Friday, May 31, 2024

Parsha Bechukosai, stories and miracles, Swords of Iron and other news


A little Administration Trivia. The following post did not go through on a few groups on Facebook.    IT SEEMS THAT FACEBOOK DID NOT LIKE SOMETHING ON PARSHA TAZRIA PART 1 AND PASSOVER WITH THE 4 MIRACLES SO LOOK BACK IN THE BLOGSPOT AKA DRASHA FOR



This year turns out to be a unit of 19years since the Six Day War. Bechukosai always falls close to or just before the anniversary of the Six Day War. 26:8 And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand. We celebrate this week Yom Yerushalayim or the freeing of the old city and Har HaBeis from the nations of the world. Only we had a pork-eating Defense Minister who gave back the keys to the Arab Wafq. He was afraid that the Orthodox might G-D forbid demand the Temple be rebuilt. The opportunity was there and he threw it away against HASHEM. Still as Orthodox Jewish we should give thanks and say Hallel with or without a Bracha as miracles did happen. In fact down below I wrote up a very condensed details of some miracles in our own day.


The Molad of the month of Sivan is Friday Morning followed by Rosh Chodesh.



Parsha Bechukosai



Throughout the last few Parshiyos, we have been advised to keep the commandments. This week we come up with a new concept of reward and punishment. If you do or if you go against the Torah we have seen such an occurrence with the Egel HaZahav (golden calf).


26:3 If ye walk in My statutes, and keep My commandments, and do them; 4 then I will give your rains in their season, and the land shall yield her produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit. 


The Torah is your contract and your Mitzvos are fulfilling the contract. This is what happens to those who observe regarding rains, produce of the field and fruit. The people are free from Egypt and now everybody will have his own parcel of land. Will the person want a trade to move to the city or stay in the country with a trade and a farm? Also one will have security to follow the Mitzvos.


5 And your threshing shall reach unto the vintage, and the vintage shall reach unto the sowing time; and ye shall eat your bread until ye have enough, and dwell in your land safely. 


Observing also means sufficient income and living in safety.


6 And I will give peace in the land, and ye shall lie down, and none shall make you afraid; and I will cause evil beasts to cease out of the land, neither shall the sword go through your land. 


All evil beasts whether mammals, reptiles, insects and more shall not bother you and an enemy sword (in modern terms – rocket, drone, RPG, gun, grenade, etc.).


7 And ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. 


This Parsha always falls close to the time of the Six Day War. Such miracles happened.


8 And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase ten thousand; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. 


During the Six Day War the total population of the Arabs was about 75 to 1 over Israel and we won.


9 And I will have respect unto you, and make you fruitful, and multiply you; and will establish My covenant with you. 10 And ye shall eat old store long kept, and ye shall bring forth the old from before the new. 


You will have so much produce that you will have spare. The wine will mellow and your olive oil will be plenty.


11 And I will set My tabernacle among you, and My soul shall not abhor you. 12 And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be My people. 


You love ME and MY Commandments and you will be MY people.


13 I am the LORD your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, that ye should not be their bondmen; and I have broken the bars of your yoke, and made you go upright. 14 But if ye will not hearken unto Me, and will not do all these commandments; 


The nations will have no power over you. The IJC and ICC and US shall not bother you or dare tell you how to behave.


15 and if ye shall reject My statutes, and if your soul abhor Mine ordinances, so that ye will not do all My commandments, but break My covenant; 16 I also will do this unto you: I will appoint terror over you, even consumption and fever, that shall make the eyes to fail, and the soul to languish; and ye shall sow your seed in vain, for your enemies shall eat it. 


However, if you become ‘wise-guys’ and forget about ME and the commandments. Then I will take away MY special Hashgacha. You will not only not be protected.


17 And I will set My face against you, and ye shall be smitten before your enemies; they that hate you shall rule over you; and ye shall flee when none pursues you. 




18 And if ye will not yet for these things hearken unto Me, then I will chastise you seven times more for your sins. 19 And I will break the pride of your power; and I will make your heaven as iron, and your earth as brass. 


You will be punished by no rain and cannot plow. Either you will release who is the RULER/MASTER of the World or you will find out the hard way.


20 And your strength shall be spent in vain; for your land shall not yield her produce, neither shall the trees of the land yield their fruit. 


If you read by book review one could realize in the reading how the Jewish Slaves of Auschwitz worked hard for an insufficient amount of food. Pulling out gold from the teeth of the dead, taking about clothing or tooth paste for hidden diamonds or money to be given to the Reich. Such would be the agriculture in Eretz Yisrael of the people abhorring the Mitzvos as stated further as the punishments get worse in this chapter.


21 And if ye walk contrary unto Me, and will not hearken unto Me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. 22 And I will send the beast of the field among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your ways shall become desolate. 23 And if in spite of these things ye will not be corrected unto Me, but will walk contrary unto Me; 24 then will I also walk contrary unto you; and I will smite you, even I, seven times for your sins. 25 And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall execute the vengeance of the covenant; and ye shall be gathered together within your cities; and I will send the pestilence among you; and ye shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy. 26 When I break your staff of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver your bread again by weight; and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. 


At first you will have partial starvation.


27 And if ye will not for all this hearken unto Me, but walk contrary unto Me; 28 then I will walk contrary unto you in fury; and I also will chastise you seven times for your sins. 


The first punishment was educational to bring about repentance, but if you will not repent then the educational punishment from love turns to angry and fury.


29 And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat. 30 And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your sun-pillars, and cast your carcasses upon the carcasses of your idols; and My soul shall abhor you. 


Worship idols and you will eat the carcasses of your children or in the case of the Midrash on the second Mikdash of your parents. Midrash Eycha.


31 And I will make your cities a waste, and will bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savor of your sweet odors. 


