at dusk; as the meal-offering of the morning, and as the drink-offering thereof, thou shalt present it, an offering made by fire, of a sweet savor unto the LORD. 


This section deals with the daily offering followed by Shabbos, Rosh Chodesh, the three Regelim and the high holidays.


9 And on the sabbath day two he-lambs of the first year without blemish, and two tenth parts of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled with oil, and the drink-offering thereof. 10 This is the burnt-offering of every sabbath, beside the continual burnt-offering, and the drink-offering thereof. 


Although for the ordinary man lighting a fire was forbidden on Shabbos or taking from a lit flame to burn an offering or cook-bake-fry flour, for heaven there was an exception in Melacha. It is similar to the use of the king of Salem aka Yerushalayim priest of the Most High. So here to the offering on Shabbos, Yom Tov, High Holidays or Rosh Chodesh for THE MOST HIGH.


11 And in your new moons ye shall present a burnt-offering unto the LORD: two young bullocks, and one ram, seven he-lambs of the first year without blemish; 12 and three tenth parts of an ephah of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled with oil, for each bullock; and two tenth parts of fine flour for a meal-offering, mingled with oil, for the one ram; 13 and a several tenth part of fine flour mingled with oil for a meal-offering unto every lamb; for a burnt-offering of a sweet savor, an offering made by fire unto the LORD. 14 And their drink-offerings shall be half a hin of wine for a bullock, and the third part of a hin for the ram, and the fourth part of a hin for a lamb. This is the burnt-offering of every new moon throughout the months of the year. 15 And one he-goat for a sin-offering unto the LORD; it shall be offered beside the continual burnt-offering, and the drink-offering thereof. 


Besides Yom Kippur, each month on Rosh Chodesh there was a goat for a Korban Chatas to make an appointment.


16 And in the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, is the LORD'S Passover. 17 And on the fifteenth day of this month shall be a feast; seven days shall unleavened bread be eaten. … 26 Also in the day of the first-fruits, when ye bring a new meal-offering unto the LORD in your feast of weeks, ye shall have a holy convocation: ye shall do no manner of servile work; …


We continue on for all the holidays and each one is specified.


30:1 And Moses told the children of Israel according to all that the LORD commanded Moses.



Parshiyos Matos-Massei



Literally the Tribes (Matos or staff) travel. Often the Hebrew Sheves is used for tribe and in plural Shivaism or Shevatim. Sefer Bamidbar (Book of Numbers) ends this week.


Why is staff interchangeable with tribe? We find this in the story of Yehuda and Tamar. In Beresheis (Gen. 38) we see when Yehuda is over-come by his Yetzer for Tamar, she says give me a pledge your ring (seal) and staff. Later he wants to have her burnt (being a daughter of a priest of the Most High) for having relations with a man instead of Yehuda’s son; she produces the signet and the staff. So that is the source of using staff for the tribe. Also a few weeks ago in Parsha Korah 17:8 Aaron’s staff of Levi produces Almond Buds.


Having left the reality of the act of Pinchas and Moshe going up the mountain and giving the reigns to Yehoshua Bin Nun we are going to discuss now the laws of annulling a vow. I can just imagine after the recent rocket attacks somebody making a Neder to tear each member of Hamas apart with his bare hands and going to a Rabbi to remove the Neder. A woman is even more emotional than a man and therefore her husband or father was given the power to remove the Neder which a daughter under the age of 12 made or one’s wife.


We enter into a new section here with the war on the Midian Tribe that seduced Am Yisrael and the conditions of captivity and spoils. I assume that out of the girls under the age of 3 that were captured and converted we all have Midian Genes in our blood today. This section is followed by the laws of ritual purification of vessels.


30:2 And Moses spoke unto the heads of the tribes of the children of Israel, saying: This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded. 3 When a man vows a vow unto the LORD, or swears an oath to bind his soul with a bond, he shall not break his word; he shall do according to all that proceeds out of his mouth. 4 Also when a woman vows a vow unto the LORD, and binds herself by a bond, being in her father's house, in her youth, 5 and her father hears her vow, or her bond wherewith she hath bound her soul, and her father holds his peace at her, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. 6 But if her father disallow her in the day that he hears, none of her vows, or of her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul, shall stand; and the LORD will forgive her, because her father disallowed her. 7 And if she be married to a husband, while her vows are upon her, or the clear utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her soul; 8 and her husband hear it, whatsoever day it be that he hears it, and hold his peace at her; then her vows shall stand, and her bonds wherewith she hath bound her soul shall stand. 9 But if her husband disallow her in the day that he hears it, then he shall make void her vow which is upon her, and the clear utterance of her lips, wherewith she hath bound her soul; and the LORD will forgive her. 10 But the vow of a widow, or of her that is divorced, even everything wherewith she has bound her soul, shall stand against her. 11 And if a woman vowed in her husband's house, or bound her soul by a bond with an oath, 12 and her husband heard it, and held his peace at her, and disallowed her not, then all her vows shall stand, and every bond wherewith she bound her soul shall stand. 13 But if her husband make them null and void in the day that he hears them, then whatsoever proceeded out of her lips, whether it were her vows, or the bond of her soul, shall not stand: her husband hath made them void; and the LORD will forgive her. 14 Every vow, and every binding oath to afflict the soul, her husband may let it stand, or her husband may make it void.


Both the daughter and wife have to listen to the authority. Usually, the husband handles the purse strings. But even still, she might want to vow no more relations with the husband or have anything to do with his mother or sister he can null her vow.


…17 These are the statutes, which the LORD commanded Moses, between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, being in her youth, in her father's house.

31:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 2 'Avenge the children of Israel of the Midianites; afterward shall you be gathered unto thy people.'


If you and I heard that this would happen unto us what would be our natural thought? We would take our time. The joke is that Russia asked a few men what they would like for their last request. One said I want a liter of vodka. They gave him the same and executed him another a great meal. The third asked to be buried next to Putin. They said, “But he is alive.” He replied, “I can wait!”


3 And Moses spoke unto the people, saying: 'Arm ye men from among you for the war, that they may go against Midian, to execute the LORD'S vengeance on Midian.


Midian is a small nation yet Moshe calls upon all 600,000 men to be ready even if he does not need all for the battle.


