Friday, May 24, 2024

Parsha Behar, a few stories some with miraculous results, swords of iron updates.

Of course there are many G-D Fearing Rabbis and some Charedi Jews. But sometimes people on the service whom you would not expect to be so righteous pop out as ordinary Jews. It is not the clothing or area that makes one G-D Fearing. There are people like Rabbi Yona Gewirtz Shlita and myself that don’t wear the usual Rabbinical Apparel or women who don’t dress up like Ms./Mrs. Charedi of the Month. You too can put in an effort just have faith. The more people who do so, the faster the Moshiach comes! Think about this when you read of the Hebrew “slave” in our Parsha.


Parsha Behar



We finished the holiness of family relationships, the average Ben Yisrael and Cohanim and now the holiness of the land.


1:1 And the LORD spoke unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying: 


Rabbi Yosef Ben Porat Shlita discussing the current war in Gaza and the North stated that the main reason for us to leave Egypt was to get the Torah at Sinai. I wish to add the words of the Pesach Song “Dayaynu” “If G-D had given us the Torah but not taken us to Eretz Yisrael, it would have been enough.” But joyfully we have the land and were given it to live within and work the land. However, the holiness of the land renders the right to live here under conditions. Otherwise if we do not meet the conditions of following the commandments, “The land will vomit you out!”


2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them: When ye come into the land which I give you, then shall the land keep a sabbath unto the LORD. 


Not unlike the Holy Nation of Yisrael, the inanimate land in Kabbalah has a frequency vibration from the L-RD and it has its own Holy Shabbos for the Holy Land.


3 Six years thou shalt sow thy field, and six years thou shalt prune thy vineyard, and gather in the produce thereof. 4 But in the seventh year shall be a sabbath of solemn rest for the land, a sabbath unto the LORD; thou shalt neither sow thy field, nor prune thy vineyard. 


Similar to the worldly Shabbos, every seven years, the holiness of the land of Yisrael gets a Shabbos and not that of other nations. This is the Shmita and now work at all except to save a tree from a disaster such as mites or disease similar to Pekuach Nefesh for mankind.


5 That which grows of itself of thy harvest thou shalt not reap, and the grapes of thy undressed vine thou shalt not gather; it shall be a year of solemn rest for the land. 


In modern Israel, it is ridiculous for somebody in a city like Tel Aviv, Ashkelon, Ashdod to take a bus back and forth to Chevron or even a vineyard on a Kibbutz. The time and bus fare are more expensive than importing grapes. Rather, the farmer gives his land to Beis Din and Beis Din via the farmer collects for distribution at cost of workers gathering for Beis Din, Kashrus Supervisors, Truck Drivers and store clerks. Our society is no longer agricultural like in the days of Ruth gathering the forgotten Sheath.


6 And the sabbath-produce of the land shall be for food for you: for thee, and for thy servant and for thy maid, and for thy hired servant and for the settler by thy side that sojourn with thee; 7 and for thy cattle, and for the beasts that are in thy land, shall all the increase thereof be for food. 


Instead of keeping the cows in a pen or stable, they can roam the farmer’s field. In normal years, cotton plants are pulled up and replanted from seeds but during Shmita, they are not pulled up but kept alive only where Beis Din supervises as those who rely on selling the land, they are in theory working for a non-Jew on his land.


8 And thou shalt number seven sabbaths of years unto thee, seven times seven years; and there shall be unto thee the days of seven sabbaths of years, even forty and nine years. 9 Then shalt thou make proclamation with the blast of the horn on the tenth day of the seventh month; in the day of atonement shall ye make proclamation with the horn throughout all your land. 


After seven Shmita Years, one observes an extra year called the Yovel and on Yom Kippur the Shofar is blown to proclaim liberty for Jewish Slaves.


10 And ye shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof; it shall be a jubilee unto you; and ye shall return every man unto his possession, and ye shall return every man unto his family. 


The Liberty does not apply to non-Jewish slaves as they are considered property of the master. How does a Jew become a slave? He has stolen something or famine has made him sell himself. If he stole, Beis Din sells him and if he is impovished, he sells himself or his daughter as even a Shiduch for the Master or his Son. She goes out upon reaching maturity if the Master or his Son does not marry her. He goes out after six years or if he married the non-Jewish Slave goes out on the Yovel even if he had his ear drilled to the door post as mentioned elsewhere.


Return to his family. Unlike modern Eretz Yisrael. The land was parceled out to tribes and families. After Yom Kippur in the Yovel Year, a man who sold his family inheritance would claim it back. If he was not alive then his sons or like Tzalphad his daughters.


11 A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be unto you; ye shall not sow, neither reap that which grows of itself in it, nor gather the grapes in it of the undressed vines. 12 For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy unto you; ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field. 13 In this year of jubilee ye shall return every man unto his possession. 14 And if thou sell aught unto thy neighbor, or buy of thy neighbor's hand, ye shall not wrong one another. 15 According to the number of years after the jubilee thou shalt buy of thy neighbor, and according unto the number of years of the crops he shall sell unto thee. 16 According to the multitude of the years thou shalt increase the price thereof, and according to the fewness of the years thou shalt diminish the price of it; for the number of crops doth he sell unto thee. 17 And ye shall not wrong one another; but thou shalt fear thy God; for I am the LORD your God. 


Let us say, that I want to learn Torah and write my BlogSpot instead of working my family land. At close to 77, I no longer want to plow the field. I can give it to my sons to work the land or lease it out until the next Yovel at so and so much percentage of crops and sales per year.