You want to bring Korbanos but they will not be accepted.


32 And I will bring the land into desolation; and your enemies that dwell therein shall be astonished at it. 


Vegetation will die and what was once green will be brown and dust and trees and vineyards will die. Olive groves will wither.


33 And you will I scatter among the nations, and I will draw out the sword after you; and your land shall be a desolation, and your cities shall be a waste. 


You will be sent into exile.


34 Then shall the land be paid her sabbaths, as long as it lieth desolate, and ye are in your enemies' land; even then shall the land rest, and repay her sabbaths. 35 As long as it lies desolate it shall have rest; even the rest which it had not in your sabbaths, when ye dwelt upon it. 


You didn’t observe Shabbos or Shmita properly then the land will rebel against you.


36 And as for them that are left of you, I will send a faintness into their heart in the lands of their enemies; and the sound of a driven leaf shall chase them; and they shall flee, as one flees from the sword; and they shall fall when none pursues. 


All the Goy has to do is stamp his feet or curl a fist and you shall flee and he is doing so as a joke.


37 And they shall stumble one upon another, as it were before the sword, when none pursues; and ye shall have no power to stand before your enemies. 


You will be in panic from the Goyim even if you are not pursued.


38 And ye shall perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies shall eat you up. 39 And they that are left of you shall pine away in their iniquity in your enemies' lands; and also in the iniquities of their fathers shall they pine away with them. 40 And they shall confess their iniquity, and the iniquity of their fathers, in their treachery which they committed against Me, and also that they have walked contrary unto Me. 41 I also will walk contrary unto them, and bring them into the land of their enemies; if then perchance their uncircumcised heart be humbled, and they then be paid the punishment of their iniquity; 


Finally, the few remnants of Bnei Yisrael will do Teshuva a movement similar to my generation that was so lost and broken among the nations started to return to Torah. The rebellion of my Reform Ancestors had come to an end and the organ music and choir on Friday Night did not draw my generation into the “Free Synagogue”.


42 then will I remember My covenant with Jacob, and also My covenant with Isaac, and also My covenant with Abraham will I remember; and I will remember the land. 43 For the land shall lie forsaken without them, and shall be paid her sabbaths, while she lieth desolate without them; and they shall be paid the punishment of their iniquity; because, even because they rejected Mine ordinances, and their soul abhorred My statutes. 44 And yet for all that, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, neither will I abhor them, to destroy them utterly, and to break My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God. 45 But I will for their sakes remember the covenant of their ancestors, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt in the sight of the nations, that I might be their God: I am the LORD. 46 These are the statutes and ordinances and laws, which the LORD made between Him and the children of Israel in mount Sinai by the hand of Moses. 


From the first Mikdash the main exile was mostly 70 years but from the second Mikdash the groundless hatred had to be dealt with for a longer period. It took being placed in cattle cars and bunkers filled with lice and other problems with murder rampant or being shoved into the same tank or half-track with your political and religious opposites to awaken a bond between men that the


27:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying: 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When a man shall clearly utter a vow of persons unto the LORD, according to thy valuation, 


This whole section is about dedicating the value of oneself to the Temple by vow. It also teaches us the value of one who sells himself to a master if he becomes too poor. One can dedicate animals or a house within a city to the Temple.


Our Sefer ends with charity vows to the Mishkan/Mikdash and the value of humans if sold into slavery. Today if we estimate a Shekel at 96 or 100 grams of silver that is less than four ounces of silver. In western society what is it for 3.428 x 50 x even the highest recent value of $34 or $5,827.60 to sell oneself into servitude and a female only x 30 or a person my age x 15 instead of 50. One has to go according to relativity to understand such a society.


In fact, if I go back in time to the first year I was alive, a ride for an adult on the New York Subway was a nickel. A think glass bottle of coke was a nickel. A very good salary for a person with experience was around $7.500 a year and a PhD or expert MD might make $20,000 a year. There was a book 7.5cents that was made into a play and a movie called the Pajama Game. The workers sing a song

Where they dream of the money they can have in 20years if they save it.


3 then thy valuation shall be for the male from twenty years old even unto sixty years old, even thy valuation shall be fifty shekels of silver, after the shekel of the sanctuary. 4 And if it be a female, then thy valuation shall be thirty shekels. 


That was a nice sum of money and it went pretty far in those days. A small apartment in Israel at the time the State was formed was about 3,000 Shekels in Tel Aviv or less than $800. That two or three room flat today would be many hundreds of thousands of dollars or more due to the location. 85 to 80years ago in the Holocaust a Jew could not even sell himself to a non-Jew.


5 And if it be from five years old even unto twenty years old, then thy valuation shall be for the male twenty shekels, and for the female ten shekels. 


In today’s terms it is a small fee, but in a poor agricultural society it was a sum of money. Remember, a Ketuvah for one’s wife or widow was 200 Shekels which would be perhaps in our terms $1,000,000 such a sum was supposed to sustain her all her widowhood until she passed on. Perhaps it was even more that that in value today.


6 And if it be from a month old even unto five years old, then thy valuation shall be for the male five shekels of silver, and for the female thy valuation shall be three shekels of silver. 


This is the root of paying 5 Shekels or US Silver Dollars to the Cohain for the first-born redemption.


7 And if it be from sixty years old and upward: if it be a male, then thy valuation shall be fifteen shekels, and for the female ten shekels. 8 But if he be too poor for thy valuation, then he shall be set before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to the means of him that vowed shall the priest value him. 