4 Of every tribe a thousand, throughout all the tribes of Israel, shall ye send to the war.' 5 So there were delivered, out of the thousands of Israel, a thousand of every tribe, twelve thousand armed for war.


Out of the 600,000 soldiers only 12000 were needed to 2/100ths of the people or 1 in 50 soldiers would be taken for war.


6 And Moses sent them, a thousand of every tribe, to the war, them and Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest, to the war, with the holy vessels and the trumpets for the alarm in his hand.


Them along with Phinehas: This shows that Phinehas equaled them all (Sifrei Mattoth 34). Why did Phinehas go, and Eleazar did not go? The Holy One, blessed is He, said, “The one who began the mitzvah by killing Cozbi the daughter of Zur, should finish it” (Mid. Tanchuma Mattoth 3). Another interpretation: He sought the vengeance of Joseph, his maternal grandfather, for it says, “And the Medanites sold him” (Gen. 37:36) (Sifrei Mattoth 34, Sotah 43a). How do we know that the Phinehas’s mother was [descended] from Joseph? Because it says,“[Eleazar the son of Aaron took himself one] of the daughters of Putiel (פּוּטִיאֵל)” (Exod. 6:25) [meaning] of the descendants of Jethro, who fattened (פִּטֵּם) calves for idolatry, and from the descendants of Joseph, who made light of (פִּטְפֵּט) his passion and prevailed over it [when he was tempted by Potiphar’s wife]. Another interpretation: He was [the kohen] anointed for war. — [Sotah 43a] The sacred utensils: The holy Ark (Sifrei Mattoth 34, Num. Rabbah 22:4) and the golden showplate (Mid. Aggadah), since Balaam was with them and through sorcery was able to make the Midianite kings fly, and he flew along with them, he [Phinehas] showed them the showplate on which God’s Name was engraved, and they fell down [to earth]. For this reason it says, concerning the Midianite kings, “upon their slain” (verse 8), for they fell from the air on top of those slain. Likewise, it says in the book of Joshua (13:22) in connection with Balaam, “upon (sic) their slain.” - [Mid. Tanchuma Mattoth 4] In his possession: Heb. בְּיָדוֹ, lit. in his hand, [here] in his possession. Similarly, “taking all his land from his possession (מִיָּדוֹ) ” (Num. 21: 26). - [Sifrei Mattoth 37]



We have a tradition that 12,000 others were used to transport supplies and another 12,000 sat and learned Torah so that we would have a victory.



7 And they warred against Midian, as the LORD commanded Moses; and they slew every male.


I do not know about every Arab but certainly every Hamas Person is behaving like Amalek and if we destroy all the males there will be no more war from them  for a long-long time.


8 And they slew the kings of Midian with the rest of their slain: Evi, and Rekem, and Zur, and Hur, and Reba, the five kings of Midian; Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.


The five kings of Midian: Do I not see that the verse lists five [kings]? Why was it necessary [for Scripture] to say “five”? But it is to teach you that they were all equally involved in the conspiracy, and they all received the same punishment. Balaam went there [to Midian] to receive his reward for the twenty-four thousand that had fallen from Israel as a result of his advice, and now he left Midian to meet the Israelites, and he offered them harmful advice. He said to them, “If, when you were six hundred thousand, you could not overcome them, and now with twelve thousand, you come to fight?” They gave him his just deserts-in full, without depriving him in the least. — [Sifrei Mattoth 40] With the sword: He came against Israel and exchanged his craft for theirs. For they are victorious only with their mouths, through prayer and supplication, and he came and adopted their craft to curse them with his mouth. So they too came against him by exchanging their craft for the craft of the nations, who come with the sword, as it says [concerning Esau],“And you shall live by your sword” (Gen. 27:40). - [See Mid. Tanchuma Balak 8]



These kings seem to be sheiks of small tribes that lived in each place or perhaps what we would call mayors of a town or village.


9 And the children of Israel took captive the women of Midian and their little ones; and all their cattle, and all their flocks, and all their goods, they took for a prey.


As was the custom in wars during those days. However, Yisrael died in the plague do to their women and so we have an exception here.


10 And all their cities in the places wherein they dwelt, and all their encampments, they burnt with fire. 11 And they took all the spoil, and all the prey, both of man and of beast. 12 And they brought the captives, and the prey, and the spoil, unto Moses, and unto Eleazar the priest, and unto the congregation of the children of Israel, unto the camp, unto the plains of Moab, which are by the Jordan at Jericho.


The soldiers were disciplined and did not take the spoils for themselves but brought them in an orderly fashion to Moshe.


13 And Moses, and Eleazar the priest, and all the princes of the congregation, went forth to meet them without the camp. 14 And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host, the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds, who came from the service of the war. 15 And Moses said unto them: 'Have ye saved all the women alive?


Chabad translates this as follows: Did you allow all the females to live? The meaning is why did you allow. The reason is that Yisrael is above the standard convention of war. We are under Chanchaga HASHEM. We do not take orders from men but from HASHEM. [Now draw your own conclusions about Amalek in Gaza and what the Torah thinks for these lovelies threw the Fatah People 14 stories to their deaths. A 14 story high refugee shanty you may ask – draw your own conclusions.]      


16 Behold, these caused the children of Israel, through the counsel of Balaam, to revolt so as to break faith with the LORD in the matter of Peor, and so the plague was among the congregation of the LORD. 17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.


The Pshat here is if the female was a virgin she shall be kept alive as she could not be a fertility Kedisha. The interpretation is from 3 years and younger. However, I tend to think more in terms of the Pshat. It would seem to me that after 33 centuries, we would all have Ketura genes within us. Look at this our enemies Moav and Midian via David Melech Yisrael almost all of us have Moav genes within us. Among the Goyim one’s tribe goes according to the father. Thus if an Amalek woman married a Moav male, her child would be Moav and vice versa. Today in Judaism, the tribe comes from the father but the Judaism comes from the mother as she instills it into the child.  


19 And encamp ye without the camp seven days; whosoever hath killed any person, and whosoever hath touched any slain, purify yourselves on the third day and on the seventh day, ye and your captives. 20 And as to every garment, and all that is made of skin, and all work of goats' hair, and all things made of wood, ye shall purify.'