18 Wherefore ye shall do My statutes, and keep Mine ordinances and do them; and ye shall dwell in the land in safety. 


About an hour ago, to this writing, I finally met the Op-Ed writer Diane Weber Bederman and her friend Carol. Her friend Carol mentioned that the division that was sewn by the non-religious in Tel Aviv at the Nila Prayer on Yom Kippur Sept. 25th scared the living daylights out of Carol. She had a gut feeling that G-D would not let such Sinas Chinom (groundless hatred) among Jews go unpunished. It did not take long; the book was sealed and less than two weeks later we got our answer. Remember that the Airforce was supposed to report to COS and Defense Minister on Oct. 15th if with the striking reserve pilots we would be ready for war. They wanted a form of military coup but got what G-D wanted. BUT WHAT A PRICE! Now they want to disband the Yeshiva Prayer and Learning protection for the army. WHEN G-D SAYS to follow the statutes and ordinances AND DO THEM. HE means business and then you shall dwell in safety. I am for drafting the non-Yeshiva people like I was or my son who could only learn a up to 8 hours a day and was in Hesder Yeshiva fighting unit. But don’t play with fire!


19 And the land shall yield her fruit, and ye shall eat until ye have enough, and dwell therein in safety. 


You follow the saying of Perkei Avos: Chapter 3:17 Rabbi Eleazar Ben Azariah said: If there is no flour, there is no Torah; if there is no Torah, there is no flour. We do not know the full dynamics and safety net from Heaven nor how our income comes about but we should not call those that study Torah for next to no income “parasites”.


20 And if ye shall say: 'What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we may not sow, nor gather in our increase'; 21 then I will command My blessing upon you in the sixth year, and it shall bring forth produce for the three years. 22 And ye shall sow the eighth year, and eat of the produce, the old store; until the ninth year, until her produce come in, ye shall eat the old store. 23 And the land shall not be sold in perpetuity; for the land is Mine; for ye are strangers and settlers with Me. 24 And in all the land of your possession ye shall grant a redemption for the land. 


So it was in the sixth year and the Shmita Year was 5733 and in 5734 on Yom Kippur in midday a siren roared throughout the land.


25 If thy brother be waxen poor, and sell some of his possession, then shall his kinsman that is next unto him come, and shall redeem that which his brother hath sold. 26 And if a man have no one to redeem it, and he be waxen rich and find sufficient means to redeem it; 27 then let him count the years of the sale thereof, and restore the overplus unto the man to whom he sold it; and he shall return unto his possession. 28 But if he have not sufficient means to get it back for himself, then that which he hath sold shall remain in the hand of him that hath bought it until the year of jubilee; and in the jubilee it shall go out, and he shall return unto his possession. 


If one of your extended family is so down and out that he has to sell his land, then a brother or cousin should try to redeem it for him. However, if this repeats itself, one is exempt as one does not have to go above and beyond the help asked for by the Torah.


29 And if a man sell a dwelling-house in a walled city, then he may redeem it within a whole year after it is sold; for a full year shall he have the right of redemption. 30 And if it be not redeemed within the space of a full year, then the house that is in the walled city shall be made sure in perpetuity to him that bought it, throughout his generations; it shall not go out in the jubilee. 


This goes for a private house or condominium. However, in modern civil law once sold it cannot be redeemed.


31 But the houses of the villages which have no wall round about them shall be reckoned with the fields of the country; they may be redeemed, and they shall go out in the jubilee. 


This would apply for a farming village but not small non-agricultural villages.


32 But as for the cities of the Levites, the houses of the cities of their possession, the Levites shall have a perpetual right of redemption. 33 And if a man purchase of the Levites, then the house that was sold in the city of his possession, shall go out in the jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel. 34 But the fields of the open land about their cities may not be sold; for that is their perpetual possession. 


The Leviim had no portion in the land of Eretz Yisrael. Since they were holy, they would serve in 24 shifts in the Mishkan and Mikdash with holidays participating in song at the Korbanos. So they were given 24 villages-cities with the surrounding areas for growing crops or having their own farm animals. They would also be teachers in the area.


35 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and his means fail with thee; then thou shalt uphold him: as a stranger and a settler shall he live with thee. 36 Take thou no interest of him or increase; but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee. 37 Thou shalt not give him thy money upon interest, nor give him thy victuals for increase. 


You shall not charge interest on money lent out. (How will you be rewarded for this? The answer is in the following Pasuk and HE is the loan guarantor.)


38 I am the LORD your God, who brought you forth out of the land of Egypt, to give you the land of Canaan, to be your God. 39 And if thy brother be waxen poor with thee, and sell himself unto thee, thou shalt not make him to serve as a bondservant. 40 As a hired servant, and as a settler, he shall be with thee; he shall serve with thee unto the year of jubilee. 


The general practice is to sell oneself to be a slave/servant until the Shmita Year. However, if he loves the slave girl (non-Jew who has dipped in the Mikvah already pending her release as a full Jew. She is property of her owner along with her children) he then can have his ear drilled to the door post and remain up to the Yovel. He is then freed with worker’s compensation for all his years of work.


41 Then shall he go out from thee, he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return. 


After six years maximum or the Yovel, the Jewish bondman shall be freed and he returns to his ancestral land.


42 For they are My servants, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt; they shall not be sold as bondmen. 


The Beit Din might sell a person when it has cause or a father a daughter for a Shiduch for a rich man or his son.


43 Thou shalt not rule over him with rigor; but shalt fear thy God. 


The Jewish ‘Slave’-bondman shall not be treated like one’s property but rather like an employee. Remember Rabbi Akiva was an employee of Kalba-Savua. Rachel the daughter of the rich man found Akiva the shepherd to be intelligent and tried to convince him to learn Torah. After he saw the hole made in a stone by dripping water, he realized that drop by drop he could learn Torah and the ultra-wealthy girl married him and lost her inheritance for 24years of poverty. This is the attitude an employer/master should have towards his Jewish employee or bondman. There is no Simon Lagree in Israel pursuing runaway ‘slaves’.