A person my age has wisdom and experience but cannot physically work like a man under 60. We are slower, fumble, need more rests to breathe. Our working in the field or even as a carpenter, smith, tailor or other professions that existed then are not the same speed and strength of the younger man. I saw my father-in-law Zal carry into his butcher shop a quarter of a slaughtered cow or bull at the age of 60 or more. But when he reached retirement age, he sold the shop. By the time he was 90 he was happy if he could move himself from place to place. That is the way of the world. My father-in-law up until a few weeks before his passing made himself useful by opening and closing the Synagogue on the Moshav where he lived and purchasing the food for the third Shabbos Meal and bringing it to the Synagogue. The left-over bread that was too much for him, he fed to the cows.


9 And if it be a beast, whereof men bring an offering unto the LORD, all that any man gives of such unto the LORD shall be holy. 10 He shall not alter it, nor change it, a good for a bad, or a bad for a good; and if he shall at all change beast for beast, then both it and that for which it is changed shall be holy. 


Once one puts aside an animal for a Korban, it is dedicated and cannot be changed as it is now holy even if he just found a fatter or stronger animal.


11 And if it be any unclean beast, of which they may not bring an offering unto the LORD, then he shall set the beast before the priest. 12 And the priest shall value it, whether it be good or bad; as thou the priest values it, so shall it be. 13 But if he will indeed redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part thereof unto thy valuation. 


A dog is forbidden and perhaps dangerous animals with paws such as bears and wild cats (lions, tigers). But one can bring a racing horse, mule, donkey and standard non-kosher farm animals that are valuable and redeem their worth. We see that Yacov sent to Esav a number of milk-camels.


14 And when a man shall sanctify his house to be holy unto the LORD, then the priest shall value it, whether it be good or bad; as the priest shall value it, so shall it stand. 15 And if he that sanctified it will redeem his house, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy valuation unto it, and it shall be his. 


So if you happen to own a house that is worth for argument sake $100,000 you would have to pay to the Mikdash $120,000 to redeem it. If the price was $500,000 then $600,000 to the Mikdash.


16 And if a man shall sanctify unto the LORD part of the field of his possession, then thy valuation shall be according to the sowing thereof; the sowing of an omer of barley shall be valued at fifty shekels of silver. 


This is the basis for our evaluation. If the field produces 10 Omer of Barley then it is worth 500 shekels.


17 If he sanctify his field from the year of jubilee, according to thy valuation it shall stand. 


Whatever was the evaluation during the Yovel that is the cost basis.


18 But if he sanctify his field after the jubilee, then the priest shall reckon unto him the money according to the years that remain unto the year of jubilee, and an abatement shall be made from thy valuation. 


The field is redeemed as if 1-49 years remain until the Yovel.


19 And if he that sanctified the field will indeed redeem it, then he shall add the fifth part of the money of thy valuation unto it, and it shall be assured to him. 20 And if he will not redeem the field, or if he have sold the field to another man, it shall not be redeemed any more. 


From reading this, I would not advise a man to devote his hereditary field to the Mikdash unless he just happened to have cash on hand to redeem it. For if devoted, then sold it cannot be redeemed. One is playing with fire for his ancestral story rights.


21 But the field, when it goes out in the jubilee, shall be holy unto the LORD, as a field devoted; the possession thereof shall be the priest's. 22 And if he sanctify unto the LORD a field which he hath bought, which is not of the field of his possession; 23 then the priest shall reckon unto him the worth of thy valuation unto the year of jubilee; and he shall give thy valuation in that day, as a holy thing unto the LORD. 24 In the year of jubilee the field shall return unto him of whom it was bought, even to him to whom the possession of the land belongs. 25 And all thy valuations shall be according to the shekel of the sanctuary; twenty gerahs shall be the shekel. 


He has to pay the value to the Mikdash


26 Howbeit the firstling among beasts, which is born as a firstling to the LORD, no man shall sanctify it; whether it be ox or sheep, it is the LORD'S. 27 And if it be of an unclean beast, then he shall ransom it according to thy valuation, and shall add unto it the fifth part thereof; or if it be not redeemed, then it shall be sold according to thy valuation. 


The first-born kosher animal belongs to the Cohain. One Mitzvah that is rare is the redemption of a donkey or other non-kosher animals.


28 Notwithstanding, no devoted thing, that a man may devote unto the LORD of all that he hath, whether of man or beast, or of the field of his possession, shall be sold or redeemed; every devoted thing is most holy unto the LORD. 29 None devoted, that may be devoted of men, shall be ransomed; he shall surely be put to death. 30 And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD'S; it is holy unto the LORD. 31 And if a man will redeem aught of his tithe, he shall add unto it the fifth part thereof. 32 And all the tithe of the herd or the flock, whatsoever passes under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD. 


10% of the new born animals go to the Mikdash.


33 He shall not inquire whether it be good or bad, neither shall he change it; and if he change it at all, then both it and that for which it is changed shall be holy; it shall not be redeemed. 


The new born animals are counted. Number ten is sent to the Maaser Pen.


34 These are the commandments, which the LORD commanded Moses for the children of Israel in mount Sinai.




Chazak – Chazak v’ nit Chazak



The hidden miracle in a tragedy. By Rachamim Pauli



If I heard right this occurred on Jan.6th. The Engineering Unit has prepared to blow up a series of tunnels in Gaza. The operation is delayed that the press can come in and view the tunnel shafts about to be blown up. The tunnels are packed with explosives. The unit has not slept all night and it is late in the afternoon near sunset. There is a unit wiring up a tunnel deep in the earth and 10 soldiers instead of 4 are wiring together the explosives or dealing with them. The “tough-guy” actor, Amedi, is with 4 other soldiers returning explosives to a van.


They have been in one place too long and enemy soldiers or snipers are firing at them. A tank from the 188th division spots the source and fires a shell hitting the enemy. Another shell is fired but it hits a lamp post and live electrical wires hit the explosive lead wire. Six soldiers die outright and Amedi is burnt and injured.