Today we do not hold ritual purification at all but we do not consider a non-Jew who dies Tumay as when he was alive he was not Tahor and therefore not Para Aduma is needed for purifications. Not so here they are treated like dead Jews. Is this the exception or has our Halacha changed 180 degrees with the years?


21 And Eleazar the priest said unto the men of war that went to the battle: 'This is the statute of the law which the LORD hath commanded Moses: 22 Howbeit the gold, and the silver, the brass, the iron, the tin, and the lead, 23 everything that may abide the fire, ye shall make to go through the fire, and it shall be clean; nevertheless it shall be purified with the water of sprinkling; and all that abides not the fire ye shall make to go through the water. 24 And ye shall wash your clothes on the seventh day, and ye shall be clean, and afterward ye may come into the camp.'



This is the basis for the laws of koshering pots, pans, ovens, utensils etc.


25 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 26 'Take the sum of the prey that was taken, both of man and of beast, thou, and Eleazar the priest, and the heads of the fathers' houses of the congregation; 27 and divide the prey into two parts: between the men skilled in war, that went out to battle, and all the congregation; 28 and levy a tribute unto the LORD of the men of war that went out to battle: one soul of five hundred, both of the persons, and of the beeves, and of the asses, and of the flocks;


Today we are not supposed to take spoils of war. However theoretically we use a neutron bomb and the population is wiped out should we let the houses and couches inside etc. go to waste? Therefore, we have the above guide lines.


…53 For the men of war had taken booty, every man for himself.-- 54 And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold of the captains of thousands and of hundreds, and brought it into the tent of meeting, for a memorial for the children of Israel before the LORD.


32:1 Now the children of Reuben and the children of Gad had a very great multitude of cattle; and when they saw the land of Jazer, and the land of Gilead, that, behold, the place was a place for cattle, 2 the children of Gad and the children of Reuben came and spoke unto Moses, and to Eleazar the priest, and unto the princes of the congregation, saying: 3 'Ataroth, and Dibon, and Jazer, and Nimrah, and Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Sebam, and Nebo, and Beon, 4 the land which the LORD smote before the congregation of Israel, is a land for cattle, and thy servants have cattle.'


There is no rebellion against Moshe or HASHEM but a request similar to the request of the five daughters regarding their inheritance.


5 And they said: 'If we have found favor in thy sight, let this land be given unto thy servants for a possession; bring us not over the Jordan.' 6 And Moses said unto the children of Gad and to the children of Reuben: 'Shall your brethren go to the war, and shall ye sit here? 7 And wherefore will ye turn away the heart of the children of Israel from going over into the land which the LORD hath given them? 8 Thus did your fathers, when I sent them from Kadesh-barnea to see the land. 9 For when they went up unto the valley of Eshkol, and saw the land, they turned away the heart of the children of Israel, that they should not go into the land which the LORD had given them. 10 And the LORD'S anger was kindled in that day, and He swore, saying: 11 Surely none of the men that came up out of Egypt, from twenty years old and upward, shall see the land which I swore unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob; because they have not wholly followed Me; 12 save Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite, and Joshua the son of Nun; because they have wholly followed the LORD. 13 And the LORD'S anger was kindled against Israel, and He made them wander to and fro in the wilderness forty years, until all the generation, that had done evil in the sight of the LORD, was consumed. 14 And, behold, ye are risen up in your fathers' stead, a brood of sinful men, to augment yet the fierce anger of the LORD toward Israel. 15 For if ye turn away from after Him, He will yet again leave them in the wilderness; and so ye will destroy all this people.'


Moshe is talking this way to them because he fears another rebellion against his leadership and he has been told by HASHEM that after the war of Midian he is going to be gathered to his forefathers. He wants to clean this up before Yehoshua takes over.


16 And they came near unto him, and said: 'We will build sheepfolds here for our cattle, and cities for our little ones; 17 but we ourselves will be ready armed to go before the children of Israel, until we have brought them unto their place; and our little ones shall dwell in the fortified cities because of the inhabitants of the land. 18 We will not return unto our houses, until the children of Israel have inherited every man his inheritance.


They make a pledge to help the Bnei Yisrael conquer the land and settle in it.


19 For we will not inherit with them on the other side of the Jordan, and forward, because our inheritance is fallen to us on this side of the Jordan eastward.'

20 And Moses said unto them: 'If ye will do this thing: if ye will arm yourselves to go before the LORD to the war, 21 and every armed man of you will pass over the Jordan before the LORD, until He hath driven out His enemies from before Him, 22 and the land be subdued before the LORD, and ye return afterward; then ye shall be clear before the LORD, and before Israel, and this land shall be unto you for a possession before the LORD. 23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD; and know ye your sin which will find you. 24 Build you cities for your little ones, and folds for your sheep; and do that which hath proceeded out of your mouth.' 25 And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben spoke unto Moses, saying: 'Thy servants will do as my lord commands. 26 Our little ones, our wives, our flocks, and all our cattle, shall be there in the cities of Gilead; 27 but thy servants will pass over, every man that is armed for war, before the LORD to battle, as my lord says.' 28 So Moses gave charge concerning them to Eleazar the priest, and to Joshua the son of Nun, and to the heads of the fathers' houses of the tribes of the children of Israel.


The request is not out of anger or rebellion but out of a request for good land for their cattle and sheep.


29 And Moses said unto them: 'If the children of Gad and the children of Reuben will pass with you over the Jordan, every man that is armed to battle, before the LORD, and the land shall be subdued before you, then ye shall give them the land of Gilead for a possession; 30 but if they will not pass over with you armed, they shall have possessions among you in the land of Canaan.' 31 And the children of Gad and the children of Reuben answered, saying: 'As the LORD hath said unto thy servants, so will we do. 32 We will pass over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, and the possession of our inheritance shall remain with us beyond the Jordan.' 33 And Moses gave unto them, even to the children of Gad, and to the children of Reuben, and unto the half-tribe of Manasseh the son of Joseph, the kingdom of Sihon king of the Amorites, and the kingdom of Og king of Bashan, the land, according to the cities thereof with their borders, even the cities of the land round about.


So the people of Reuven, Gad and half of Menashe will inherit the land over the Yarden but will be part of Am Yisrael.