44 And as for thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, whom thou mayest have: of the nations that are round about you, of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. 45 Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them may ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they have begotten in your land; and they may be your possession. 46 And ye may make them an inheritance for your children after you, to hold for a possession: of them may ye take your bondmen forever; but over your brethren the children of Israel ye shall not rule, one over another, with rigor. 


Even non-Jewish slaves (property of the owner), whether from the land of Canaan or conquered, were to be treated with dignity. They were not to be strung up in a shed with chains and beaten but to be treated like any domestic servant of the rich today such as a cook, maid or butler. One should allow them their dignity in their work.


47 And if a stranger who is a settler with thee be waxen rich, and thy brother be waxen poor beside him, and sell himself unto the stranger who is a settler with thee, or to the offshoot of a stranger's family, 48 after that he is sold he may be redeemed; one of his brethren may redeem him; 49 or his uncle, or his uncle's son, may redeem him, or any that is nigh of kin unto him of his family may redeem him; or if he be waxen rich, he may redeem himself. 


During years of famine a person might sell himself and his relatives or produce from his land could help pay for his redemption.


50 And he shall reckon with him that bought him from the year that he sold himself to him unto the year of jubilee; and the price of his sale shall be according unto the number of years; according to the time of a hired servant shall he be with him. 


The Torah is telling you that you must give worker’s compensation to your “Hebrew slave”. That is why I call him a servant. Eved Ivri might be translated as slave but he is a Hebrew in all ways for you. Sometimes, the “slave” was freed so that he could testify for the declaration of the new moon and even a non-Jewish Slave, who had been to Mikvah, could be freed to become a full Jew for this purpose. [The general consensus among the Rabbis was that one should not lightly free non-Jewish Slaves.]


51 If there be yet many years, according unto them he shall give back the price of his redemption out of the money that he was bought for. 


The cost of redemption early in the redemption process.


52 And if there remain but few years unto the year of jubilee, then he shall reckon with him; according unto his years shall he give back the price of his redemption. 53 As a servant hired year by year shall he be with him; he shall not rule with rigor over him in thy sight. 54 And if he be not redeemed by any of these means, then he shall go out in the year of jubilee, he, and his children with him. 55 For unto Me the children of Israel are servants; they are My servants whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: I am the LORD your God.


The ending according to Rashi implies that perhaps the L-RD has made him poor and you rich, but remember it is I, the L-RD your G-D, that took you out of Mitzrayim and have made you wealth so behave yourself and serve ME in awe and treat your servants correctly.


2:1 Ye shall make you no idols, neither shall ye rear you up a graven image, or a pillar, neither shall ye place any figured stone in your land, to bow down unto it; for I am the LORD your God. 2 Ye shall keep My sabbaths, and reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD.


My Shabbosos in including Shabbos, Shmita and Yovel.


I am the L-RD meaning I will give reward [to those who fulfill my Shabbos].  



The following is from Chabad Magazine since it has a copywrite and I did not get permission to copy and paste I only supply the link. Rabbi Tilles and Torah.Org permit.



The Jolted German Jew by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles



Two hundred years ago, Germany was a place of flourishing Judaism. Despite the inroads of the Reform movement, hundreds of thousands of G-d fearing Jews faithfully learned and kept the Torah of their fathers.


One of these Jews, who we will call Mr. Deutch (even though his name is not known anymore), had big problems. His 12-year-old son was deaf and mute; he had not spoken or heard a word since birth, could not read or write, and apparently was doomed to a life of ignorance and silence.


But Mr. Deutch did not give up easily; he brought the boy to the greatest specialists and professors in the world. However, they all concluded that although the lad seemed to be intelligent and could perhaps be taught to perform simple tasks, he would certainly never be able to actually function normally.


Sometime later, a strange rumor reached Mr. Deutch's ears. Someone told him that in Poland there were Jews called 'Chasidim' who stressed joy and boundless enthusiasm and had leaders called 'Rebbes' that did miracles such as…healing the sick.


At first, he didn't believe it; Jews? Miracles? Things like that only happened thousands of years ago, by people like Elijah the prophet. But now? In the 18th century? Out of the question!


And what was this business about joy and excitement? In Germany this was totally unheard of. German Judaism was, above all, normal, balanced, and formal. Miracles, rarely, if ever entered the picture and even joy was restricted to certain occasions and holidays.


But as he made more inquires and heard more details, he began to pay attention. People were saying that there was a Jew called Rabbi Yissachar-DovBer of Radoshitz, nicknamed the 'Sabba Kadisha' ('holy grandfather'), who was a genius in Torah, knew all the books, had thousands of pupils, and people came to him with their problems from all over Europe for whom he did miracles!


Mr. Deutch thought it over for a few weeks and finally decided to give it a try. He took a briefcase filled it with money, packed his bags, got into his fancy carriage with his son, and a few days later they were standing in the Synagogue of the "Holy Sabba of Radoshitz," waiting to be called for an audience.


The Rebbe's door opened. A strikingly impressive Jew exited who introduced himself as [Rabbi] Shlomo of Radomsk, a pupil of the holy Rabbi (who in time would also become a holy Rebbe with thousands of followers of his own) and invited them to enter.


Mr. Deutch entered with his son and was immediately struck by the holiness of the old Rabbi sitting before him. The Rabbi asked what he wanted and Mr. Deutch, knowing that this was his last hope, began weeping as he explained his problem and finished, tears running down his face, with a promise from the depths of his broken heart:


"Rebbe, if you can heal my son I'm willing to give you everything I own, Everything! To start with, here is a briefcase full of money. Take it! And if you cure my son, I'll sign over to you all the rest!"