All the tunnels blow up except one. The explosives have not yet been hooked up to the others. Inside the tunnel is six IDF Soldiers who miraculously survive the blasts and their own explosives do not go off.



Book Review



The Escape Artist by Jonathan Freedland.


It is not my habit to recommend books. This is the first Holocaust Book that is readable and one does not get horrified immediately on the spot. It starts out with the background of a young man from his early teens and the gradual Nazification of Slovakia. He knows Czech, Slovak, German and some Hungarian. Maybe he learned other languages but he and other Jews have been forced out the school system. He is supposed to be sent to a work camp. He escapes to Hungary but has to return to Slovakia to get papers that he is a non-Jew from the resistance. On his way to get the papers, he makes a mistake and is sent to the work camp he tried to avoid.


There is a transport train leaving the camp and he joins it but in ends up in Auschwitz. The description of the happenings in Auschwitz and Birkenau are introduced to us slowly by the author as if the 18year old puts two and two together. Unlike other Holocaust books, we are not introduced early into the killing machine but slowly. Walter/Rudolf realizes this and a few pages on realizes that in such a way that the reader can stomach what is going on.


He has a few miracles and a lot of Hashgacha (guidance from above) that keeps him alive even when he was once sent to the left. It is not my purpose at this time to tell the miracles and I am close to half-way through; but if I read in my spare time [similar to the Vilna Gaon] more than a quarter of the book in a week, it is excellent.



Two more miraculous occurrences:



A Lt. Col. Was interview in the hospital on Tuesday. I did not get his name but he said something to the effect that if the bullet that struck me was a cm to the right or to the left, you would probably be interviewing my widow.


The mother of Amit Buskila was interviewed on TV regarding her daughter’s rescue. The girl was brought up by her uncle and mother. The uncle is so non-religious that he said with the mother the first Pasuk of the Shema without a head covering. The mother, at least since Simchas Torah has her head and body covered like a Charedi. She was busy saying Tehillim for her daughter every day.


A short time before Amit’s body was found, the soldier who recovered the body had a dream. In the dream, Amit told the soldier where he would find her body in a blue bag behind sandbags. She told the soldier that she wanted to give her mother peace of mind.

“For Mama!” Both stories were on Channel 12 TV.



Most extraordinary opportunity refused! By R. Yerachmiel Tilles



A certain merchant who was a chasid of Rabbi Aharon-Leib of Premishlan [1] had occasion to pass through Lyzhansk in the course of business. It would be a pity, he thought, to be so far from home and not to utilize this opportunity to visit one of the towering figures of the generation, the Rebbe Rebbe Elimelech of Lyzhansk, In order to be able to do this in a clear and focused frame of mind, he first settled his various business affairs in the district, and arranged to be back in town for Shabbos. On Friday morning, after immersing himself in the mikveh (ritual bath), he went to greet the Rebbe.


Rebbe Elimelech welcomed him, and then said: "Are you not one of the chasidim of Rabbi Aharon Leib of Premishlan? Tell me, now, why is your Rebbe so conceited?"


And Rebbe Elimelech repeated the phrase in the hearing of all those who happened to be present: "So conceited! So conceited!"


And not only then, but again and again at each of the Shabbos meals - until the merchant's joy at the privilege of meeting the exalted tzadik turned to distress.


Nor did his departure from Lyzhansk lighten his burden, for when he came to Rebbe Elimelech to receive his parting blessings, he was told: "When you come home, please tell your Rebbe in my name that he should not be so conceited."


His arrival home threw him into a quandary. Rabbi Aharon Leib was certain to ask him, as he always did whenever his chasidim came home from a journey, whether he had anything of interest to report. He would have to say that he had met Rebbe Elimelech. Rabbi Aharon Leib would then ask, naturally enough, whether he had seen or heard anything noteworthy or quotable. He would then have to say…


But how could he ever bring himself to mouth such words? At length, realizing that there was no way out of fulfilling the explicit instruction of Rebbe Elimelech, he spoke to his Rebbe and withheld nothing.


"Woe is me!" said Rabbi Aharon Leib. "Who knows how I have sinned in the sight of G-d, and what blemish the tzadik has discerned in me? Indeed, I am in such a sorry state that I do not even sense what my sin is, and therefore do not even know how to go about repenting!"


Calling in his wife, he said: "The tzadik of Lyzhansk sees that I am a sinner. I must journey there at once to find out from him in what way I have transgressed, otherwise I will not know how to repent. But the road to Lyzhansk is a long, long road, and even when I finally arrive there I know I will no longer have the strength to look after myself."


The rebbetzin assured him that she would share the rigors of the journey with him and see to his needs. They hired a wagon, trundled along for six whole says, and arrived at Lyzhansk just in time for Shabbos. A sinner such as himself, thought Rabbi Aharon Leib, would certainly not be granted admission to the Friday night table of the tzadik, so he asked his wife to go out to the market place to buy a bottle of wine and two loaves of challah, while he himself went off to find the local mikveh, so that he could immerse himself for purity's sake in honor of the holy day.


Entering the rebbe's house, he found himself among hundreds of chasidim who were also waiting to receive his greeting of Shalom. He made his way through the crowd and extended his hand to receive the rebbe's handshake, being careful to keep his head bowed so that the tzadik should not see his face. Rebbe Elimelech, however, sensed at once that this was Rabbi Aharon Leib, and wanted to call him back, but the guest had already hurried off to his lodging place. From there he went to a nearby shul for evening prayers, then back to his modest little room, there to sing Shalom Aleichem, the hymn that welcomes the ministering angels who on Shabbat eve accompany every Jew on his way back from shul.