34 And the children of Gad built Dibon, and Ataroth, and Aroer; 35 and Atroth-shophan, and Jazer, and Jogbehah; 36 and Beth-nimrah, and Beth-haran; fortified cities, and folds for sheep. 37 And the children of Reuben built Heshbon, and Elealeh, and Kiriathaim; 38 and Nebo, and Baal-meon--their names being changed--and Sibmah; and gave their names unto the cities which they built. 39 And the children of Machir the son of Manasseh went to Gilead, and took it, and dispossessed the Amorites that were therein. 40 And Moses gave Gilead unto Machir the son of Manasseh; and he dwelt therein. 41 And Jair the son of Manasseh went and took the villages thereof, and called them Havvoth-jair. 42 And Nobah went and took Kenath, and the villages thereof, and called it Nobah, after his own name.


Please bear with me give me the leisure to speculate this once:

I would like you all to look at the Map of the Sinai Desert: I usually do not go out on a limb like this but recently I saw a few films and commentaries on Nuweiba Where on the Saudi side there is a column that says at this point Moshe crossed the sea with the Bnei Yisrael and chariot wheels and other items were found in the shallow water there. The article and film was first sent to me by my late friend Elio of blessed memory.

Nuweiba, which means "bubbling springs" in Arabic, is a 7-km long town stretched along the Aqaba coast of the Sinai Red Sea. It would be an ideal spot to rest and drink for people and animals because of the springs.

If we go back 3323 years the ice caps from the last Ice Age were much thicker and the oceans many meters lower. Off the coast of Haifa a town was found to have existed in what is now about 25 meters of water of course this is before Moshe according to the people who discovered the town.

It is not customary for a Rabbi to open up his Drasha based on archeological and scientific facts as in Torah we usually require tradition or proofs from the Tanach with other than the cross of the Sea of Reeds which would make the gulf of Eilat at Nuweiba so shallow at the onset that sea weed or regular reeds would be growing in that area.

I do not try to find out where exactly Ramses was. However, it most likely was either on the 4th branch of the Nile River seen by NASA photos of the Nile or near the Red Sea coast. Suez could even have been part of Goshen as during the Yom Kippur War the Israeli Army occupied Suez if I am not mistaken and it is part of or close to Goshen. From the first map above and the scale it would not be impossible to see a path at the rate of travel of 20 to 25 miles per day for a people to go and still have the animals graze and move. There is a limit how much flocks can move but there are also miracles occurring. Beresheis 33:12 And he said: 'Let us take our journey, and let us go, and I will go before thee.' 13 And he said unto him: 'My lord knows that the children are tender, and that the flocks and herds giving suck are a care to me; and if they overdrive them one day, all the flocks will die. A good excuse for Yacov and yet I have seen Buffalo who just calved take their calves on a trip for a mile or two in a short time.

So with the whole distance involved about 100 plus to 120 it would be feasible at 20 miles a day in six days to cover the distance. Some people would be riding on donkeys like the children and the elderly but most, being slaves would have the muscles and physical strength to endure a daily 20 mile walk and even more or perhaps less. On the evening of the 6th day they are stuck in Nuweiba. I have still one problem here as the beach or entrance is basically flat. However, looking at the topographic map on top we do see a mountain pass beforehand and Pharaoh may be held there by HASHEM.

The crossing of the Sea would have been a real Sea in the gulf of Eilat and not a lake between Egypt and Sinai as most of the speculation by scholars have been through the years and no archeological proof has ever been found.

So given the leeway to speculate let us see how it works out with our Pasukim.

33:1 These are the stages of the children of Israel, by which they went forth out of the land of Egypt by their hosts under the hand of Moses and Aaron. 2 And Moses wrote their goings forth, stage by stage, by the commandment of the LORD; and these are their stages at their goings forth. 3 And they journeyed from Ramses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the morrow after the Passover the children of Israel went out with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians, 4 while the Egyptians were burying them that the LORD had smitten among them, even all their first-born; upon their gods also the LORD executed judgments. 5 And the children of Israel journeyed from Ramses, and pitched in Succoth.

One day’s journey and Succoth was in the wilderness (but where).

6 And they journeyed from Succoth, and pitched in Etham, which is in the edge of the wilderness.

These would be stops going down the coast of the southern Sinai Peninsula until one cuts through the mountains.

7 And they journeyed from Etham, and turned back unto Pihahiroth,

One of the roads that cross the Sinai there.

which is before Baal-zephon;

This is somewhere in the mountain pass around Nuweiba. It might have been an awe inspiring mountain site that would make it have the name Baal-zephon or have an area for viewing the star Polaris from a certain area on the mountain top as the Egyptians learned Astronomy from Avraham Avinu when he passed through.

and they pitched before Migdol. 8 And they journeyed from Penehahiroth, and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness; and they went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham,

This implies being on the Saudi side if I am correct. It would be about a 3 day trip to Aquba. They then return to Sinai or they crossed back after the Egyptians died by another miracle.

and pitched in Marah. 9 And they journeyed from Marah, and came unto Elim; and in Elim were twelve springs of water, and threescore and ten palm-trees; and they pitched there. 10 And they journeyed from Elim, and pitched by the Red Sea. 11 And they journeyed from the Red Sea, and pitched in the wilderness of Sin. 12 And they journeyed from the wilderness of Sin,

This Sin is spelled Samech Yod Nun as we spell the country of China in Hebrew and is not the Tzade Nun written later on which is near the modern Sde Boker in the Negev south of Beer Sheva and Dimona and closer to Maaleh Akravim.

and pitched in Dophkah. 13 And they journeyed from Dophkah, and pitched in Alush. 14 And they journeyed from Alush, and pitched in Rephidim, where was no water for the people to drink. 15 And they journeyed from Rephidim, and pitched in the wilderness of Sinai. 16 And they journeyed from the wilderness of Sinai, and pitched in Kibroth-hattaavah. 17 And they journeyed from Kibroth-hattaavah, and pitched in Hazeroth. … 36 And they journeyed from Ezion-geber, and pitched in the wilderness of Zin--the same is Kadesh.

This area is reasonably close to Arab so as to send an alert to the king and cause the war mentioned earlier in the Sefer.

37 And they journeyed from Kadesh, and pitched in mount Hor, in the edge of the land of Edom.-- 38 And Aaron the priest went up into mount Hor at the commandment of the LORD, and died there, in the fortieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fifth month, on the first day of the month. 39 And Aaron was a hundred and twenty and three years old when he died in mount Hor.