With this he burst out into uncontrollable weeping, while his son just looked on from his world of silence with a blank, slightly perplexed look on his face.


The Rebbe of Radoshitz looked at him for a few seconds, nodded his head in agreement and calmly said, "Listen, my friend. I will make you a deal. Keep your money. All your riches can remain in your hands. You don't have to give me even one penny. You can continue being a businessman, invest your money and continue doing good deeds. Your money won't help. All I want is a promise."


Mr. Deutch was all ears. He leaned forward expecting to hear a complicated message. The Rebbe continued.


"I want you to promise that you won't cut your beard, not even trim it, and let your peyos (hair hanging from the sides of the head adjacent to the ears) grow from now on."


At first Mr. Deutch didn't understand. The Rebbe didn't want his money? How could that be? He was ready to pay a lot of money... even all his money. Besides, what possible good could come from a beard? Exactly the opposite was the case! In Germany, top priority was given to being clean and neat. A full beard (and especially with peyos) was sort of primitive and…ugly!! He would be ostracized!


"Please, Rabbi," gasped Mr. Deutch as he leaned forward and almost whispered to the Rebbe. "Anything but that! I'm prepared to give you all my belongings; everything I have in the world. Dear Rabbi, think of the charity and good deeds you could do with all that money.


"It's more than you think, Rabbi. I'm talking about millions of marks! Please reconsider. People will understand. But a beard I cannot do! How could I show my face before my family and friends? I am the head of the Jewish community of my city! I would be looked at as if a madman."


The Rabbi gazed at him with soft eyes and answered, "If you truly want your son to be healed then you must do as I say. The decision is in your hands."


After a few moments of painful contemplation, Mr. Deutch nodded his head in agreement. He lovingly stroked his son's hair, and announced emotionally that he was prepared to follow the Rebbe's orders.


But, he begged to be given just two more weeks. In two weeks would be the wedding of his niece. After the wedding he could grow the beard and peyos, and before the wedding he would get all his family ready for the change.


The 'tzadik' (holy Jew) gave him a sympathetic look that seemed to suggest perhaps he would agree to such a reasonable request…but no. The Rebbe's response was:


"No my friend, you must begin today. If you don't, I cannot help you."


Mr. Deutch closed his eyes; it was obvious that an inner battle was raging in his heart. Tears dripped down his cheeks. He wiped them off, then took out a handkerchief, blew his nose, and stood straight. Quietly but assertively, he exclaimed:


"Yes Rabbi, I shall do as you say. From now on, beginning today, I'll grow a beard and side locks."


The Rebbe smiled and nodded firmly, shook Mr. Deutch's hand, and invited him to join him and his chasidim (followers) at his Shabbat table the next evening.


The word spread like fire, and on Shabbat evening (Shabbat and the holidays begin at sunset) every Jewish male in Radoshitz was crowded in the large room surrounding the hundred or so chasidim sitting along three sides of the well-supplied and decorated long table.


The Rebbe sat at the head of the table, his pupil Rabbi Shlomo of Radomsk at his right, with a slightly unshaven Mr. Deutch and son sat next to him. Tens of other senior chasidim took cramped places around the table waiting for the Rebbe to fill his cup with wine and make the Kiddush prayer over a cup of wine to begin the meal.


The Rebbe closed his eyes while the hundreds of chasidim sang an exceptionally beautiful, soulful song. It was as though the room had been transported to another world.


Suddenly the Rebbe opened his eyes and motioned for one of the chassidim to pour him wine. He then proceeded to stand, lift the full silver cup slowly, and recited the 'Kiddush' (which praises G-d for giving the Holy Shabbat). After, he sat and drank half of its contents.


The Rebbe motioned to the boy to come to him. The crowd suddenly was absolutely silent. When the boy stood slowly and approached the Rebbe you could hear a pin drop.


The Rebbe extended his sanctified cup of wine, and told Shlomo of Radomsk to hold it with him. Together, they put it up to the child's lips, whereupon the Rebbe instructed quietly: "Now my son, say the blessing on the wine!"


The boy hesitated for a moment, looked intently at the wine in the cup, cleared his throat, and pronounced word-by-word in a shaky high-pitched voice, "Boruch-ataw ... Melech-HaOlom-Borei-Pri-HaGefen," and took a sip.


Mr. Deutch began to laugh and cry alternately. He stood, then sat, shook hands and hugged everyone around him, especially his son--everyone except, of course, the Rebbe. The chasidim broke into joyous song and Mr. Deutch danced before all of them, raising his hands to the heavens and alternately yelling "Danks Got," and kissing his son over and over again.


Finally, when the confusion died down and Mr. Deutch caught his breath he stood on a chair and announced, "Today everyone made a big profit. I kept my money and got a talking son."


One of the chasidim added, "and also a beard with peyos!" Everyone laughed.


Mr. Deutch continued, "My son got his hearing and speaking!" Everyone clapped.


"But the Rebbe also got something. He now has a new chasid... me!" Loud applause.


"Until today I was deaf too. I was deaf to the joy and wonder of being a chasid. But it's never too late to start hearing!"

Source: Excepted and adapted by Yerachmiel Tilles from an article by Rabbi Tuvia Bolton in a 2013 email from his Yeshiva, Ohr Tmimim, in Kfar Chabad, Israel.

Biographic notes:
Rabbi Yissachar-DovBer of Radoshitz [1765-18 Sivan 1843], the 'Saba Kadisha' ('holy grandfather'), was a disciple of the Seer of Lublin and of the Holy Yid of Peshischa. Famed as a miracle maker, he lived in poverty as a simple tutor.