At the same time, Rebbe Elimelech asked his shames (attendant) and his chasidim to search through the whole town until the found the guest from Premishlan. When they returned without having found him, Rebbe Elimelech stood up and protested: "A guest of the stature of Rabbi Aharon Leib is here with us in town; will I not have him at my table for Shabbos?!"


He again gave the order that his chasidim were to search through the whole of Lyzhansk, from house to house, room by room, until they found this same Rabbi Aharon Leib, and to inform him that he himself would not sit down to conduct his Friday night this ('table' opened to the public after they first finished their own meal) until his guest joined him there.


Again they set out, and searched once more, until they found him at his lodgings in the low-roofed cottage of a penniless melamed (teacher) on the outskirts of town.


They gave him the message and brought him to the rebbe's table, where Rebbe Elimelech expressed his delight at his arrival by giving him a seat of honor by his side. Surprisingly, though, several times in the course of the meal he said: "Who would believe that Rabbi Aharon Leib should be so conceited!"


And, as before, not once, but at every one of the Shabbos meals he repeated this comment in public.


When the day of rest was over Rabbi Aharon Leib called on the Rebbe in order to take his leave - but first to find out just what was the conceit that he had perceived.


"Why, is there any conceit greater than this?" answered Rebbe Elimelech. "On many occasions Eliyahu the Prophet has come to me with the complaint that you do not want to learn Torah from his mouth. He, the Prophet Eliyahu, wanted to teach you Torah, and you refuse! Think how many tzadikim have longed and yearned for this privilege - and you decline the offer! In any case, I promised Eliyahu that I would try to persuade you to change your mind."


"I apologize that even after your persuasion," answered Rabbi Aharon Leib, "I cannot agree."


"Why so?" asked his host.


"Because my desire," said the guest, "is to do my own hard work in the study of the Torah. For how does King David express it? 'When you eat of the labor of your hands, happy shall you be, and it shall be well with you." (Psalms 128:2)


"And the same lesson we learn in the Talmud: 'The Torah truly becomes the possession only of him who gives his very life in the effort of its study.' For this reason I have not been taught by him, not will I be taught by him. I will only pray to the Almighty that He give me the strength to toil always in the study of his Torah."


The tzadik gave him his blessing, and Rabbi Aharon Leib made his way back to Premishlan, where he continued to serve his Maker by an honest day's labor, day by day.

Source: Modified and supplemented by R. Yerachmiel Tilles from the English edition of Sipurei Chasidim. The original Hebrew was composed and published by a leading Torah GIANT of the 20th century, Rabbi Shlomo-Yosef ("Shay") Zevin [1890-1978] in 1955. [The translation into English by Reb Uri Kaplan was published by Artscroll in 1980 and titled by them "A Treasury of Chasidic Tales."]
As an introduction to the above story, Rav Zevin reports (and R. Kaplan translates):
I encountered this story in a manuscript written by the hand of Rabbi Raphael Wolf of Skoli, Galicia, who died in Jerusalem early in 1929 at the age of ninety years plus. Rabbi Raphael heard it from an elder chasid of repute by the name of Rabbi Alter of Yazlivitz, who heard it from the mouth of the tzadik Rabbi Meir of Premishlan (who died in 1850), son of Rabbi Aharon Leib, the protagonist of this story.

Why this week? See the first three words of this week's Torah reading, Bechukosai, with the explanation of Rashi. See also the next-to-last Mishna in this week's chapter of Perkei Avos, 5:21. (See also the last clause in Avos 4:10)

Biographical notes:
Rabbi Aharon-Leib of Premishlan [? - 2 Adar 1783] was the son of an elder disciple of the Baal Shem tov. He himself was a follower of Rabbi Yehiel-Michil of Zlotchov and then the Rebbe Eliemelech of Lyzhansk, and the father of the very well-known and wildly popular tzadik and Chasidic Rebbe, Rabbi Meir of Premishlan, whom he named for his deceased father.

Rebbe Elimelech of Lyzhansk [5477 - 21 Adar 5547 (1717 - March 1787)], was (along with his brother, Reb Zusha) a major disciple of the Maggid of Mezritch, successor to the Baal Shem Tov as the leading Rebbe of the subsequent generation in Poland-Galitzia, most of the great Chassidic dynasties from that region stem from his disciples. His book, Noam Elimelech, is one of the most popular of all Chassidic works. [It is told that before he died, Rebbe Elimelech bequeathed the sight of his eyes to the Seer of Lublin, the spirit of his heart to the Kozhnitzer Maggid, the soul of his mind to Rebbe Menachem-Mendel of Rimanov, and the power of speech to Rebbe AvrahamYehoshua-Heshel of Apt. Other major disciples included Rabbi Naftali-Tzvi of Ropshitz, Rabbi Mosh-Leib of Sassov, and Rabbi Klonymo-Kalman Epstein, known as the Maor VaShemesh]

[1] Father of the very well-known and popular tzadik and Chasidic Rebbe, R. Meir of Premishlan.


From Jewish Republicans minus whom to vote for.

I don’t hide my political beliefs but have no gain by alienating readers.

I guess this will truncate in the BlogSpot try to keep an open mind.



Bowing to Hamas, Biden and mob demands would be suicidal Israelis say


Never Again means Never Again! How dare they resist us? say Israel haters. by Paul Driessen


Sir Nicholas Winton epitomized the Power of One. As World War II loomed, he organized a rescue operation, found sponsors and foster homes, and ultimately brought nearly 700 Jewish Czech children to Britain. The ninth train was intercepted by Nazi troops the day war broke out; only two of the 250 children onboard survived Holocaust death camps.


It’s painfully ironic that the new film One Life, retelling this uplifting saga, opened March 15 – five months after Hamas’s October 7 butchery, during Israel’s 75th anniversary year and its war to end Hamas’s reign as a terrorist force, and amid the worst anti-Israel, anti-Semitic “protests” in US history.