As I wrote in the past 14 of the stops were made in the first year and more than half of them before receiving the Torah. Very few stops are mentioned in the next 38 years until the last year we suddenly see a lot of journeying again.

40 And the Canaanite, the king of Arad, who dwelt in the South in the land of Canaan, heard of the coming of the children of Israel.-- 50 And the LORD spoke unto Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying: 51 'Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, 52 then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their figured stones, and destroy all their molten images, and demolish all their high places.

Moshe Dayan’s mistakes in the Six Day War included getting bold headed which would lead to the Yom Kippur War, not letting the Arabs of Yehuda and Shomron flee to Jordan on their own, to give the keys to the Temple Mount to the Arabs there and perhaps not to put on trial the murders of the 1929 Chevron Pogrom. Since the Mosques are not idolatry we would not have had to break them down.

53 And ye shall drive out the inhabitants of the land, and dwell therein; for unto you have I given the land to possess it. 54 And ye shall inherit the land by lot according to your families--to the more ye shall give the more inheritance, and to the fewer thou shalt give the less inheritance; wheresoever the lot falls to any man, that shall be his; according to the tribes of your fathers shall ye inherit.

A man who is born from one tribe shall live in the designated family area. There technically could arise over the centuries conflict of interests when a man from let us say Dan inherits from his mother who is from Benyamin property. Even though I have never read or don’t remember a Halacha on this; I would think that Beis Din would pressure him to sell the land in Yehuda and he could buy a house in the City or land in his own tribal area with the money. It might also be allowed to have a rental deal.

55 But if ye will not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then shall those that ye let remain of them be as thorns in your eyes, and as pricks in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land wherein ye dwell.

The Canaan Liberation Organization within your borders will come and begin to harass you.

56 And it shall come to pass, that as I thought to do unto them, so will I do unto you.

If you don’t drive them out, for this sin; I, HASHEM, will drive you out.

34:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 2 'Command the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye come into the land of Canaan, this shall be the land that shall fall unto you for an inheritance, even the land of Canaan according to the borders thereof.

The next Pasukim are the borders of the land from what appears to be the Dead Sea a

3 Thus your south side shall be from the wilderness of Zin close by the side of Edom, and your south border shall begin at the end of the Salt Sea eastward; 4 and your border shall turnabout southward of the ascent of Akravim, and pass along to Zin; and the goings out thereof shall be southward of Kadesh-barnea; and it shall go forth to Hazar-addar, and pass along to Azmon; 5 and the border shall turnabout from Azmon unto the Brook of Egypt, and the goings out thereof shall be at the Sea.

Modern Scholars cannot decide if the brook of Egypt is Nahal El Arish or the 4th part of the Nile Delta which is now without water.

6 And for the western border, ye shall have the Great Sea for a border; this shall be your west border. 7 And this shall be your north border: from the Great Sea ye shall mark out your line unto mount Hor;

This is in Turkey at the Turkish/Syrian Border. It appears to me that all of modern Lebanon and Syria would belong to the Bnei Yisrael in the future.

8 from mount Hor ye shall mark out a line unto the entrance to Hamath;

This the hot springs of Hamat Gader where the Syrian, Jordanian and Israeli borders meet today and this area is just below the Golan Heights in Israeli hands.

and the goings out of the border shall be at Zedad; 9 and the border shall go forth to Ziphron, and the goings out thereof shall be at Hazar-enan; this shall be your north border. 10 And ye shall mark out your line for the east border from Hazar-enan to Shepham; 11 and the border shall go down from Shepham to Riblah, on the east side of Ain; and the border shall go down, and shall strike upon the slope of the sea of Chinnereth eastward; 12 and the border shall go down to the Jordan, and the goings out thereof shall be at the Salt Sea; this shall be your land according to the borders thereof round about.' 13 And Moses commanded the children of Israel, saying: 'This is the land wherein ye shall receive inheritance by lot, which the LORD hath commanded to give unto the nine tribes, and to the half-tribe; 14 for the tribe of the children of Reuben according to their fathers' houses, and the tribe of the children of Gad according to their fathers' houses, have received, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received, their inheritance; 15 the two tribes and the half-tribe have received their inheritance beyond the Jordan at Jericho eastward, toward the sun-rising.'

Some the instructions are to the Kinneret but the Golan Heights occupied by Reuven is on the other side of the Kinneret and the promise to Avraham up until the Euphrates River is not mentioned at this point as the border but for the future. Therefore only in the Messianic Days will we see the real boundaries of Eretz Yisrael.

16 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 17 'These are the names of the men that shall take possession of the land for you: Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the son of Nun. 18 And ye shall take one prince of every tribe, to take possession of the land. 19 And these are the names of the men: of the tribe of Judah, Caleb the son of Yephuneh.  29 These are they whom the LORD commanded to divide the inheritance unto the children of Israel in the land of Canaan.'

These men had proven themselves and the other men are this time on a spiritual and physical level ready for the conquest of Canaan.

35: 1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho, saying: 2 'Command the children of Israel, that they give unto the Levites of the inheritance of their possession cities to dwell in; and open land round about the cities shall ye give unto the Levites. 

These too shall provide temporary sanctuary for the man slaughterer and an escort of Leviim until the city of refuge.

9 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 10 'Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye pass over the Jordan into the land of Canaan, 11 then ye shall appoint you cities to be cities of refuge for you, that the manslayer that kills any person through error may flee thither.

There are certain situations that merit this such as chopping wood with an axe where the head might fly off the handle. However if an animal butted the man that he fell off a height on to another person and killed him this is taint amount to a complete accident that the man slaughtered could himself be killed in the misshapen and therefore innocent and exempt from fleeing.

12 And the cities shall be unto you for refuge from the avenger, that the manslayer die not, until he stand before the congregation for judgment. 13 And as to the cities which ye shall give, there shall be for you six cities of refuge. 14 Ye shall give three cities beyond the Jordan, and three cities shall ye give in the land of Canaan; they shall be cities of refuge. 15 For the children of Israel, and for the stranger and for the settler among them, shall these six cities be for refuge, that every one that kills any person through error may flee thither. 16 But if he smote him with an instrument of iron, so that he died, he is a murderer; the murderer shall surely be put to death. 