Rabbi Shlomo HaKohen Rabinowitz of Radomsk [1803 - 29 Adar 1866] was the chief rabbi and then the Rebbe in his town. He is the author of the Chasidic tome, "Tiferet Shlomo." His concern for the poor, his manner of speech and inspired melodious singing attracted thousands of followers.

Why This Week? The weekly Reading of Kedoshim: first and last verses 19:1, 20:26 ["Be holy"], and verses 19:27-28 [not to shave beard or peyos].



There is one more miracle(s) story that I have this week. Rachamim Pauli



An Iranian Jew was attacked and he killed his assailant in self-defense. He was ordered to pay some sort of a redemption fine in Islamic Law. The Jewish Community refused to pay it. He was supposed to be executed last Shabbos. The execution was postponed to Monday. Raisi, the butcher of Teheran, was the only one who could commute his sentence. On Sunday, the man who ordered 300 drones and missiles to attack Israel in one night was taken into the world of spirits. He will be judged after burial if evil spirits do not snatch his soul first.


Right now the Iranian Jew with international help has been given a month’s reprieve.



The Crashing Wheelchair by Rabbi Yerachmiel Tilles



Rabbi Chaim-Moshe Mendel was known to be one of the leading Ashkenazic Kabbalists of the previous generation. Born in the town Bistrita in Romania in the year 5662 (1902), he was ordained as a rabbi in Hungary. Before World War II he served as Dayan (a judge in a religious court) in Timisvar, Western Romania. During World War II he was sent to a labor camp in Romania, where due to the harsh living conditions and forced labor, he became disabled and suffered terrible tribulations all his life.


In the beginning of the Jewish month of Elul in 5709 (1949), he emigrated to Israel with his family. It seemed that the words of our Sages, "One of the three things that can only be acquired if accompanied by suffering is the Land of Israel," was proven by the hardship his family experienced. After descending from the ship in Haifa, they were housed in a camp for new immigrants. They were allocated a small and dilapidated tent. They shared the tent with mice and the strong sea wind shook their shelter.


Also, the heat and humidity in the middle of the summer were too hard to bear. Pearl, Rabbi Chaim-Moshe's wife, decided to go to Haifa to ask for help from the Admor (Rebbe) of Seret-Vizhnitz, Rabbi Eliezer Hagar, son of the Admor known as the "Makor Baruch" whom her father had been a follower of.


She was received warmly. The Rebbe listed to her attentively. When she finished, he advised her that the family should move to Tsfat. The dry and cool climate of that city was a great improvement and they started to feel more at ease.


That Rosh Hashanah, they heard knocking on the door of their shack, and Pearl went to open it. In the doorway stood a man and a woman. Without introduction the woman asked, "Are there Jews here from the city of Grosswardein?"[1]


"I am from Grosswardein," answered Pearl.


"You are Pearl Goodman!" exclaimed the woman. "I don't believe it!"


Deeply moved, the women embraced.


The woman's name was Sabo. Pearl's grandfather was Rabbi Meir- Zeev Roshnak, a great scholar who lived in the city of Grosswardein close to the Sabos, who were a wealthy family. When the Sabo family immigrated to Israel they went to live in Tel Aviv. However, when it became close to Rosh Hashana, they decided to celebrate the holy festival in the "City of Kabbalah," Tsfat.


On the first night of the holiday, after the prayers, they decided to visit the neighborhood where the newly arrived immigrants lived, in the hope of encountering relatives or acquaintances. While walking through the street, something attracted their attention. Through the window of one of the shacks they saw a woman lighting Yom Tov (festival) candles. They noticed that next to her a man with a radiant, joyful face was lying in a bed.


"We saw the presence of G-d hovering over their house," they would say later. This was the reason they decided to knock on the door.


When the strong emotions of the reunion had calmed, Mrs. Sabo turned to Rabbi Chaim-Moshe. "Why didn't the rabbi go to the synagogue on the night of Rosh Hashana?"


"To my great regret I cannot walk," answered the rabbi softly, with quiet acceptance of the bitterness of his fate. "I do not have the means to hire people to carry me to the shul."


Seeing Rabbi Chaim-Moshe laying on his sickbed broke Mrs. Sabo's heart. She immediately decided she would do all in her power to help him and cheer him up.


The couple's faces became somber. "What can we do for you?" Mrs. Sabo asked generously. The rabbi's answered surprised her.


"I know that if I can go to Meron to pray at the tziyun (burial place) of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, I will be healed."


The decisiveness with which these words were said convinced Mrs. Sabo to fulfill his request. She asked her husband to pay for the ride to nearby Meron [15-minute drive]. "We will make every effort, even if it is only to make the rabbi feel better!" she stated assertively.


The couple arranged the trip with alacrity. The day after Rosh Hashana, on the Fast of Gedaliah, they hired an ambulance with four male nurses who would assist the Rabbi in reaching the tziyun.


When Mr. and Mrs. Sabo together with Rabbi Chaim-Moshe, Pearl and the others arrived in Meron, emotions were high. "Please bring me to the holy tziyun and leave me there by myself," requested the Rabbi.


He spent a long time there, praying to the Creator of the world. He spilled out his heart and begged G-d to send him a speedy recovery. At a certain point he felt sure that his prayers had been answered! He called the nurses and asked them to lift him out to the wheelchair. "I don't need this anymore," he said to the incredulous men.


His second request struck them with utter astonishment. "As soon as I get up, take the chair and throw it down the mountain."


His determined instruction amazed everyone. And when Rabbi Chaim-Moshe stood up on his own, they were even more amazed.


All present watched as the wheelchair was pushed off the mountain, breaking into pieces along the way to the bottom. They stood in wonder as the rabbi took several steps. None of them had ever seen such a miracle.