The raging placards and chants defy belief. We are Hamas. From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. (Or the Arabic version: From the river to the sea, Palestine will be Arab – free of Jews, Christians, Bahais and other infidels.) Globalize the Intifada (violent uprisings and terrorism).


Death to America! Hamas, we love you! Resistance by any means necessary. Al-Qassam, you make us proud. Kill all Zionists! (Al-Qassam is Hamas’s October 7 terrorists. The vast majority of US Jews and Christians are Zionists, supporters of Israel’s right to exist and defend itself.)


This is “intersectionality” in its most disgusting and dangerous form: Marxism, Fascism, anti-Semitism, anti-Zionism and Atifa. Hatred of America, Israel, capitalism and Western civilization.


These mobs intimidate and assault Jewish students. They rabidly support: Hamas terrorists, the numerous Gazan men, women and even children who joined the 10/7 slaughter, the 72% of Gazans who say those massacres were justified, and the 93% who say Hamas committed no war crimes on 10/7.


No war crimes or atrocities? Look at these photos and videos (hereherehere, herehere, herehere and here). Watch Sheryl Sandburg’s documentary (especially at 28:00, 30:45, 32:25 and 39:20).


Hamas leaders say “Israel has no place on our land.” Until Israel is eradicated, “everything we do is justified.” “Nobody should blame us for the things we do on October 7, October 10, October 1,000,000.”


“Our land” means all of Israel. It reflects the Islamist belief that once an area is Muslim, it must always be Muslim (even Spain and Portugal). It refers to Koran verse 2:91. “Kill them wherever you come upon them and drive them out of the places from which they have driven you out.”


Spontaneous protests? The campus mobsters and their gear are covertly funded by billionaire foundations. Professional agitators trained the mob bosses before 10/7, so they’d be ready when opportunities arose.


The mobs are loud, shrill and often violent. But they are tiny minority; 80% of registered American voters support Israel in this war against Hamas. But college administrators still kowtow to the mobs, and President Biden needs their votes too much to condemn them, reverse his ongoing pressure against Israel or stop appeasing Iran, the ultimate sponsor of Hamas, Hezbollah and Houthi terrorism.


Israel is guilty of genocide? Hamas wants to kill or drive out every Jew in Israel. Its terrorists targeted, raped, mutilated and murdered thousands of Israeli civilians – and promise to repeat their massacres until Israel is gone. Campus mobs want to “Kill all Zionists.” That is genocide.


In sharp contrast, Israel goes out of its way to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza, where Hamas built hundreds of miles of terror tunnels under its cities. Where Hamas hides its “militants” and weapons in virtually every home, apartment, school, hospital, mosque and office.


Where it actively “persuades” civilians to remain as human shields, to ensure high casualties. Where some families refuse to leave, even when warned of impending military actions. “We want to die. We love death the way you love life,” one family patriarch said.


That has meant destructive, deadly urban warfare. And yet civilian death tolls in Gaza are one-sixth those in other recent urban warzones.


A 2022 UN report concluded that 90% of wartime casualties were civilians in Afghanistan, Africa, Ukraine and the Middle East. That’s nine civilians for every combatant. Gaza tolls have been 1.5 civilians per combatant. Military experts like Col. Richard Kemp (U.K., Ret.) confirm this.


Using Hamas Health Ministry claims (up to 34,000 deaths through April) – and Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claims that it has killed over 12,000 Hamas fighters – the ratio is 1.8 civilians per fighter. But Hamas doesn’t separate terrorists from civilians killed by Israel, by Hamas rockets that exploded in Gaza or even deaths by natural causes. It classifies military-age men as children.


Moreover, Hamas has now admitted that one-third of its previously published Gaza death statistics are “incomplete” and unsupported by actual records. The actual ratio could thus be 1:1 or less – still tragic, but even further below any other urban war.


However, President Biden, Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austin say any further civilian deaths are unacceptable. They demand that Israel restrict operations in Rafa to limited “surgical” strikes, which will never eliminate the 8,000 “warriors” in Hamas’s last stronghold. The administration then blocked shipments of precision munitions needed for surgical strikes – in defiance of Congress.


These actions will make it far more likely that Hamas will survive and able to launch more terror attacks – likely in conjunction with Hezbollah, Houthis and soon-to-be-nuclear Iran. Israel would be vastly more imperiled than it is today. Many suspect this is what the Biden Administration wants.


Team Biden’s increasingly sorry record is compounded by a State Department report accusing Israel of causing a “severe humanitarian crisis” by displacing Palestinians, and of committing other human rights violations – such as subjecting Hamas prisoners to “inhumane treatment,” like forcing them to undress to their underwear to prevent suicide bombings. It and the UN are silent about the humanitarian crisis and war crimes in Ukraine inflicted by Russia’s increasing attacks on homes, hospitals and energy systems.




The prevailing Biden, campus mob and global attitude seems to be: How dare Jews fight back, after 2000 years of letting enemies slaughter them, the way they did during the Crusades, pogroms and Holocaust? How dare Israel demonstrate that its promise of Never Again! really means Never Again!

On Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day, the White House trumpeted a supposed treaty between Hamas and Israel, but deliberately failed to mention that Hamas had changed the Israeli-Egyptian draft agreement. The worst was requiring that Israel permanently end the war, withdraw from Gaza and release imprisoned terrorists before Hamas released any hostages – or just corpses of hostages.

Israelis and Jews everywhere know bowing to Hamas, Biden and mob demands would be suicidal.


Join Dirshu's Kinnus Olam HaTorah at the Prudential Center, Sunday, June 9, 2024. Reserve your seat online at or call 929-522-1121!