36:6 This is the thing which the LORD hath commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying: Let them be married to whom they think best; only into the family of the tribe of their father shall they be married. 7 So shall no inheritance of the children of Israel remove from tribe to tribe; for the children of Israel shall cleave every one to the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.

This paves the way for intra-family and genetic problems.

8And every daughter, that possess an inheritance in any tribe of the children of Israel, shall be wife unto one of the family of the tribe of her father, that the children of Israel may possess every man the inheritance of his fathers. 9 So shall no inheritance remove from one tribe to another tribe; for the tribes of the children of Israel shall cleave each one to its own inheritance.'

Tribal areas were not only politically correct but given the Stamp of Approval by HASHEM.

10 Even as the LORD commanded Moses, so did the daughters of Zelophehad. 11 For Mahlah, Tirzah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Noah, the daughters of Zelophehad, were married unto their father's brothers' sons. 12 They were married into the families of the sons of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of the family of their father. 


13 These are the commandments and the ordinances, which the LORD commanded by the hand of Moses unto the children of Israel in the plains of Moab by the Jordan at Jericho.



Chazak – Chazak v’ nit Chazak



Shabbat/August 3. Shabbat Mevorchim Molad for AV:

Will occur (August 5) Monday morning

 53 minutes and 11 Chalakim after 1 O’clock Jerusalem time.



What was, was. Now Begin from the Beginning. By R. Yerachmiel Tilles



With no worries, goals, or time limits, Ido was hitchhiking across China. Every morning he awoke in a different hostel and decided where he was going next. "It was my type of fun," he recalled.


One day, he decided to travel to a city some 120 miles away on his own. Much of the route lay on dirt roads and through dangerous terrain, but Ido was up for a challenge. After walking for a while, he hitched a ride on a truck that was going that way.


The trip proved too difficult even for the truck, however, and the driver told Ido he would have to turn back. Undaunted, 22-year-old Ido continued on foot. Some 20 minutes later, he found himself alone in a large field. He must have taken a wrong turn, but he had no idea where, or even if he could retrace his steps.

He put down his backpack and took out some water. At that moment, he recalled how, when he was a young boy in Jerusalem, a rabbi from the north of Israel had visited his class and taught the children a song, which translated roughly as, "What was, was. The objective now is to begin from the beginning."


The long-forgotten song seemed to encapsulate his current situation, and alone in the field, Ido began to sing and dance. "Mah shehaya, hayah…"

Just then a pickup truck rolled into the field. The driver, a little shocked at the strange apparition of a white man dancing in the middle of a Chinese nowhere, asked him what he was doing. Ido explained that he was making his way to Chengdu on foot and had lost his way.


"Why are you dancing?"


"This is a Jew's way of asking G-d for help," the Israeli explained.


Bemused, the driver offered to take him the rest of the way.

The man, a Chengdu resident, dropped Ido at the only Jewish building he knew of in the city, the Chengdu Chabad House. "Just go in", he told the backpacker, "They will help you."


Ido, who had no idea what day it was, walked in and found himself in the middle of a Shabbat meal. Standing at the head of the table and addressing the crowd was the rabbi's grandfather, Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman, chief rabbi of the northern Israeli city of Migdal HaEmek.


Ido was shocked to see the same rabbi who had visited his classroom so many years before and taught him the song he had been singing in the field. "I saw G-d's hand at work in China," he exclaimed later.


A few weeks afterward, Rabbi Dovi Henig, the Chabad representative in Chengdu, received a text message from Ido, "Can you please tell me what time Shabbat begins this week?"

Source: Expanded and supplemented by Yerachmiel Tilles from

Why this week? The second half of the doubled Weekly Torah Reading is all about journeys and stopping places.

Biographical note:
Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman, chief rabbi of Migdal HaEmek since 1969 at age 23, is a sixth generation Jerusalemite. He is a member of the Chief Rabbinate Council and a recipient of the Israel Prize and many other prestigious government awards for his successful efforts to bridge the gap between the religious and secular populations in Israel (thus his nickname from 50 years ago, the Disco Rabbi). His Migdal Ohr educational institutions and charitable organizations in Migdal HaEmek service thousands of underprivileged and at-risk children and teenagers



Every once in a while I bring down my own army experience as I did earlier in the week. As I wrap up Sefer Bamidbar (Book of Numbers), on Day 301 what the retired Chief Rabbis are saying about Shabbos and the war. Since it is the latest news, the story is there.



Inyanay Diyoma



July 27th


Day 295 start of week 43


This time Hezballah over reacted and is about to pay a very high price. Earlier in the day 4 Hezballah Members who took over a house in Cuf-Calla (about 400 meters from Metula) were taken out. This time they sent a larger rocket with 18kgs of explosives into the large Druze City at the foot of Mt. Hermon. The rest was 11 children-teens dead on a soccer field and up to 29 wounded. Helicopters ferried some to Tsfat others to Rambam Hospital in Haifa.


The TV reported that Netanyahu has cut his US visit short and Sara her shopping spree. He has given a green light for an operation in Lebanon despite Blinken and others pressuring him. An Israeli security source is quoted by Sky News Arabic as saying Israel will respond forcefully to the deadly Hezbollah rocket strike on Majdal Shams, “but we don’t intend to spark a war.”


Friday rockets on the Ashkelon Area. Response:


The IDF has warned the population in southern Khan Yunis to evacuate the area prior to additional military activity.


Hamas Command Center in School.


Netanyahu and Trump met.


Shomron terror:


July 28th


Day 296


Funerals for 11 of the 12 children killed.


One family buried 4 children. Photos of the 11. The twelfth is hard to ID.


It’s the terrain.


IDF ready to respond to Hezballah.


The IDF Spokesperson's Unit confirmed on Sunday morning that Staff Sergeant Yonatan Aharon Greenblatt, aged 21, from Beit Shemesh, succumbed to severe injuries he sustained during combat in the southern Gaza Strip on July 20.


Personal analysis behind the news. The distance between Cuf Kalia and Metula is about 400 meters. I remember the area quite well from my border patrol. I think I could walk there back and forth in ,the sun with my pacemaker and walker at my age where the four terrorists were taken out.