"In your merit I was healed," Rabbi Chaim-Moshe said to Mr. Sabo, his voice shaking with emotion. "I bless you with long life till ripe old age."


To Mrs. Sabo he said, "I know that all this is because of you. I bless you that you will live as long as the numerical value of "l'chaim" [98], and that you will have the strength and health to practice kindness with G-d's creations till your last day, with a clear mind."


This heart-felt blessing was fulfilled in its entirety. Mrs. Sabo died on her 98th birthday. Several years before that she became very ill. It seemed that her end was near. Her son, who was taking care of her, heard her whisper, "Master of the world, I'm not giving up on the blessing of the tzadik (pure, righteous person)."


Immediately after that her health improved. She recovered and lived out her years according to the wondrous blessing of Rabbi Chaim-Moshe Mendel. Till her last day she occupied herself with charity and helping others, among them many elderly and lonely people.

Source: Translated by Mrs. C.R. Benami, long-time editorial assistant for, and revised and supplemented by R. Yerachmiel Tilles from the popular Hebrew weekly, Sichat HaShavua #1896 (5-5-2023).

Biographical notes:
Rabbi Chaim-Moshe ben Meir-Yosef Mendel [1902 - 4 Tammuz 1996] was born in the town Bistrita in Romania. He was ordained as a rabbi in Hungary, and before World War II he served as Dayan (a judge in a religious court) in Timisvar, Western Romania.
He tried hard to conceal his deeds and holiness, but after R' Yisrael Abuchatzera [the "Baba Sali"] and the Kabbalist Rabbi Moshe Yakov Rabikov ["the shoemaker"] sent him people to be blessed, and even Admorim came to receive his blessing, he became renowned as one of the leading Ashkenazic Kabbalists of his generation, a performer of salvations and a great lover of Israel. Many thronged to him for his advice and blessings. He is buried in Bnei Brak. [This paragraph is excerpted from]

Rabbi Baruch Hager, the Seret-Viznitz Rebbe [1895-1963], known as the Makor Baruch, was the son of the Ahavas Yisrael of Vizhnitz [1860-1936]. He became the Admor of Seret-Vizhnitz after his father passed away. In Sivan 1947 he emigrated to Eretz Yisrael, eventually settling in Haifa where he established a yeshivah, a Talmud Torah and other Torah institutions. This laid the ground for the establishment of the famous community of Ramat Vizhnitz, built on the side of Haifa's Mount Carmel, laying its foundation stone on the 3rd day of Tammuz (!), 1954. [excerpted from]
[His brother, Rabbi Chaim-Meir Hager, settled in Bnei Brak after the Holocaust and started a large Vizhnitz community there. A son-in-law of Rabbi Chaim-Meir, Rabbi Moshe Ernster, founded and leads the Maor Chaim community in the southernmost district of Tsfat (Safed).]

Why this week? LAG B'OMER - Rabbi Shimon bar-Yochai, Meron

Footnote: [1] Oradea (in Hebrew and Yiddish texts the German name Grosswardein is used), is a city in Transylvania, West Romania, about 10 kilometers from the border with Hungary. (





Milestone: Yael Dayan, 85, Daughter of General Moshe Dayan. Was a member of the Knesset publicly went to the beach on Yom Kippur to fight religion.


Milestone: Ivan Boesky, 87, stock trader used insider info.



Inyanay Diyoma



Just before shutting down the computer Erev Shabbos it was announced that the bodies of three of the 40 dead captives were recovered. 129 still in captivity. IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in a press statement says the military has recovered the bodies of three hostages from the Gaza Strip. He names them as Itzhak Gelernter, Amit Buskila, and Shani Louk.


May 18th & May 19thDay 225 and Day 226 start of week 33 Part 1


So much for Egypt blocking off tunnels:


US Government Advises: Location: Worldwide: Event: Due to the potential for terrorist attacks, demonstrations, or violent actions against U.S. citizens and interests, the Department of State advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.  The Department of State is aware of the increased potential for   foreign terrorist organization-inspired violence against LGBTQI+ persons and events and advises U.S. citizens overseas to exercise increased caution.  U.S. citizens should:


Calling for an Inquisition into this:


KKK award goes to:


Day 225 and Day 226 Part 2


For some reason FB blocked the main headline of 700 tunnel entrances found of which 50 lead into Egypt. Some of them put Lamarche, Lincoln, Holland, Baltimore, the Carmel Mountains and a few more to shame.


Breaking: Iranian President’s Helicopter involved in crash.


I also left out the headlines from Friday just shutting down the computer Erev Shabbos it was announced that the bodies of three of the 40 dead captives were recovered. 129 still in captivity. IDF Spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari in a press statement says the military has recovered the bodies of three hostages from the Gaza Strip. He names them as Itzhak Gelernter, Amit Buskila, and Shani Louk.

On Shabbos, it was announced that the body of Ron Benyamin was recovered:


IDF intelligence, the IAF struck and eliminated the terrorist Azmi Abu Daqqa, an operative in Hamas’ Procurement Department who was actively involved in the smuggling of weapons and terror funds in the Gaza Strip.


Arabs set fires to Jewish Grazing Land twice.


A temporary IDF position close to the Gaza border has been standing for a week without any sentries, day and night. 20 tanks, bulldozers, APC, shells etc.


House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) addressed the Israeli Knesset today (Sunday) in a speech condemning the Biden Administration's recent decision to halt certain military aid to Israel over the IDF's operation in Rafah.


Truck overturns spill tons of Potatoes on Rt. 4.


Jabaliya: Soldiers have located large quantities of weapons, including explosives, anti-tank missiles, AK-47s, drones and grenades.