Milestone: Richard Sherman, 95, he was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious as a song writer.



Inyanay Diyoma



May 25th & 26th


Day 232 and Day 233 start of week 34


12 rockets from Rafah to the center of country.


Rocket parts and RPG in school


Transportation Min. lack of backing.


Soldier succumbs to wounds.


Reservist who called for insubordination released.


May 27th,


Day 234


Two Hamas commanders taken out.

Previously:  (Thursday), IAF fighter jets directed by the IDF and ISA struck and eliminated in central Gaza the terrorist Deya Aldin Alsharafa, deputy commander of Hamas' national security forces in the Gaza Strip.


Take this claim with a boulder of Salt from the Dead Sea.


Snipers that eliminated our soldiers get 72pigs.


The IDF announced on Sunday evening that Staff Sergeant Sahar Sudaei fell in battle in the northern Gaza Strip.


Gazans infecting other prisoners with scabies.


2300year old gold ring found.


US, Egypt and Israel discuss reopening Rafah crossing.


Worried about digital weapons going to Iran.


Appeal of Jewish Iranian at risk. Human rights organizations in Iran reported that the appeal of Arvin Ghahremani, a 20-year-old Jewish man who was convicted of murder after he killed a Muslim man who stabbed and attempted to murder him, was rejected, putting him at imminent risk of execution.


Left MK admitted Netanyahu is not an obstacle.


Arab Arson: Firefighters from the Samaria Regional Station, together with volunteers, are currently working to extinguish a fire, comprised of three separate blazes, which is spreading towards the homes in the Jewish town of Peduel.


Ben Gurion’s glasses stolen and recovered.


6year old falls to her death.


US landing craft breaks moorings.


Shots fired outside of Toronto Girl’s school.


Video of abducted girls debuts in Times Sq.


IJC vs. Israel halt war give Hamas Victory.


German Synagogue attack foiled.


Nasrallah’s mother dies.


Nasrallah’s threat: Hezballah has surprises in store.


Hamas’s psychological warfare.


May 28th


Day 235


From Earl F. In Naperville, Illinois (near Chicago), and Arab mob attacked a pro-Israel rally, burned the Israeli flag. attacked Jewish demonstrators. RP: I guess the police were defunded.


UAVs from Iraq to Eilat.


Iran enriches Uranium further.


IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi told the families of kidnapped soldiers that "80% of the military objectives have been achieved, and achieving the remaining 20% will take more time".


Op-Ed Diane Bederman on her visit to Israel.


UAV intercepted in western Galil.


How about carpet bombing like in Afghanistan and Iraq by the USA. Don’t give me Mussar!


2 Incidents - Bat Hefer area not secure.

Worried residents.


Nikki Halley visits Israel.


IDF to investigate Rafah strike.


The University of Toronto (U of T) on Monday turned to the courts in an effort to clear an encampment of pro-Palestinian Arab protesters from its downtown campus, The Canadian Press reported.


He should not have been there but he should not have been pushed to the ground.


Hezballah targeted.


2 stabbed in Yerushalayim.


No more tunnel.


May 29th


Day 236


A few days ago, the Israeli TV said that Moshav Margaliot above Kiriat Shemona needed volunteers for the cherry, blueberry, raspberry and other crops. I guess Hezballah saw what I saw as they sent a few RPG’s and rockets that way.


Central Western Israel: Residents feel it is a matter of time before a major attack from Tulkarem houses shot at.


Suspicious aerial phenomena downed.


Recording of two Arabs that the fire came from a Hamas munitions depot and not fr4om the IDF Strike.


Jihad releases video of captive.


This is not Normandy they don’t build piers like they used to. Half of the $320,000,000 sinks, floats away. And they christen it with beer and sunk the pier.


Nicky Halley awarded Jerusalem Prize.


IDF tanks in central Rafah.


Absurd genocide charges against Israel.


Agricultural Products in Peril.


Three Nahal 50 soldiers killed in booby-trapped house.


Arab Construction Workers practice military takeover of civilian building.


Algeria at UN calls for cease fire.


IDF using robot tanks.


Jabaliya: In one of the strikes, a terrorist armed with an RPG missile identified by Unit 636, was eliminated. Another terrorist who was in the area, tried to attack the troops, and was immediately eliminated as well.


Sen. Lindsey Graham gets award. On his fifth visit to Israel since October 7, US Senator Lindsey Graham came to the Israel National News - Arutz Sheva studio in Jerusalem and spoke about the Hamas massacre, the International Criminal Court, Saudi Arabia, the US, and terrorism, as well as the US’s support for Israel in ensuring a future of peace in the Middle East.


Turkish Ruler: Netanyahu is a vampire.


The man who appeared in the video while masked, wearing a military uniform and holding a weapon, calling on the political echelon to intensity the fighting in Gaza, was identified as Ofir Luzon from Herzliya.


In one operation, a terrorist cell that had fired mortar shells toward IDF troops was eliminated in an aerial strike directed by ground troops.


According to estimates by the Rehabilitation Department, around 8,000 of the injured soldiers who will be absorbed by the year's end are likely to suffer various mental ailments, including anxiety, depression, post-trauma, difficulty adjusting, and communication difficulties.


Starting in August 2024 Israel is changing its entry requirements, and will require visitors from visa-exempt countries to obtain an electronic travel authorization (ETA) in order to enter the country, the Population and Immigration Authority announced.


Arab hit and run or ramming?


Hezballah threatens Galil head.


Arrested terrorists sings where have all the explosives gone? Short time passing.


Putting explosive in safe-zone.


Op-Ed Ron Ben Yishai new war strategy.


Another country for the PLO.


Nasrallah: Israel is Nazis.


Jerry Seinfeld emotional after Israel visit.


Mexico goes against Israel.