Majdal Shams is an unfriendly town. In the early 1980’s it snowed on Yom HaAtzmaut  (independence day). I drove with my family towards the Hermon, but it was closed. So I stopped off in Majdal Shams. I had on my car a bunch of flags from a gas station in English, Hebrew and Arabic. It read something like Allah’s blessing for peace, shalom and peace. They did not take kindly to my vehicle. My children, wife and I were not lynched but were unwelcome to park our car and play in the snow.


They are afraid of being returned to Syria resulting in most not receiving Israeli Citizenship. In the other Druze towns like Bukata and Mas Sadeh where quite a few serve in the military and local government, Majdal Shams is different.


During the recent Syrian Civil War. Israel offered humanitarian medical aid to the opposition wounded. Two wounded were lynched out of an ambulance and murdered in Majdal Shams.


Perhaps this incident will awaken the Druze. In the Shauf Mountains of Lebanon they expressed their distain for Hezballah except Jumbalat. In Syria the 600,000 strong community is anti-Hezballah and anti-Iran. 


Kahn Unis: Among the terrorists eliminated were seven terror cells whose members fired mortars toward IDF troops during combat in the area. The terror cells were subsequently struck and eliminated by an IDF aircraft.


They both lost a leg but not their love:


They forcibly hurt me in captivity.


IDF ready to respond to Hezballah.


Norway says leave Lebanon NOW!


Minister of Finance Bezalel Smotrich on Sunday visited the soccer field in Majdal Shams where the 12 children were killed by a Hezbollah rocket strike a day earlier and met with the head of the council, Dolan Abu Salah.


Hamas has rejected some of Israel's key demands for a ceasefire-prisoner swap deal, Reuters reported. No security inspections.


The UK has withdrawn its opposition to an international arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu, removing a significant obstacle and highlighting the new Labor government's firmer stance towards Israel.


Visiting the grave of the Rebbe:


One less kilometer of tunnels.


Being a father is more important:


July 29th


Day 297 12th victim of rocket IDed. Contrary to the initial post based on the report from the TV the rocket did not contain only 18kg of explosives but 53kg of explosives or 116.7 lbs. of explosives. A bag of cement is 45kg or 100 lbs.


From Earl F. I heard that a U.S. base in Syria also suffered a rocket attack by Hezbollah. Look for the US to retaliate. I’m looking but nobody clued in uncle Joe about this.


IDF buys Iron Sting Mortars.


This is disgusting and if it was Muslim a war would break out:


Erdogan had said earlier on Sunday, "We must be strong so Israel won't be able to do these things to the Palestinians. Just as we entered Karabakh and Libya, we will do the same to Israel. There's nothing left to do, we must be strong." – Katz: He will end like Saddam.


Holland: Kick Erdogan out of NATO.


A vehicle sustained an aerial strike while traveling between Meiss Ej Jabal and Chaqra in southern Lebanon, the Hezbollah-affiliated Al Mayadeen reported Monday morning.


Netanyahu’s four conditions:

1. not allowing armed residents of northern Gaza to return home, and inspection of those who do return to northern Gaza

2. the IDF continues to secure the Philadelphia Corridor;

3. guarantees will be provided which will allow Israel to renew the fighting after the first stage of the deal, if the sides do not reach the agreements necessary to proceed to the second stage;

4. Israel will receive, ahead of time, a list of the names of the living hostages to be released in the deal.


Netanyahu’s goal unachievable.


The following has a yellow streak running down somebody’s back and it isn’t Gallant. The Prime Minister's Office said on Sunday night that the members of the Security Cabinet had authorized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant to decide on the manner and timing of the response against the Hezbollah terrorist organization in the wake of the massacre in Majdal Shams.


UAV intercepted in North.


During Liora's last months, the Argamani family was supported by the Haverim Le'Refuah (Friends for Health) nonprofit, which deals with obtaining and providing medicines to anyone who needs them. Haverim Le'Refuah obtained expensive medicines for Liora, that are not included in the Ministry of Health’s approved list of medicines, to treat her brain cancer and prolong her life. The Argamani family forged a close relationship with the staff, which has continued to this day.

Algerian judoka Redouane Messaoud Dris was disqualified from the men's under-73kg judo event at the Paris Olympics on Sunday, after failing the weigh-in a day before he was scheduled to face Israel's Tohar Butbul, organizers said, according to Reuters.

860 civilians including 53 minors 688 soldiers died. Total 1548 war dead. 


Yesterday, the police arrested a 38-year-old Jewish resident of Lod who is suspected of breaking into an IDF base in the Beit Shemesh area, while wearing an army uniform and pretending to be a reservist, stealing weapons, and causing damage to military vehicles.


The Hamas terror organization has sent National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir videos showing the torture of hostages demanding that he ease the conditions of security prisoners, the Telegraph reported.


Op-Ed Dr. Joseph Frager MD Kamala Harris is no Joe Biden. … As one Israeli official said after Prime Minister Netanyahu and Vice President Harris met, “When our enemies see the U.S. and Israel aligned, it increases the chances for a hostage deal and decreases the chances for regional escalation. When there is such daylight it pushes the deal further away and brings a regional escalation closer.” Vice President Harris has thus far only made the situation worse.


Ben Hamou says that he must explain to people about the great personal price he paid in this war and tells them that, “I lost my leg, but I am happy, because I did a mission for my country. If someone had asked me about the war, I would tell him that I was prepared to lose two legs, I would lose everything for my country, because this is my mission. I want to save my family and my country, because we don't have any country, other than Israel.”


Over the course of the past decade, the Shaul family has fought, mostly on its own, to have his body brought back to Israel for burial. Now, as Israel negotiates for the release of hostages kidnapped on October 7, Zahava, Shaul's mother, who is sick with cancer, presents her last request: That Israel bring Oron's body back to home, so that she may say a final farewell before her own death.


July 30th


Day 298


One man from Kibbutz Goshrim dies.


According to Mark Lewin, the shipments being delayed include such things as jet engines, various aircraft-mounted bombs, ballistic vests, and rifles.


US don’t attack Beirut.


Op-Ed Ruthie Blum En way to Beirut?


“The incident began when the terrorist, a Hamas company commander in Jabaliya in the Gaza Strip, tried to seize a taser gun from one of the soldiers, and only due to the determination of the soldiers did they succeed in overpowering the terrorist," Honenu stated.