Story of the Higgs Boson:


El Al Security humiliates hero of Oct. 7th Police Officer on a mission for Israeli Government.


Op-Ed Col. Richard Kemp: Biden’s Rafah obsession strengthens Hamas.


Op-Ed Biden’s Doctrine vs. Israel’s Defense.


Attempted Stabbing:


The Beit Shemesh Magistrate's Court ordered the left-wing organization 'Kerem Navot' to compensate Tzvi Bar-Yosef, an owner of an agricultural farm near Neve Tzuf, after claiming that he is a "violent person".


Missing man found by Rabbi’s son and dog unit on Shabbos.


Dr. Phil on awareness for return of hostages.


Antiaircraft weapons another 50 terrorists eliminated by 401st Brigade. During operations conducted by the Givati Brigade, the soldiers have eliminated more than 80 terrorists in the area. In targeted raids, soldiers of the Tzabar Battalion located large quantities of weapons, including dozens of rifles, grenades, and ammunition. The Givati ​​Reconnaissance Unit also located significant underground tunnel infrastructure in the area. Right now in Gaza 9 Brigades operating that is the equivalent of 4 divisions or two armies.


Soldiers of the 101st battalion located a weapons warehouse with dozens of long-range rockets ready for use, dozens of rocket parts, explosives, and other weapons.


Why risk ground forces use air on Jenin.


Another take-out in Lebanon.


Terrorist’s brother arrested:


Investigation why plane lost bomb:


May 20th


Day 227


The hangman of Iran is gone:




Rocket statistics as or yesterday, there were close to 3,300 rockets shot from the south by Hamas and close to 3,600 shot by Hezballah.


On September 7th, 2023, precisely one month before the Hamas massacre, the IDF Northern Command held a seminar that discussed preparations for the next war, during which a dismal intelligence assessment of Hezbollah's capabilities was shared. 


… According to the brigade commander, a dedicated force would have to arrive and save the forces until the "big army" arrived. The working assumption in the IDF was that if Hezbollah launched a surprise attack, IDF forces on the northern border would not be able to repel it.


Bring Saar and Lieberman into the Cabinet.


UK Ambassador Hotovely "The young students are feeling it on the campuses here and some people feel it where they work or live.”


Damage control from the White House but actions speak louder than words.


British author Salman Rushdie warned that a Palestinian state would be a “Taliban-like state,” The Telegraph reported.


Cut funds to Harvard.


Toronto Jew bullying.


DID NOT LEARN FEAR OF HEAVEN OR LOVE OF G-D. Dozens of graduates of George Washington University on Sunday walked out of commencement ceremonies, disrupting university President Ellen Granberg’s speech, in protest over the war in Gaza and last week’s clearing of an on-campus protest encampment that involved police use of pepper spray and dozens of arrests.


US Natl Security Advisor visits Israel.


Hamas abused captured children:


FM to Congress Woman we need bipartisan support.


May 21st


Day 228


Behind the written news today, Israel is physically fighting on four fronts. Lebanon is mostly from the air or via artillery shells. Syria made the news today. Iran, Iraq and the Houthis are all under cover so there will be nothing to report. Jenin is the scene of a major fight with terrorists. In the morning, in daylight, the IDF entered Jenin. It seems that there was a major gathering of terrorists in a small area. At the beginning of the operation it was announced that 11 terrorists had been hit. One may ask the question: Why not a few 500pound bombs? The answer must be that it is worth capturing ten to twenty rats alive as each one has a few sponsors or friends behind their weapons purchases and lathes or machine shops to be dealt with. With a group this size about 50 to 100 logistic supporters also go to jail. Killing them outright would leave the infrastructure intact. Of course the main battles are with the 11 divisions fighting in Gaza. We have been warned that the enemy has long range (center of the country) rockets that they will use if needed.


Let’s also call a spade a spade. The underground tunnels into Egypt are a good source of income for Sinai Bedouins and Egyptian high-ranking officers to turn a blind eye as we are told in Parsha Shoftim that bribes blind the eyes of judges.


The antisemites in the world disguise themselves as Judges, Students, etc.


I am starting out today with the headlines that speak for themselves before going into other sites.


Biden caves in on Rafah through Jake Sullivan and understands that we have to use the Philadelphia Route to cut off Hamas’s weapon supplies and we have to work on freeing the hostages.

Herzog this is unprecedented.

Karim Kahn sounds like a Pakistani Name aka the prosecutor.


US Inflation wake-up call:


When a Conservative like myself says “Vote for Amy the Democrat” you know it’s bad.


AI abuse:


Gold and Silver rally.


Assad’s wife has Leukemia besides cancer.


Hotel Security Officer stole money from evacuees.


Rockets, Mag, grenades found in Mosque.


100’s Cannon Fodder for Sinwar:


The elite SIGINT Unit 8200 commander recently decided to promote and honor two officers in the unit, who were responsible until recently for intelligence collection in the Gaza Strip, and commanded units that failed in their task to provide an early warning of the impending Hamas invasion.


Twins, a boy and a girl, were born to the Ginzburg family of Beitar Illit, five years after two of their children perished in a house fire.


Tulkarem: Drone vs. terrorists.


The IDF Spokesperson's Unit cleared for publication on Tuesday morning that a reservist from the Rotem Battalion of the Givati Brigade was seriously injured on Monday in a battle in the southern Gaza Strip.


Sergeant First Class Omer Kabilio, an alumnus of the Nechalim Yeshiva, was killed while en route to operational activity in northern Israel.


UAV’s from the east:


Holocaust survivor and Honorary President of the Israel Heritage Foundation Jerry Wartski joined Arutz Sheva - Israel National News to discuss an issue that has drawn significant controversy in Israel - a trend of comparing the October 7th massacre to the Holocaust.