Pentagon wants to rebuild pier:


Deadly weather in the middle of the US.


Who will be the Chief Rabbi of Ashkelon?


The Torah rules in Leviticus 19:28 that permanent tattooing on the body violates Jewish law, “You shall not make gashes in your flesh for the dead, or incise any marks on yourselves: I am the Lord.” In addition, the Rambam (Maimonides) saw the origin of this prohibition as an act of idolatry, arguing that it was a pagan custom.


Tattoo ink often contains carcinogenic chemicals, including primary aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and metals.


“The tattooing process invokes an immunologic response that causes translocation of tattoo ink from the injection site. Deposition of tattoo pigment in lymph nodes has been confirmed but the long-term health effects remain unexplored. We used Swedish National Authority registers with full population coverage to investigate the association between tattoo exposure and overall malignant lymphoma as well as lymphoma subtypes,” the researchers explained.


May 30th


Day 237


2 soldiers die in a ramming attack and one in battle.


One of the most disturbing things I got from the news was that Israel plans at least 7 more months of cleaning up Gaza.


Although I am in contact with Barry Shaw, it is hard for me to follow all the news, learn and teach Torah so it is nice that people like Thomas, Mitchel and Monique B. send me various articles.

A very disturbing report from the Study of Global Antisemetism and Policy (ISGAP) claims that the Bafrayung Fund, which belongs to one of the richest and most politically involved Jewish families in the US, sent large sums of money over the past few months to encourage and fund anti-Israel student protests.

Leading this fund is Rachel Gelman, aged 33, a descendant of the famous clothing manufacturer Levi Strauss. Gelman is a relative of US Rep. Dan Gelman (D-NY). This report, which looked into the funding sources of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) movement, found the Bafrayung Fund to be the most substantial monetary supporter of the organization, which was behind the anti-Israel protests on American campuses in which Jewish students and professors were threatened.


This organization also calls for the elimination of Israel, and uses the common threat "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free." The Gelmans also fund other anti-Israel action groups such as donating $60,000 to the Palestinian Youth Movement and $40,000 to the Arab Resource and Organizing Center that are engaged in boycotts and other anti-Israel activities.


Rachel Gelman's mother, Susie, was one of President Biden's candidates for the position of ambassador to Israel. Between 2016 and 2023 Susie served as chairperson of the Israel Policy Forum, During her tenure, she regularly criticized Prime Minister Netanyahu and his governments.


Another example of wealthy and influential Jews funding and encouraging the demise of the Jewish State.

For shame!

Barry Shaw,


The Israeli Mossad is warnings about potential Iranian terror attacks in Europe before and leading up to the Olympic Games in France.

Barry Shaw,

The View from Israel.


Somebody asked me if I feel more secure in Israel than I do in FL.


Op-Ed the last hope for American Democracy.


Israel now controls the Israel-Egypt Border to the sea.


Israel intercepts cruise missile from Iraq.


Border Police officers have arrested six individuals suspected of stealing agricultural produce belonging to a farmer evacuated from Metula in northern Israel.


Two grandchildren lost in battle weeks apart.


Getting close to the longest Shabbos daylight in the northern hemisphere.


Driver cusses Jewish School Children.


Man donates kidney to injured IDF soldier.


Instagram removes pro-Israel post but…


Op-Ed the IDF shed the illusion of a small IDF.


Op-Ed Ben Yishai new step by step release.


Last but not least with Arab Villages not so far from us my wife is a bit concerned. Bat Hefer was shot at. Who is to say that driving towards the local grocery after Schul, I will not be shot at. On the other hand, our area prior to Oct. 7th supplied them with a lot of construction work and some break-ins.


Weapons in UNWRA complex and school.


May 31st


Day 238


There is a growing number of military officials and citizens of northern Israel that are calling for military action. Hezballah is destroying house-house in the north and little is being done to stop their RPG’s.


A letter I received from an MD: The Israel Health Ministry is offering medical students interest free loans for school.  Perhaps, the pay of 5000 Shekels/month for experienced doctors has something to do with the fact that physicians are either leaving for other countries, or not going into medicine.  The propaganda from the government that all must sacrifice for Israel, with little for themselves is no longer tenable.  After 12 years of training, doctors are paid less than the janitors that clean the hospitals. There are a number of factors. 26hour intern shifts at lousy pay. Basically near slave labor conditions for a few years until becoming a qualified MD. Reserve Duty up to the age of 50 while in other countries doctors have better hours, better pay and better status. I quit being a teacher when a Stevedore told me that he made 5 times my salary without an hour of over-time. As an engineer, I got a mentally satisfying job without having to have 180 kids to control, 300 plus parents to deal with, principals and educational inspectors. Nurses have it worse than doctors both in times on their feet and pay.  


Two soldiers die in two combat sections of Gaza.


Second video of captive shown.


IDF troops are continuing intelligence-based operational activities in the area of Rafah. During the activities, IDF troops located numerous weapons, including long-range rockets, RPGs, explosive devices, vests, ammunition, and additional military equipment.


The family of 24-year-old Eden Yerushalmi, who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from the Nova Music Festival in Reem to Gaza on October 7, on Thursday evening permitted the publication of a recording of the conversation Eden had with the Israel Police’s 100 emergency line, moments before her abduction.


Montreal Jewish School shot at.


Border Police eliminate 5 terrorists.


While many Native Americans such as Apache, Cherokee, and less known tribes claim Jewish Ancestry and sympathetic to Israel. False ones are anti-Israel.


The Trump verdict scared the heck out of Billionaires. Suddenly, the money is flowing like a dam burst.


RFK Jr. unfair playing field. I want to beat Trump fair and square.



A healthy, peaceful, restful and wonderful Shabbos,

Rachamim Pauli