When I was a paramedic, I was told by another paramedic, who had served in a jail housing terrorists the following story. “One day an Arab came to me complaining of chapped lips and I gave him Vaseline. Suddenly, a lot of Arabs had chapped lips. Suddenly, a weaker Arab complained of a ripped anus. The complaints rose until I handed out small vials of Benzene for “chapped lips”. – Now this filthy member of Hamas accuses our holy Jews of buggery!


Diane Sori sent me her Ed-Op in response to my condemnation of the mocking of the “Last Supper”. It is barbarism.


US intelligence believes that Iran is working to stoke societal discord in the United States and undermine Donald Trump’s bid to regain the White House — as it tried to do four years ago. -may-never-be-found/


A senior Hezbollah official told Al Jazeera that foreign emissaries arriving in Lebanon asked the Shiite terror group not to respond to Israel's expected retaliation, but Hezbollah refused.


"The civil protest against the terrible injustice towards the reservists in Sde Teiman is justified and I support it with all my heart," wrote Minister Smotrich. … "I call on everyone to obey the law and protect the integrity of the army and the people. Do not break into bases and do not confront our brethren”.


Iran threatens Israel.


An Israeli strike on Yemen's rebel-held port of Hudayda has caused at least $20 million in damage, adding to losses due to the destruction of fuel storage facilities, a port official said on Monday, according to the AFP news agency.


Hollywood CA Schul attacked again.


Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) seized a foreign oil tanker carrying more than 700,000 liters of smuggled fuel north of the Persian Gulf, its official news outlet Sepah News reported on Monday.


Less flights to Beirut.


July 31st


Day 299


Ethics of our Fathers (Perkei Avos) Chapter 2 Mishnah 6:

(Hillel) also saw a skull floating upon the water. Said he to it: Because you drowned others, you were drowned; and those who drowned you, will themselves be drowned.


The Hamas terrorist organization announced on Wednesday morning that the organization's leader, Ismail Haniyeh, was eliminated in the Iranian capital of Tehran.


IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari gave a special statement on Tuesday night following the elimination of senior Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr.


Terror attack on road 60.


Terror cell that planted explosives eliminated.


A federal judge has ordered that UCLA craft a plan to protect Jewish students, months after pro-Palestinian Arab protests broke out on campus.


Op-Ed Diane Bederman: Most of us are aware of the corruption in government.

Rabbi Pauli says wait until you see the healthcare price on US Citizens for illegal immigrants. The Israeli Government is not going according to the Rabbis on expenditures.


The man who tried to assassinate Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump appears to have posted violent antisemitic and anti-immigration content online as a teenager, a senior FBI official told a US Senate hearing on Tuesday.


Antisemitism in France the new norm.


Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh was killed in Iran, Hamas claimed on Wednesday morning, while claiming Israel was behind the attack. Except that the rocket that took him out in the six story building was fired from Teheran at close range.

Another attack took out Iranian Drones in Iraq and there was a daylight attack in the Iranian neighborhood in Damascus.


The military court overnight Tuesday released from custody a second soldier who was arrested at the Sde Teiman base on suspicion of abusing a Nukhba terrorist.


Nir murdered by rocket to be buried.


Radical Islamist gets life in prison.


Since the beginning of the war, the 98th Division has dismantled over 100 kilometers of underground tunnel routes, a key part of Hamas' terrorist infrastructure inside the Gaza Strip.


August 1st


Day 300


NY Times: Haniyeh was killed by a bomb smuggled into guesthouse a two months before. Nasrallah: The war has entered into a new phase.


IDF and health ministry preparing for war.


Trump told his supporters that the US was no longer respected and that the globe was headed to a third world war, which he proclaimed he would prevent. “I will restore peace through strength,” he declared.


New – old Hamas Leader:


Here’s the deal:



The U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem reminds U.S. citizens of the continued need for caution and increased personal security awareness as security incidents often take place without warning.  The security environment remains complex and can change quickly. 

On July 31, we updated the Travel Advisory for Israel, West Bank and Gaza to reflect U.S. government travel restrictions to northern Israel within 2.5 miles of the Lebanese and Syrian borders to Level 4: Do Not Travel – the full text of the Travel Advisory may be found here.  

U.S. citizens are encouraged to read the current Travel Advisory and Country Information Page for Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, that advises U.S. citizens to be aware of the continuing risks of travel to Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza due to the security situation and heightened regional tensions and warns against travel to Gaza. 

One of the soldiers arrested for abusing Arabs filmed himself.


Proposal Massive Sun Shade.


Who was Fuad?


Osama Bin Laden of Gaza=Dief gone.


Dead Bodyguard murder 5 IDF Soldiers.


Aug 2nd


Day 301


As Shabbos is about to enter we were given instructions by the just retired Chief Rabbis Lau and Yosef.


One may walk with his cellphone open on this coming Shabbos. [It should be noted that Home Front Command sends a siren to smart phones per locality.] We had a couple weeks ago suspected terrorist infiltration broadcasted to us one weekday. There is in my opinion another reason for a medical emergency that could be caused by just the siren going off and a person running and falling.


Radios and/or TV’s can be put on the silent station. {My shelter is downstairs and isolated from the rest of the house. I leave it on the second channel and I found it to have a calming effect if people hear a siren and required to be there.}ds


It was recommended to pray only in a Schul with a shelter. Elderly and ill people who have trouble going home or to a shelter should stay home. {I doubt if stubborn ole coots will listen to this – a Gezaira that the people do not accept. Unless an attack occurs before Shabbos.}




Check that your shelter is stocked with water (and food). I have a battery powered fan for the shelter if necessary.


Due to cyberattacks, the internet may be out for a few days or for lack of electricity.


The Halacha tells us to attack first the enemy who wants to murder us but our biggest ally and defender against drones, rockets and missiles has other ideas.


The next Iranian attack could be larger:


Time to thwart Iranian Nukes.


Israelis take caution when abroad.


Haniyah was the main obstacle to hostage deal.


He boasted of the safety in Iran.


IDF ramps up defense in Yehuda and Shomron.


Terrorist-Journalist dies.


Another school another terror hideout.


Nasrallah threat:



Have a healthy, happy, peaceful and restful Shabbos and hopefully redemption in Av,

Rachamim Pauli