Baby fighting cancer miraculously wakes up.


May 22nd


Day 229


Thomas B. sent me this Op-Ed by Sara Stein:


Only 3 Lag B’Omer fires allowed with 10 people each.


30 terrorists in fight initial reports.


I suspect there is something more to this: APC hit in Jenin.


What garbage was injected in me 4 times?


Shooting at firefighters by terrorists.


COS we are ready to take risks retrieve bodies or captives.


Some terrorists’ commanders eliminated in Gaza.


The parents of the five female observers kidnapped from the Nahal Oz base, who remain in Hamas captivity, decided today (Wednesday), to release the video footage of their daughters' abduction to the public and media. Still pictures show the girls in summer pajamas the brutal sections of the film not to be released.


Only one third of Hamas eliminated. 65% still intact.


I Like this man – he tells it straight forward. Economy Minister Nir Barkat (Likud) today (Tuesday) sharply criticized members of his party, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, calling them "cowards" in their handling of the war against the Hamas terrorist organization.


Soldier seriously injured.


Duped by Egypt on hostages. Egyptian intelligence quietly changed the terms of a ceasefire proposal that Israel had already signed off on earlier this month.


Captured coming out of tunnels.


May 23rd


Day 230


I started writing the news update with the story of the Attorney General vs. the ICC but then it was announced that three soldiers died int Beit Hanoun where we have returned for the third time. One soldier was seriously injured. Later in the day 30 rockets were sent on Kibbutz Ayelet HaShachar. Most shot down or let to land on a mountain with some shrubbery.


Footage of the capture of female soldiers in pajamas by dozens of terrorist over hours.


Commander before going into Rafah: "Here, we stand again moments before entering battle," the commander started. "This time, we were called to duty in the Rafah area. Today, we are in the days of the Omer (mourning period). The days we take on customs of mourning for the deaths of 24 thousand disciples of Rabbi Akiva who did not respect each other.


Oct. 7th: British paper publishes confessions of terrorists: The father and son duo went on to describe how they, together with their cousin, took turns violating a female victim, before murdering her. The son, Abdallah, then remorselessly confessed to raping several other women and murdering others. "Before this woman, we had raped another girl as well, I killed two people, I raped two people, and I broke into five houses."


Attorney General the ICC has no authority.


Op-Ed Yossi Yehoshua Israel cannot postpone decision on Northern Israel.


The video of the abduction of 5 soldier girls.


The Supreme Court has issued a conditional order calling on the Environmental Protection Ministry, Public Security Ministry, and Health Ministry to take action on the issue of environmental disturbances caused by a person smoking in his home, when the smoke enters the neighbors' homes, Israel Hayom reported.


Cuban American Congresswoman tells it like it is over Hispanic Judge in NY who is a Biden Donor.


The IDF in Jabaliya photos:


Rocket launcher w/rockets in Rafah found.


Hamas has captives in Rafah:


2year old forgotten in car Zal.


Disengagement Law in Northern Samaria ended.


Goat smothered to death in attempted Pesach Sheni Korban. THE TIME HAS NOT COME!


The IDF published video from Jenin showing a terrorist fleeing into a hospital and barricading himself inside the building.


House Speaker Mike Johnson said on Wednesday he spoke to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and they are working to coordinate a date for Netanyahu to give a joint address to Congress.


White House to oppose unilateral recognition of “Palestinian State”.


PM received four warning letters about Hamas.


Op-Ed Dr. M. Sherman Surging antisemitism blaming the victim instead of the victimizer.


Columbia cutting ties but cannot enter Ramallah without Israeli Approval.


Wife of fallen soldier gives birth to boy.


During the Obama Administration, the US State Department prevented the FBI from arresting people connected to Iran's illicit nuclear weapons and ballistic missile programs, including "known terrorists," two Republican Senators said in a bombshell accusation.


This week’s Shabbos Times:


Gal Arad, a sprinter and third-year student University of New Mexico (UNM) studying computer science, returned to Israel this week after school officials told him that they were concerned for his safety. The school even purchased a plane ticket for Arad.


Pray for Soldier: Aharon ben Sara Hendl.


IDF eliminates terrorists in Rafah and Central Gaza.


Germany will obey arrest warrant if issued.




26minutes Piers Morgan interview with Pres. Herzog.


Newborns from the womb recognize their mother’s voice and bilingual mothers give babies different nerve endings.


May 24th


Day 231


We have detailed plans for the north.


There is a report that Sara Netanyahu is pressing Bibi to release the girl soldiers.


IDF recovers three more bodies lowering hostage count to 129.


ICC how antisemitic?


US to be involved in Administration of Gaza after the war.


June 1st starts hurricane season. Prediction of 17 to 25 names storms. 8-13 Hurricanes:


Police stop robot delivery to antisemitic protest.


German police cleared about 150 pro-Palestinian Arab demonstrators from a Berlin university on Thursday.


Father of captive girl talks.


I have to cut down on my Omega 3.


Expected 3,500 got 25,000.


Libertarian Convention.


Only 40 light years away an earth like planet.


UAV in north.


US Service man on Gaza Pier critically injured.


Pentagon no decision on weapons shipment.


IDF refused to supply a canine. The soldiers went on the raid anyway and were hit by an IED planted by Hamas, which killed several.


The Republican National Committee (RNC) has appointed Elizabeth Pipko, a young, Jewish New Yorker with Ivy League credentials, as its newest spokesperson.


Dozens of extremist Haredim blocked the intersection of Sarei Israel Street and Jaffa Road in central Jerusalem on Thursday afternoon in protest of the Draft Law.



Have a healthy, peaceful and restful Shabbos,

Rachamim Pauli